Dermatology Flashcards
What are finger-like connective tissue protrusions in the dermis called?
Dermal Papillae
What are the 5 layers of the epidermis?
Hint: Corn, Lucid, Grain, Spine, Base
Stratum Corneum - physical barrier
Stratum Lucidum - only in thick skin (palm, soles of feet)
Stratum Granulosum - superficial layer of nonkeratinized cells, has keratohyalin granules (produce filaggrin which cements keratin together)
Stratum Spinosum - has spinous/prick cells, contain desmosomes
Stratum Basale - aka Stratum Germinativum
What is the estimated age of gestation (EAG) when the embryo becomes a fetus?
60 days or 2 mos.
What is the earliest fetal and neonatal stool called?
What is the spontaneous hair loss of newborn called?
Telogen effluvium
This manifests like a cheesy varnish (an intact epithelium protected by a whitish greasy film)
It covers the skin and body folds of newborn for 4 weeks (extrauterine life)
Antibacterial and a lubricant
Vernix caseosa
This occurs in low birth weight infants
Upper half of body is pale while lower half of body is deep red
Disappears when infant is placed on his/her back/abdomen
Harlequin color change
Flaking off of vernix caseosa when it dries up leaves the newborn skin with intense _______.
Erythema neonatorum
Manifests as mottling and blotchy duskiness
May indicate Down’s syndrome if present after 6 mos
Cutis marmorata
Manifests as multiple, uniform, pinpoint yellowish papules in newborn
Reflects influence of maternal influence
Sebaceous gland hyperplasia
1-2 mm yellowish white keratinous cysts found in mouth of neonates, along alveolar ridges and midline of hard and soft palate
Epstein’s pearls
Also known as the mask of pregnancy
Blotchy, light to dark brown macules/patches
Melasma / cholasma
Common among the pregnant
Linear, pink-violaceous, atrophic lines caused by breakage of elastin fibers
Striae gravidarum / striae distensae
Stretch marks
5 mm, fresh colored (some hyperpigmented) pedunculated papules found in the lateral neck, axillae and chest of the pregnant during the latter stage of pregnancy
Molluscum fibrosum gravidarum /Acrochorcordon
Skin tags
Mild to moderate hair growth of the pregnant
Glandular activity of the pregnant. Increase or decrease?
1 Eccrine
2 Apocrine
3 Sebaceous
1 Increase
2 Decrease
3 Increase
Increased estrogen results to distension, fragility and proliferation of blood vessels among the pregnant
Skin condition is called?
Vascular angiomata (vascular spiders)
Conposition of dermis which attracts and binds water to preserve plumpness and turgor of skin
Natural moisturizing ingredient
Hyaluronic acid
Specialized cellular vesicles or organelles where melanin granules are inserted
Abscence of enzyme tyrosinase will disable tyrosine (substrate) from being converted to pheomelanin (fair skin) or eumelanin (dark skin)
What skin condition results?
Cell which presents antigens
Action results to allergic contact dermatitis
Langerhans cell