Dermatology Flashcards
Age: 30-40s
bulllae - thin and fragile, painful NOT ITCHY
involves mouth
Nikolsky’s sign
Pemphigus Vulgaris
“so bad it’s vulgar”
Abs in Pemphigus Vulgaris
Abs against desmosomes (against Ags in the intercellular spaces of the epidermal cells)
In what conditions can you see Nikolsky’s sign
Pemphigus Vulgaris
Staphylococcal Scalded Skin Syndrome
Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis
Dx and Tx of Pemphigus Vulgaris
DX: bx of skin
TX: PO glucocorticosteroids
Age: 70-80s
bulllae - tense, thick (don’t rupture), painful, ITCHY
Bullous Pemphigoid
Abs in Bullous Pemphigoid
Abs against hemidesmosomes (IgG and C3 deposits at dermal-epidermal junction)
Dx and Tx of Bullous Pemphigoid
DX: bx from edge of blister
TX: PO glucocorticosteroids
Non-healing PAINLESS blisters (increased fragility) on sun-exposed areas of the body (backs of hands and face)
Hyperpigmentation of skin
Hypertrichosis of face
Prophyria Cutanea Tarda
Def. in enzyme uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase = accumulation of porphyrins (in heme pathway)
What conditions are associated w/ Prophyria Cutanea Tarda
Hep C
Liver Disease
Dx and Tx of Prophyria Cutanea Tarda
DX: test for urinary uroporphyrins
- stop alcohol, estrogen use
- use sun protection
- use phlebotomy
- chloroquine to increase excretion of porphyrins
HSN Rxn Type I –> mediated by IgE and mast cell activation
wheals and hives
Common causes of Urticaria
MDXs insect bites foods emotions contact w/ latex
Causes of Chronic urticaria:
- cold
- vibration
- pressure on skin (dermatographism)
Tx of Urticaria
Acute Therapy: H1 antihistamines (eg. diphenhydramine) PO steroids (if life threatening)
Chronic Therapy:
Non-sedating antihistamines (eg. loratadine)
Desensitization (if trigger can’t be avoided)
Milder version of urticaria
Generally due to MDXs the pt is allergic to
Maculopapular eruption that blanches w/ pressure
Morbiliform Rash
TX: antihistamines
Targetlike lesions that can be confluent
On palms and soles
NO mucous membrane involvement
Nonspecific prodrome: fever, malaise, sore throat
Erythema Multiforme
TX: antihistamines
Causes of Erythema Multiforme
Infxn w/ herpes simplex (MCC) or mycoplasma
Malignancy and collagen vascular disease
- Sulfa drugs
- Phenytoin
- Allopurinol
Acute flu-like prodrome Rapid onset red macules, vesicles, bullae Mucous membrane involvement < 10-15% total body surface area Necrosis and sloughing of epidermis
Stevens-Johnson Syndrome
- admit to burn unit
Causes of Stevens-Johnson Syndrome
- Sulfa drugs
- Phenytoin
- Allopurinol
- Phenobarbital
30-100% total body surface area
40-50% mortality rate
Nikolsky’s sign (skin sloughs off easily)
Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis
DX: skin bx
Causes: MDX (vs. Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome caused by toxin from bacteria)
painful, red, raised nodules on anterior surface of shins
Erythema Nodosum
Causes of Erythema Nodosum
secondary to recent infxns (eg. strep) or inflammatory conditions including:
- pregnancy
- coccidioidomycosis
- histoplasmosis
- sarcoidosis (get CXR)
- UC
- syphilis
- hepatitis
Tx of Erythema Nodosum
Analgesics + NSAIDs
Tx underlying dx
scattered papules w/ some red, SCALY areas on scalp
lymphadenopathy and SCARRING
Tinea Capitis
DX: KOH prep of hair shaft
Tx of Tinea Capitis
PO antifungal
- -> griseofulvin
- -> terbinafine
- -> itraconazole
Prevent by not sharing hats/combs
Tx for nail fugal infxn
PO antifungal x 6 wks (fingernails) OR x 12 wks (toe nails)
- -> griseofulvin
- -> terbinafine
- -> itraconazole
on arms/legs
red, itchy, scaly, RING-SHAPED lesions w/ raised borders that CLEAR CENTRALLY while expanding peripherally
Tinea Corporis
Tx for Tinea Corporis
PO griseofulvin
fungal infxn of hands
seen in pts w/ pre-existing tinea pedis
red, itchy, scaly, cracking lesions
Tinea Manuum
Tx of Tinea Manuum
Topical antifungal (eg. miconazole)
HYPOPIGMENTED or light brown or pink macules often found on back, shoulders, or neck
Macules DON’T TAN (more apparent in summer/spring)
Tinea Versicolor (due to Malassezia furfur)
Dx and Tx of Tinea Versicolor
DX: see hyphae and spores (spaghetti and meatballs)
First line: ketoconazole 2% shampoo (selenium sulfide shampoo)
PO antifungal (if resistant to tx)
Tx Guidelines for Nail or Scalp Fungal Infxn
use PO antifungals:
- -> griseofulvin
- -> terbinafine (SE: hepatotoxic)
- -> itraconazole
Tx Guidelines for Fungal Infxn NOT involving hair or nail
use topical antifungals:
- -> terbinafine (SE: hepatotoxic)
- -> clotrimazole
- -> ketoconazole (SEs: hepatotoxic, gynecomastia)
- -> miconazole
- -> nystatin
Tx Guidelines for Bacterial Skin Infections (eg. impetigo, cellulitis, folliculitis)
use PO dicloxacillin or cephalexin
use IV oxacillin or nafcillin OR IV cefazolin
if suspecting MRSA use IV vanc (PO equivalent = clindamycin, linezolid, Bactrim, doxycycline)
weeping, crusting, oozing of skin
small, yellow (“honey colored”) pustules on face especially child
Non-Bullous Impetigo
Cause and Predisposing Factors to Non-Bullous Impetigo
S. aureus or S. pyogenes (Grp A Strep)
Predisposing Factors:
pre-existing skin trauma (eg. insect bite)
atopic dermatitis (eczema)
Tx of Non-Bullous Impetigo
TOPICAL mupirocin
Severe disease = PO dicloxacillin or cephalexin
Cause and Sxs of Bullous Impetigo
S. aureus ONLY
Rapidly growing flaccid bullae w/ yellow fld
Tx of Bullous Impetigo
PO dicloxacillin or cephalexin
abrupt onset
skin (eg. face) is bright red, hot and raised w/ sharp borders
area is painful and hyperesthetic to touch
fever, chills, malaise (systemic sxs)
Tx of Erysipelas
First Line: PO dicloxacillin or cephalexin Severe disease (w/ systemic sxs): IV oxacillin or nafcillin OR IV cefazolin
Complications of all skin infxns
Glomerulonephritis (NOT R. fever)