Dermatology A&P Flashcards
The four types of human tissue.
Muscle Tissue
Nervous Tissue
Epithelial tissue
Connective Tissue
Medical term for skin and main portion of the integumentary system.
Binds organs together
Protects and supports the body and its organs
Stores energy reserves as fat
Provides immunity
Connective Tissue
They provide contact or adhesion between neighboring cells or between a cell and
extracellular matrix.
Cell Junctions
Form barrier against water and antigens passing between individual epithelial
Tight Junction
Cell-cell adhesions continuously assembled & disassembled so cells can respond changes in their microenvironment.
Ahderens Junctions
Form stable adhesive junctions between cells
Allows various molecules & electrical signals to pass freely between cells
Gap Junctions
Epithelial tissue is broadly categorized as either
Covering and lining epithelium
Glandular epithelium
most superficial layer of cells
Apical layer
deepest layer of the cells
Basal layer
Thin extracellular structure composed mostly of protein fibers
Located between the epithelium and underlying connective tissue layer
(Helps to bind and support the epithelium
Basement membrane
2 ways of classifying epithelial tissue
based on shape
based on number of layers
4 types of morphology
Squamous, Cuboidal, Columnar, and Transitional
in, flat shape allows rapid passage of substances through them
Found in areas such as the lining of the esophagus, mouth and cervix
Squamous Epithelium
Frequently have microvilli at apical surface
Tall as they are wide and shaped like cubes or hexagons
Found in areas such as the salivary glands and thyroid follicles
Cuboidal Epithelium
Taller than they are wide
Often specialized for secretion and absorption
Lines most organs of the GI tract, respiratory tract, and fallopian tubes
Columnar Epithelium
) Able to change shape from flat to cuboidal and back depending on tension & distention of tissue.
urinary bladder
Transitional Epithelium
A single layer of cells that functions in a diffusion, osmosis, filtration, secretion and
Simple epithelium
) It is simple epithelium that appears be stratified because the cell nuclei lie at
different levels and not all cells reach the apical surface.
goblet cells
Pseudostratified epithelium
Cilia provide two forms of locomotion depending on the cell
Ciliated Epithelial Cells
increase the surface area of a cell by multiplying the area from 2 dimensions to 3 dimensions.