Dermatology Exam 2 Flashcards
MC benign cutaneous neoplasm; tend to be hereditary
Discrete raised, rough, hyperkeratotic, papules to plaque. verrucous appearing “stuck on “ Greasy
Tx= None, Liquid N2 ( may recur after tx)
Seborrheic Keratitis
Chewed gum
2-3 mm dome shaped papules brown to clack.
Hyperkeratotic, pedunculated or verrucous papules
cheeks around eyes bilaterally. MC Africans / Hispanics
Tx=none Liquid N2–> hypopigment
Electrocautery, curette. Shave or excise tx 1 1st see response
Dermatosis papulosis Nigra
(Morgan Freeman)
AKA “Barnacles” from vascular insufficiency. (Xerosis) MC in elderly light skin pts w/ peripheral edema
1-10mm round, dry hyperkeratotic papules warty lesions
Stuck on lesion @ ankles, feet (dorsum) fore arms and hands
Tx= none (poor healing & infection) Will recur
Stucco Keratosis
Stuck on but at feet
skin colored to brown, soft pedunculated 1mm-1cm at eyelids, neck, goring, buttocks axilla & waist.
MC in obese
Tx= Large lesion- Excision
small lesion- Scissor excision, electro desiccation, cryo surgery
Acrochordon Skin Tags
3-10 mm slightly raised, pink-brown, sometimes scaly hard growths 1- 10 lesions that retract beneath skin surface.
MC @ ant lower legs (Shaving) reactive to trauma collection of fibroblasts, endothelial cells & histocytes
Pruritic or tender then asymptomatic. Dimples when squeezed.
Tx- Removal w punch biopsyor reg excision. cryosurgery to decrease color; If rapid growth = invasive tumor
Dermatofibromas (Nipple looking)
Small tumors of enlarged glands. Begin as small yellow papules, become dome shaped with central puncta.
Location =Face. Sun damage with oily skin > 30 y/o
collection of mature ____ Glands
Tx- none Curette, shave bx, electrosurgery, can extend into dermis and scar. (Differ w BCC w/ telangectasia)
Sebaceous Hyperplasia
Volcanic gland looking
Benign tumor adipose tissue MC. Soft pillow, mobile sub Q lesions. 1-10+ cm at trunk and extremeties
MC in mid 20s Asymptomatic. Tender if large and blood vessels component.
Tx- Excision or none (will not recur) if fast growing- consider malignant
Lipoma (Chaplin)
Sweat duct tumor. 1-3 mm small, firm, flesh, colored dermal papules. under eyes/lower lids;
Less common on forehead, chest, abdomen, Vulva. Young women 20-30s asymptomatic
Tx- None (risk scarring) cosmetic= electro desiccation & curettage.. elevation and excision shave w #11
Sandy eye granules
Tumors that grow on nerves throughout the body
(Nerve sheath tumor) flesh pinkish-white;
soft pedunculated, 2-20 cm button hole sign= invaginated through skin with pressure; firm waxy
Aillary freckles and café-au-lait spots( von recklinhausen NF1) VR -NF1
Tx - none (Bothersome = excise) 2 or more suspect VR NF1
Different size stuck spitballs
Raised red hyperpigmented firm shiny smooth surface. Abnormal large scar. extends beyond borders of wound
MC shoulders and chest; predisposed- 2ndary infx, may become painful or pruritic
Tx - No effective therapy; intralesion steroid/5FU, laser
Hypertrophic Scar Keloid
Epithelial tumor solitary discrete, smooth dome shaped red papule rapid expansion to 1-2 cm hyperkeratotic core
Limbs MC sun exposed surfaces MC > 60 y/o possible viral HPV; self resolves, but don’t wait = appears to SCC
TX excise send to path r/o SCC: recureent= Intralesion 5FU or methotrexate
Donut with Central core
Persistent localized rough feelin to skin- starts as are of increased vascularity. Erythema w scale. (ears and hand)
Sharp, adherent, yellow scale as lesion progresses. may resent as cutaneous horn (r/o SCC)
MC elderly w sun exposure (Pinna)
Tx- photo protection- complete skin exam ( Have all RF for SCC and BCC)
Actinic Keratosis
Yellow crusty nose
Lesion on superior aspect of pinna and tender, thin________ __________ __________.
A degeneration of underlying collagen
Tx- excise it and special pillow for sleeping
Chondrodermatitis Nodularis Helicis
Well defined borders, slightly elevated, red scaly plaques; very slow lateral growth.
Not localized to visible lesion (extends to follicles)
Low grade malignancy F/U q 6 mths slow growth
Tx= Electro desiccation and Curettage (ED and C)
LN2; Excision; Large =5 FU cream
Bowen’s Disease (AKA SCC In Situ)
Non regular/circular raised red w plaque
Women- MC LEs (Labia or oral mjucosa); Men- Scalp and ears. (Glans Uncircumcised)
Assoc. w/ HPV 8 Moist, red smooth, slightly raised plaque
Tx- 5FU Aldara or Laser
Erythroplasia of queyrat
Bowen’s Disease
2nd MC skin Cancer; UVA UVB MC precursor
Red, scaly persistent; hypertrophic lesion w ulcer or horn lip=ulcer
> M;W elderly sun exposed asymptomatic
Tx- ED and C (Small) Excision w Margins (Large)
Examine Lymph nodes F/U 12 mths
Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC)
pink/skin colored pearly firm, dome shaped papule has rolled border “ rodent ulcer”; bleed scabbing sore
MC invasive skin Cancer 85 % head and neck; Superficial= trunk > 40 y/o
sun induced malignant proliferation of basal layer of epidermis. Most Important RF= Inability to tan
Tx- Detect early; refer to derm-Mohs Micrographic sx
Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC) Rarely mets
A, B C D E of Nevi examination
- Asymmetry *Border irregularity
- Color variation * Diameter
- Evolving (Size, shape or new lesion)
Sharply circumscribed uniform colored papules or macules Common, enlarge in pregnancy/Puberty
Anywhere including palms, soles, mucosa: Common in exposed areas. w or w/o hair
TX- follow up w ABCs ; >100 F/U 6-12 mths ; Sx excision in suspected lesions
Melanocytic Nevus (Mole)
What are the three types of melanocytic Nevus?
Junction Nevi
Compound Nevi
Dermal Nevi
Type of Melanocytic nevi that nests in the epidermis/dermal junction. flat or slightly elevated
Light Brown-Brown black w uniform pigment < 0.5-0.8cm MC in child hood after age 2
Melanocytic Nevus nests into the dermis: slightly elevated to dome shaped, smooth or warty surface with or without hair
Uniformly round, oval and symmetric; white periphery = Halo nevus
raised Nipple like
All nevus cells in Dermis, sometimes in fat cells. Dome-shaped verrucous MC, pedunculated, sessile (raised)
Broad based, Skin colored, brown to black with hair lighter with age; common in adults
Dermal (Gua- a mole)
Considered a special Nevi: found at birth 1-20 cm. Most grow proportionally w child
Increased risk of malignancy if >=5% BSA or >20 Cm
Tx- Small= observe Med= remove @ puberty Large=Increased incidence of malignant melanoma even w removal
Congenital Melanocytic Nevi
AKA speckled lentiginous nevus; MC in adolescence, at birth or early infancy; Hairless oval irregular shape brown macule
Dotted w darker brown to black papular spots not related to sun exposure.
Tx- None Rare malignancy
Nevus Spilus
Spotted Macule
Either brown macule, a patch of hair or both. No nevus cells. Unilateral upper back or shoulder, upper arm, submammary
Never reported malignancy; This____ plus assoc. w ipsilateral breast or limp hypoplasia, scoliosis, Spina B.
Tx- Too large to remove; Hair removal laser tx and pigment
Becker’s Nevus