Dermatology basics Flashcards
What’s included in examination of the skin?
- site and no. lesions
- pattern and configuration
Describe individual lesions: SCAM
- Size
- Colour
- Associated 2ndary change
- Morphology + Margin
- Surface
- Consistency
- Mobility
- Tenderness
- Temperature
Systematic check:
- Scalp + hair
- Nails
- Mucous membranes
What are some good ways to describe individual lesions?
- Size
- Colour
- Associated 2ndary change
- Morphology + Margin
What is meant by ‘secondary changes’?
Secondary lesions
Problems that the rash/skin problem has caused. I.e. not part of original pathology
- Pruritus
- Lesion
- Rash
- Comedone
Pruritus: itching
Lesion: an area of altered skin
Rash: An eruption of areas of altered skin
Comedone: A plug in a sebaceous follicle containing altered sebum, bacteria and cellular debris. Two types: open (blackheads) and closed (whiteheads)
List and define some ways to describe lesion distribution?
Generalised: all over
Widespread: extensive cover
Localised: restricted to one area
Flexural: body folds (groin, neck, behind ears)
Extensor: Knees, elbows, shins
Pressure areas: sacrum, buttocks, heels
Dermatome: area supplied by single spinal nerve
Photosensitive: sun exposed areas (face, neck, back, hands
Koebner’s phenomenon: linear eruption arising at trauma site
What is Koebner’s phenomenon?
A linear eruption arising at the site of trauma
What is meant by
- Configuration
- Distribution
- Morphology
The pattern or shape of grouped lesions
The pattern of spread of lesions
Structure of the lesions themselves
List and define some ways to describe lesion configuration?
Discrete: individual lesions separated from each other
Confluent: lesions merging together
Linear: in a line
Target: concentric rings (circles within circles, like a dart board)
Annular: ring, circle
Discoid: round
Skin can change colour when there’s pathology. List and define terms used to describe.
Erythema: redness, caused by inflammation and vasodilatation
Petechiae, purpura, ecchymoses: red, purple colour, due to bleeding into skin or mucous membrane
Hypo-pigmentation: area of paler skin
De-pigmentation: areas of white skin due to absence of melanin
Hyper-pigmentation: darker areas of skin, can be post-inflammation
List and define terms used to describe morphology?
Macule: a flat area of altered skin
Patch: large flat area of altered skin
Papule: solid raised lesion < 5mm
Nodule: solid raised lesion >5mm
Plaque: palpable scaling raised lesion > 5mm
Vesicle: raised, clear, fluid filled lesion < 5mm
Bulla: raised, clear, fluid filled lesion > 5mm
Pustule: pus containing lesion < 5mm
Abscess: localised accumulation of pus in dermis or subcutaneous tissues
Wheal: transient raised lesion due to dermal oedema, i.e urticaria
Boil: staph infection around or within a hair follicle
Carbuncle: staph infection of adjacent hair follicles
List and define some examples of secondary lesions?
Lichenification: thickened, roughened, darkened skin due to excess itching
Excoriation: loss of epidermis due to itching
Scale: flakes of stratum corneum
Fissure: crack in skin die to excessive dryness
Crust: rough surface of dried serum, blood, bacteria, cellular debris that’s exuded through epidermis
Scar: new fibrous tissue which occurs post wound healing
Ulcer: loss of epidermis and dermis
Striae: linear areas that occur after pregnancy, growth spurt, steroid use
What types of scar are there?
Atrophic: thinning
Hypertrophic: hyperproliferation within wound boundary
Keloidal: hyperproliferation beyond wound boundary
What colours do striae progress through?
Purple to pink to white
- alopecia
- hirsutism
- hypertrichosis?
Alopecia: loss of hair
Hirsutism: androgen dependent hair growth in women
Hypertrichosis: non-androgen dependent pattern of hair growth, like in a naevus
List and define nail problems that are seen in dermatology.
Clubbing: loss of angle between posterior nail fold and nail plate
Koilonychia: spoon shaped depression of nail plate
Onycholysis: separation of the distal end of the nail bed
Pitting: punctuate depressions of nail plate
Causes of:
- clubbing
- koilonychia
- onycholysis
- pitting?
Clubbing: cyanotic heart disease, respiratory disease, IBD
Koilonychia: iron deficiency anaemia, congenital
Onycholysis: trauma, psoriasis, fungal nail
Pitting: psoriasis, eczema, alopecia