Dermatology Flashcards
What are the 4 layers of skin?
Basement membrane
Subcutaneous tissue
What is a pneumonic to help guide a dermatology consultation?
S- Site, ditribution
C - Colour
A - Associated changes e.g surface feautures
M - Morphology of individual lesions
What does ABCD stand for in dermatology to describe pigmented lesions?
A - Assymetry
B - Border
C - Colour
D - Diameter
What does a generalised distribution mean?
It all over the body
What describes a rash confined to areas with joints that flex e.g elbow crease
What distribution describes a rash confined to areas that extend e.g elbow
What word describes when areas affected by the rash are only ones that see sunlight?
Photosensitive distrubution
What word decribes when lesions are separated from one another?
Discrete ( configuration)
What word describes when lesions overlap each other?
What a linear configuration of a lesion indicate?
Koebner’s Phenomenon
What is Koebner’s Phenomenon?
Presence of inflammatory skin disease in response to trauma ( e.g scratching ) - usually psoriasis , lichen planus and vitiligo
What rash typically gives target shaped lesions?
Erythema Multiforme
What can cause Erythema Multiforme?
Herpes Simplex Virus
Mycoplasma Pneumoniae infection
What word describes when a skin change is red and blanching?
What word describes when a lesion is red/purple and non-blanching?
What is a purpuric rash?
Its when red blood cells have leaked out or extravasated to the skin
What word describes brown/ black pigmentation?
Pigmented or Hyperpigmented
What word describes loss of colour from skin?
What word describes total loss of colour from the skin? What condition is this specific for?
Depigmentation , usually Vitiligo
What word describes a build up of keratin on the skin?
What word describes dried exudate on the skin?
What word describes the appearance of erosions from scratching ?
Excoriation, implies rash is pruritic
What word describes partial or full thickness loss of skin?
Erosion = partial
Ulceration = full
What is a macule?
Flat lesion of altered colour that is <1cm
What is a patch?
A large flat area of altered colour >1cm
What is a Papule?
An elevated palpable lesion <1cm
What is a Nodule?
An elevated palpable lesion > 1cm
What is a cyst?
A papule or nodule that contains fluid so is fluctuant
What is a Plaque?
An elevated thickened lesion >1cm
What is a vesicle?
A fluid filled blister >1cm
What is a bulla
A fluid filled blister >1cm
What is a pustule?
A circumscribed lesion containing pus
What is a wheal?
A transient elevation of the skin due to dermal oedema , indicates urticaria/ urticaria like condition
What is a Comedone?
Open - whiteheads
Closed - blackheads
What is hair loss called?
How can alopecia be described?
Patchy or Diffuse
What is excess hair growth called?
What is excess hair growth in a masculine distribution called?
What is Koilonychia?
Spoon-shaped nails
What is Onycholysis ?
Splitting of the nail plate from the nail bed?
What word describes when lesion is affecting the distal extremities ( ears, fingers, toes, penis, nipples etc )
What word describes when lesions are confined to one or more segments of skin innervated by a single spinal nerve?
What word describes when lesion is round?