dermatology Flashcards
What are the clinical features if plaque psoriasis ?
salmon pink lesions with silvery white scales and well defined boundaries
Which medications can worsen or aggravate existing psoriasis?
lithium, antimalarials and BB. Less commonly implicated include digoxin
amiodarone, clonidine, penicillin, tetracycline, terbinafine, bupropion and sulphonamides.
How is athletes foot characterised ?
itching, flaking and fissuring of the skin and will appear white and soggy. Feet often smell. Usual site of infection is toe web, especially the fourth web space.
Where does warts occurs ?
backs of the hands, fingers and knees, either singly or in crops.
How to use salicylic acid products ?
prior to using soak in warm water and towel dry. The surface of the wart or verruca should be rubbed with a pumice stone or emery board to remove any hard skin. Do this at least once a week.
How should soft corns be treated ?
refer to podiatrist
What are the clinical features of scabies ?
severe itching, especially at night. Affects the finger webs, the sides of the fingers and wrists.
In what age group can permethrin and malathion be used ?
over 2 months: permethrin
over 6 months: malathion
What advice to give regarding permethrin ?
use one full tube as a single application to ensure total body coverage, wash off after 8 to 12 hours. Repeat treatment after 7 days
How should malathion be use ?
apply and leave for 24 hours, repeat after 7 days
What is angular cheilitis?
corners of the mouth become cracked, fissured and red, The lesions can become boggy and macerated and are slow to heal because movement of the mouth hinder healing of the lesions.
How to apply emollients after corticosteroids?
can be applied to the same area 30 minutes after corticosteroid