Dermatology 3% Flashcards
Acute Excema
Subacute Eczema
No bullae/vesicles
Chronic Eczema
Exogenous cauase of eczema
Contact dermatitis
Endogenous eczema
Atopic dermatitis
Seborrhic dermatitis
Atopic Dermatitis
aw Asthma/rhinitis inc'd IgE Childhood erythematous pruritic rashes Later in adulthood scabbed/excoriated lesions (on flex surfaces) Tx: Hydrants, emollients low dose hydrocortisone white flakes
Seborreheic dermatitis
white flakes face/scalp, upper chest aud canal
Caused by Pityrosporum
Severe caes in HIV pts
Tx: Oral/topical ketoconazole - selenium sulfide
40yo ex IVDU with severe seborrheic dermatitis wtd?
HIV test
Sebhorrheic keratosis
Warty brownish plaques in elderly (barnacles of elderly)
Give a stuck upon skin impression on face, back neck in exposed an dnon-exposed areas
can be pigmented or dark
NON malignant (not even pre-malginanct)
No tx required (except cosmetic if wanted)
Contact Dermatitis
Delayed type IV rxn - necket, chromium oleoresin (poisony ivy/oak) rubber
Tx: cool compresses, local steroids
Young female lac on finger while chopping vegeetables - clenaed and sutured - abx cream applied with occlusive dresseing- 3 days later c/o itching sensation and pain - on exam band aid uncovered - suture lin clean but surrouding erythem adn eruptive vesuicular lesions dx?
contact dermatitis
Med records clerk pw vesicular lesions itchy on fingers dx?
contact dermatitis
Lady with itchiness and eczema of upper yelids etio?
Pt p/w poson ivy exp w/in 2 hrs wtd?
Milia -
small keratin containing cyts on eleids, cheeks, nose, forehead
Tx: I&D
Open/closed comedone
topical tretinoin
Papular acrne (inflamm acne)
benozylperoxide + erythromycin
Cystic/nodular acne: sevre acne
acutane-> iso tretinoin
Female with severe acne wants accutane wtd?
Must be on OCP, and alt contraception aduring and oe month after completeing tx since accutean teratogen
Pt with predominatly comedone acne wtd?
Topical benzoyl peroxide, top tretinoin
Acne Rosacea
Acne like lesions in face - middle aged women
Flushing with exertion or sun exposure
Fine telangiectasies and scatter papuules -
Tx: oral tetracycline, topical flagyl**
Lichen Planus
Papulosquamous lesions of skin/MM Purpl papules with whie lines on surface Can occus with use of NSAIDS Cutaneous gravet vs host rx resembenls this Tx: High potency topical steroids r/o hep C
Hidradentits suppurativa
chronic inflamm/scarry invovling apocrine gland areas
tx: tetra/erythomycin
Quit smoking
middle aged woman pw recurreing episodes lumps in axilla - drains serous fluid - episodes resolve after sponatous draiing - no change in LN - has cath for 2 month sand loves gardening
Hidrandenitis suppurative
tx: Quit smoking
Koplik spots
Small white vesicles on erythematous base
seen in measles (rubeola), *salt granules?
precede skin lesions by several days
fever malaise, coryza, cough, conjunctivitis
rash starts on face and spreads to trunk
maculopapular CONFLUENT rash
Hairy Leukoplakia
Ribbed whiteness on lateral tongue, will not come off
HIV pts
cause by EBV
No tx needed… haart
Oral thrush
earliest opportunistic infection
Commonly seen in HIV pts T cell < 200 or inhaled steroids for asthma
Tx: oral nystatin swish/spit or fluconazole if severe
associated with: Amyloidosis MM Acromegaly Down's syndrome
Strawberry tongue
associated with:
Scarlet fever
kawasaki syndrome
Exanthematous/morbilliform (blanching rash)
Sulfonamides, B lactam; PCN
ASA, PCN, blood products, ACEi
Fixed drug reactions
Rash occuring at the same spot after rechallenge
Erythema multifomre
Recurrent HSV, mycoplasma, PCN, sulfa, phenytoin
Erythema Multiforme
Erythema multiforme
targetoid lesion MM may be involved Pt with recurrent EM -> r/o HSV tx/ppx acyclopvir \+Cough/CXR infiltrate -> cold agglutins -> myoplasma infxn Phenytoin, sulfa, PCN More sevrere with mucocutan -> SJS Tx: admit, remove agen IVIG/steroids
Erthematous skin rash-> blisters->necrolysis, denudation of skin, hmorrhagic crusting, hypotensive/tachy
Toxic epidermal myolysis (TEN)
Etio - idopathic, Sulfa, macrolide, erythro, dilantin
tx: D/c offending agent, IVF, IVIG, plasmaphereiss
Pt p.w generalized erythema, exfoliating dermatitis with bullae, pnch bx -
- If cleavage plane is stratum corneum -> infectious etio
2. If cleavage plane in stratum germinativum - > TEN 2/2 drugs - tx with IVIG
Pt call onset bullous lesions on chest after taking bactrim wtd?
See MD right away
Swimmers itch/Cercarial dermatitis
Larvae enter skin and diet - skin eruption with itching
Sea Bather’s eruption
Salt water jelly fish larvae get stuck between clothing - drying/showiering fresh water kills
Skin eruption wtih ithcing
Well defined erythematous skin lesion with DISTINCT SILVERY SCALES - puntate bleeding spot after peeling
erythrodermic vs pustualr
Doebneer’s phenomenon
abrasion leads to psoriatric lesion in spot
Erythrodermic psoriasis
Erythematous skin with silver scales Pt unable to regulate temp dehydration, hypo/hyperthermia, hypoalbum, Anemia chronic disease Precip by Sunburn Vira/bacterial infxn Anti malarial, gold lithium BB Anti NF tx Systemic steroids ETOH and malignancy DO NOT exacerbate
Pustular Psoriasis
Pustual ponds of pus
Pt with bipolar d/o o lithium p/w psoriatric skin lesino
d/c lithium
Ice pick like pittin gof nails
Oncholysis (separation of distal nail from nail bed)
Treatment of psoriasis
Acitretin Topical Steroids Syntheic Vit D3 analog Methotx Psoralen + UV rays = PUVA
Addison’s dz
hyperpigmented in oral mucosa and tan
Low BP, high K
MCC - autoimmune adrenalitis
nice tan bu tpassing out
Subacute Cutanous lupus
Ro/La+ (SSA/SSB) Speckled ANA + Anti dsDNA NEG Anti-sm neg Ro ag - can cross placenta and cause CONGENITAL heart block in newborn
Discoid Lupus
ANA neg
Anti DS-dna neg
Anti Sm neg
Lesional direct mmunofor +
C alcinosis cutis (Sq nodule) R aynaud's phenomenon E sophageal dysmotility S clerodactyly T elangiectasia
CREST most likely have which Ab
Anti centromere Abs
Erythema Nodosum
Red, painful warm nodules in shin
Young female - hilar LAD or inc’ 1,25 OHD3 -> SARCOID
Erythema nodosum - pt in 20’s with adb pain, cramping diarrhea +- hematochesia
Inflamm bowel dz (UC/CD)
Erthema nodosum other causes
Inflammatory bowel dz RA Leukemia Painful Tx: steroids NO ABx
Niacin def
Vit A def
Night blindness
White spots in conjunctiva
Vit C def (Scurvy)
Bleeeding gums, perifollicular hemorrhages in pt on BREAD AND TEA DIET
B2 def (Riboflavin)
Angular chelitis (inflamm of lips)
Vit B12 (cyanocobalamin) def
Atrophic glossitis (bald tongue) chelitis
Gum hypertrophy
Dilantin, nifedipine
Zinc deficiency
Eczemotoid red rash on nasolabial folds, ext surfaces/perineum, scrotum anal alrea
Pt on TPN and dvelops rash and alopeica
well definesed reddish lesion in axilla, groin, toe webs
G+ corynebacterium
Wood lamp - bright red florescence
Tx: Oral erythromycin
Disseminated gonnoccal infxn
ctx neg
You pt p/w fever, malaise, sore throat -> vesiclar lesions on tongue, buccal musosa -> later painful vessivular lesions on hand and feet -
Dx: Hand/foot/mouth dz
Coxsackie virus
Ecthyma gangrenoum
Neutropenic pt with pseduomonas infxn
Fever, h/a, myalgia, macular rash -> petechial rash (stopped blanching)
Verrucous wart - Young pt wtih papule on finger for several months gradually inc’d in size - pain occasionally while holding a pen - verrucous 1/2cm papules on sides of finger in the DIP
Verruca vulgaris (common wart) Tx: Topical Salicyclic acid
Condyloma Lata (painless broad plaques)
Condyloma Acuminata (pedunculated or sessile)
HPV 6,11t?
Young woman pw uprotected sexual encougter with person with myultple sex partners and wart on penis - worried she might catch it wtd
PAp smear -
if neg - repeat pap 6-12 months
Molluscum Contagiosum
MC spreads to face
Smooth umbilicated papules
Pox virus
tx: cryotherapy
Dew drop appearance, vesicular rash, in crops
Chicken pox
Herpes Zoster
Painful lesions
Tx: for post-herpetic nerualgia - > Desipramine
Pt with erythematous, annular scaly rash with central clearing, active advancing torder, scraping with KOH will reveal?
Septae branching hypae (Tinea)
Tx: Topical azol (terabine, ketoconazole)
Chronic tinea pedis MC form of tinea pedis
Slowly progressive prurtiic, ertyematous lesions between toes - fissues, ext into sold and side and top of foot
Head - tinea capitis Beard - tinea Barbae Body - Tinea Corporis Tinea on superficial skin - Tinea Versicolor Feet - > Tinea Pedis
Pt with h/o tinea pedis with maceration beetween toes pw ertyema of foot - etio of cellulitis?
Streptococus - cocci in chains
38yo M bald patch which started over past several weeks - exam with “black spots (broken hair follicles) microscopic exam reveals broken hair follicles woods lamp bright green florescence - dx?
Tinea capitis
tx: Griseofulvin
or ketoconazole
24yo F pw hair loss - gave birth to baby about 2 months ago wtd?
Reassurane - telogen Effluvium
Pt pw in summer after tanning - finds untannel areas - exam reveals hypopgmented patches - yeast like ball and sticks (meatball and spagehetti) on microscope dx?
Tinea Versicolor (superficial)
Tx: oral ketoconazole
Topical anti-fungal or selenium sulfide
55yo F with generalized itching esp at night - exam widespread EXCORIATIONS ring and middle finger spaces - 3yo granddaughter with simlar sx dx?
Tx: Permethin 5% - neck to toe wash off in AM
PO ivermectin
Skin Ca
Basal Cell Ca
Cancer with skin findings
Peutz-jehers syndrome -> colonoscopy
Sweeet syndrome -> underlying AMG
Glucoagonomas ->
Basal Cell Ca
Most common cause skin CA
Arises from epidermal basal cells
Etio: UV radiation aw sun exposure - sun expoed areas
Translucent pearly papules with telangiectasiasas (rodent eatten appearnce)
Speads by local extension - low metastatic potential (<0.1%)
Squamous Cell CA
keratinizing epidermal cells in exposed areas hands, forearms, ears, lower lip (lower lip highest met potential) arises from ACTINIC KERATOSIS fiars skin higher met pot than basal cell Lower lip -> 13% mets
AA pt with scar few years in R forarm recently enlarging
SCC (not keloid)
Middle aged lady comes back from vaca from florida, Gulf coast, carribbean pw lesion on back of neck - keratotic area with erythematous base
Actinic keratosis
Dysplastic Nevi
Irreguular borders
Dysplastic nevi predisopse to melanoma esp in pts with fhx melanoma
45yo M brothe rdx with malignant melanoma - has multiple nevi andhas not seen changes in them wtd?
Photograph nevi and follow periodically
Check for nevi in family and f/u
Counsel on avoiding sun exp and use sunscreen
(do not need to remove all nevi now)
Lentigo maligna melanoma
Risk factors Multiple sun burn in chilhood dysplastic nevus >6mm diameter FHx melanoma >25 nevi Fiar blond hair Immune suppression
Most important prognostic factor for melnoma
Depth of tumor
<50% alive at 5 years
70yo P pw routine checkup - lesion on cheek bigger adn pigmented gradually over 10 years no itching, no other complaints wtd?
Bx lesion r/o lentigo maligna melanoma Lentigo Maligna seen after age 60 in chronic sun exposed areas PRECURSOR TO MELANOMA tx wit hexcision bx Laser/liquid nitrogen INAPPROPRIATE
40yo dx with melanoma - greatest risk factor is
Multiple sunburns during childhood
24yo routine checkup >25 moles no change in color or character wtd?
avoid sun exposure picture documentation and f/u tanning saloons DO NOT DEC risk self exams for: A symetry B order irregularity C olor variation D iameter >6mm
High SPF lotion prects against
Solar keratosises and SCC (not melanoma or basal cell)
Avoid sun decreases ris of
55yo melanoma on leg LN+, further node dissection done - what will improve survival
Alpha interferon
60yo Pt with h/o renal tx on tacrolimus - what is most common CA in pt on immunosuppression?
Skin cancer
Pt on tacrolimus develops SCC - excised an tx’ed - wtd next?
Change tacrolimus to sirolimus
Pt on sirolmus develops SOB/pulm infiltrates - BAL lymphocytes and macros - wtd?
d/c sirolimus
Cutaneous T cell lymphoma
Mycosis fungoides
Sezary syndrome
Mycosis fungoides
cut T cell lympohoma
itchy - discrete colaseing patches, plaques, nodules
LN and other organs affected
Sezary Syndrome
Late stage mycosis fungoides skin rash pruritis sezary cells (lymhpocytes with hyperchromic and convoluted nuclei) tx: topical nitrogen mustalrd Psoralen PUVA
Padgets dz of nipple
MC cause of eczematous lesion of nipple is CONTACT dermatitis
If doesn’t respond to adequate tx consider PADGETs dz
aw dutal CA of breast
Tx: Wide excision
Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome)
Autosomal domiant vasc d/o with red to violet telangiectasia on lips, tongue, extremities
Can bleed - epistaxis or GIB -> IDA
Peutz Jegher’s syndrome
Pigmented lesions on lips/mouth
aw multiple hemartomatous polyps in GI tract - inc’d malignancy
Beefy red tongue aw glucoagonoma - also aw skin rash, central clearing (necrolytic migratory erythema
Occurs in perineum and prioral areas with chelitis
Hyperglycemia, islet tumor, wt loss
Needs colonoscopy
Sweets syndrome
necutrophilic infiltrate
need BM bx r/o AML
Blistering skin lesions - Pemphigus Vulgaris
Multiple oral ulcers
large LOOSE bulae some with denuded skin
Intraepidermal bulle ab vs Desmoglein 1/3 proteins
Pressure applied to one end cause ext at hoter end
Nikolsky sign - ruptures easily
60yo M 10 day ho severe oral sores and reash on trunk/upper arms, on exam mulple oral erosion on buccal mucosa and tongue - numberou edematous papules and bullae presssure applied to edge of blister causes extension dx?
Pemphigus vulgaris
Bullosu Pempohigoid
TENSE blisters
Pressure on one end DOES NOT extend other end
Do NOT rupture easily
Ab vs Bullous pemphigoid angtigen 1/2 - dermal/epidermal jnct
IgG+, C3/eos deposition at jnc
Tx: Oral tetracyclin/steroids
Pt pw comoplints of lesions on legs, which hasn’t gotten better in couple months - pt received blood tx in 1990 dx with Hep C - exam palpable purpura in extrem - B/Cr 60/7.2
CH50 and C4 dec - dx?
Mixed cryoglobulinemia
Dermatitis Herpetiformis (aw Celiac sprue, Hep C)
Grouped bullous/vesicular lesions in pt with fatigue, aneia and fatty, foul smelling stools
Very prurtic
Endosocpy neg for bleed, atrophic villi, small bx shows MONONUCLEAR INFITRATE in LAMINA PROPRIA (CELIAC SPRUE)
tx: Dapsone
aw Hep C
Granuloma annulare
Ring worm like lesion w/o scaling in extrem in young women/children
SELF LIMITING in months/years
Pityriasis Rosea
HERALD patch - followed by more lesions 1-2 wks later
Pruritic small papulosquamous oval lesions in young adults/children
Christmas tree patten, summer months
Tx: symptomatic, self limited
Macular depigmentation aw other autoimmun dz's (ab vs melanocytes) Addison's dz/adrenal insuff Graves DM Thyroid dysfxn Pernicious anemia
Cafe au lait spots
Brown macular lesions that occur in neurofibromatosis (von Reckling hausen dz)
If pt has HTN -> r/o PHEO
Acanthosis nigricans
Hyperpigmented skin witih THICKENED, VELVETY appearance
Axillae, backa dn sides of neck, inguinal creases, inframmamory
Obese pts
Insulin resistance
Kaposi’s sarcoma
tx: ART-> doxorubicin/daurorubicin
Eruptive xanthomas
Hyperlipidemias 1,4,5
Exposure to HIV ppx
Ralteglavir + 2NRTI
Necrobiosis lipioidica diabeticorum
Diabetic foot ulcers, if infected then…
Aggressive debridement, broad spectrum abx
if NOT infected - total contact cast to keep pressure off ulcer
Chronic venous ulcers
Zn impregnated dressing (una boot)
Chnronic venous ulcers WITH PAIN
Occulsive dressing
Best way to monitor for prevention of Diabetic foot ulcers
Monofilament testing
Acute Drugs - abx, antipyrietcs Infxn - viral, bacterial, parasitic, foods Chronic Physical factors - heat, cold touch press Infxn: SLE Serum sickness Pregnancy
Pt with raised erythematous area with itching for past on/off pt takes loratadine when she stops it it gets worse
Start Raniditidine
Pt with recurrent itching wheezing SOB, dizziness wit hypotensive crisis - abd pain and diarrhea, exam may or may not reveal hepatslpenomegaly dx?
Systemic mastocytosis
screening test - serum tryptase
Atheroembolism s/p cath - painful don’t blanch
dx: fundus shows small crystals
Skin bx
no serum complement
Tx: supportive care, control BP
Mask like hyperpigmentation
Etio - pregnancy, OCP
tx: sunscreen
bleaching agent (hydroquinoone cream)
with hyperthyroidism
Tx: steroids, surgery
low Ca, high Phos normal PTH -> endo organ resistance
Pt with short stature, short neck
Short metacarpalals and phalangeals, SOFT TISSUE Ca+
Nail d/o
white spots in nail
Renal failure
placing hands in water for long periods
Pain redness swelling of nail folds
Dx: paronychchia
Dx: staph, candida
IDA inc’d TF sat
Fish handlers
non-TB mycobacterium
Fungal, candida
scrape KOH prep
Tx: terbinafin or griseofulvin
Splinter hemorrhage
Endocarditis - c/w IV abx
Trichinellosis -> bear meat
Lifting off of the nail Idiopathic Trauma Psoriasis Hyperthyroid
Which of the following is manifestation of hyperthyroid
Hypertropic osteoarthropahy
Lung - CA, empyema idiopathic lung fibrosis (circulating immune complex)
Heart - congential HDz, bacterial endocarditis
GI cirrhosis, IBD