Dermatology Flashcards
Which bacteria most commonly infects patients with atopic dermatitis? Which virus?
S. aureus most commonly infects patients with atopic dermatitis. Eczema herpeticum is caused by HSV and can cause disseminated infection
What is the clinical presentation of seborrhea?
Seborrhea causes yellow or greasy scale overlying erythematous patches or plaques. It commonly affects the scalp, eyebrows, paranasal area, and external auditory canals, although the chest, axilla, and groin areas can also be affected.
What is the clinical presentation of intertrigo?
Intertrigo is an irritant dermatitis found in macerated skin folds. It presents with tender, brightly erythematous, moist patches.
Allergic contact dermatitis is an example of which type of hypersensitivity reaction?
Allergic contact dermatitis is caused by type 4 delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction.
How do you distinguish rosacea from acne vulgaris?
Unlike acne vulgaris, rosacea has telangiectasias without comedones.
What are the serious side effects of isotretinoin?
Isotretinoin is severely teratogenic. It is also associated with pseudotumor cerebri.
Which inflammatory scarring disease affects the axilla, groin, and perianal areas?
Hidradenitis suppurativa causes inflammatory scarring of the axilla, groin, and perianal areas.
Which finding on the buccal mucosa can be seen with measles? Describe and name the finding.
Koplik spots are white papules in the buccal mucosa surrounded by an erythematous border. They usually precede the skin lesions by several days.
Which viral infection causes hairy leukoplakia?
Oral hairy leukoplakia is caused by Epstein Barr virus.
A beefy red tongue is seen with which underlying disease states?
A beefy, red tongue (glossitis) is seen in pernicious anemia nad various vitamin B deficiencies. It can also be seen in glucagonomas.
If you see macroglossia, which underlying diseases should you consider?
Macroglossia is associated with myeloma, primary amyloidosis, lymphoma, hemangioma, acromegaly, hypothyroidism, angioedema, and Down syndrome.
Which adverse cutaneous reactions are associated with phenytoin?
Phenytoin can cause various adverse cutaneous reactions. These include a hypersensitivity syndrome (rash, facial edema, lymphadenopathy, and hepatitis), hypertrophied gums, and hirsutism.
What is gadolinium? Which adverse reaction can it have?
Gadolinium is used for MRI contrast. It can cause nephrogenic systemic sclerosis in patients with underlying renal insufficiency
Which drug class is the most common cause of angioedema?
ACE-inhibitors are the most common cause of angioedema.
Nail pitting with onycholysis is a fairly specific finding for which dermatologic disorder?
Nail pitting with onycholysis is fairly specific for psoriasis.
Which drugs should be added to the regimen for patients with psoriatic arthritis?
Psoriasis patients with psoriatic arthritis should be treated with immunosuppressants (MTX or cyclosporine) or biologic immunomodulators. The latter include TNF-alpha inhibitors (etanercept, infliximab, adalimumab), IL-12 and IL-23 blocker (ustekinumab (Stelara)), and IL-17A blocker ( secukinumab (Cosentyx) and ixekizumab (Taltz)).
Characterize the malar rash of systemic lupus.
The malar rash involves both cheeks and extends across the bridge of the nose, sparing the nasolabial fold. It is erythematous and either flat or slightly edematous. It often worsens with sunlight exposure (photosensitivity).
What are the manifestations of limited systemic sclerosis?
Limited systemic sclerosis is formerly called CREST syndrome. It presents with calcinosis cutis, Raynaud phenomenon, esophageal dysmotility, sclerodactyly, and telangiectasias.
What skin findings are associated with sarcoidosis?
Specific sarcoid skin findings include erythematous papules on the face, granulomatous changes in a scar, plaque-like lesions, and micropapular lesions. Nonspecific sarcoid skin findings include erythema nodosum and Lofgren syndrome. Lupus pernio is is a skin change ranging from violaceous (purple) lesions on the tip of the nose and earlobes.
What are the skin manifestations of dermatomyositis?
Dermatomyositis causes heliotrope rash of the eyelids, Gottron’s papules, and mechanic’s hands.
Pyoderma granulosum is associated with which systemic illness?
Pyoderma granulosum is most commonly associated with inflammatory bowel disease, but it can also be seen in rheumatoid arthritis and hematologic dyscrasias.
Which vitamin deficiency causes a photosensitivity dermatitis?
Niacin deficiency causes a photosensitive dermatitis.
What are the dermatologic manifestations of zinc deficiency?
Zinc deficiency causes an irritant eczematoid red rash with a prediliction for periorificial and acral areas.
Which vitamin deficiency causes follicular hyperkeratosis?
Vitamin C deficiency is associated with follicular hyperkeratosis.
Which 2 organisms can cause impetigo?
Impetigo is caused by S. aureus and streptococcus.
How does SSSS differ from TEN?
The skin separation in SSSS is more superficial than the depper separation of TEN.
Characterize the lesions of disseminated gonorrhea.
Disseminated gonorrhea causes a few (commonly < 12) hemorrhagic pustules on the extremities.
What is the significance of finding a lesion of ecthyma gangrenosum on physical exam?
Ecthyma gangrenosum is seen in pseudomonas septicemia.
Which antibiotic is used to treat cat bite?
Cat bite should be treated with amoxicillin/clavulanate to cover Pasteurella.
Characterize the rash of erythema migrans.
Erythema migrans is a slowly enlarging, annular, erythematous rash with a clear center.
Molluscum contagiosum, if seen in an adult, should raise your suspicion for which immunodeficiency?
Molluscum contagiosum in an adult should raise suspicion for HIV infection.
How does the dose of acyclovir differ when the drug is used to treat varicella and herpes simplex infections in the immunocompromised?
The dose of acyclovir to treat varicella is higher than that used to treat HSV.
Which tinea infections require oral therapy?
Tinea capitis requires treatment with an oral therapy. Otherwise, oral therapy is used for other dermatophyte infections that fail topical therapy. Tinea unguum involving more than ½ of the distal nail is unlikely to respond to topical therapy.
What are the treatments for head lice? Which topical treatment is not pesticide-based?
Head lice are treated with spinosad (85% effective), malathion (> 90% effective), topical ivermectin (~95% effective). Benzyl alcohol lotion 5% (Ulesfia) is a newer treatment that contains no neurotoxic pesticides and is ~75% effective.
What is the metastatic potential for BCC?
The metastatic potential of BCCC is < 0.1%.
Characterize the skin findings associated with porphyria cutanea tarda?
PCT causes hyperpigmentation, tense blisters in sun-exposed areas, milia, skin fragility, and increased facial hair.
Which type of hepatitis is associated with PCT?
PCT is associated with hepatitis C virus infection and resolves with treatment of the hepatitis C.
What is the pathognomonic lesion for erythema multiforme? Which virus is often the cause?
Erythema multiforme causes “target” lesions that frequently affect the palms and soles and mucus membranes.
Dermatitis herpetiformis is associated with which GI disorder?
Dermatitis herpetiformis is associated with celiac disease.
In which age group does nummular eczema occur? How is it treated?
Nummular eczema typically occurs in the elderly and have no pathologic significance
Which skin disorder is characterized by a “Christmas tree” pattern and a herald patch?
Pityriasis rosea is associated with a herald patch followed by a “christmas tree” pattern.
What skin finding might you see with a polyglandular autoimmune deficiency syndrome?
Vitiligo should make one suspect a polyglandular autoimmune deficiency syndrome.
Hyperpigmented areas of the axilla are associated with which disease states?
Acanthosis nigricans is associated with insulin resistance, diabetes, GI cancer, and several autoimmune problems. Overuse of niacin can also cause acanthosis nigricans.
Which diseases are on the short list of causes of black lesions?
Black lesions can be caused by rhinocerebral mucomycosis, anthrax, ecthyma gangrenosum, emboli to distal extremities, melanoma, lentigo, pigmented BCC, warfarin skin necrosis, pigmented seborrheic keratoses, and necrotic spider bite.
What is the significance of eruptive xanthomas?
Eruptive xanthomas are caused by severe hypertriglyceridemia.
What is the significance of dark atrophic macules in a diabetic?
Diabetic dermopathy is dark, atrophic macules on the shins. They have no clinical significance.