Dermal Hypertrophies Flashcards
What is the difference between hypertrophic scars and keloids?
Hypertrophic = raised and confined by the wound margin
Keloid = Keloids extend beyond the wound margin
Epidemiology of hypertrophic/keloid scars?
Higher incidence in darkly pigmented individuals of African ancestry.
Familial, possibly an autosomal dominant mode of inheritance with incomplete clinical penetrance and variable expression.
Tend to form in individuals between 10 and 30 yo
What are the 3 phases of normal wound healing?
What is the the cell and mechanism thought to contribute to the collagen synthesis increase seen in keloids?
Keloidal fibroblasts, and the mechanism is increased TGF-beta and PDGF, decreased production of MMP’s, reduced rate of apoptosis
What is a difference in timing between hypertrophic and keloid scars?
Keloids have delayed onset, hypertrophic scars happen w/ the injury (they heal that way)
Do keloids have myofibroblasts within nodules?
Somewhat controversial, but usually no or at least decreased as compared to hypertrophic scars where it is more classic to have increased myofibroblasts
In what types of scars can mast cells be seen in?
Both hypertrophic and keloids
What is the difference in treatment response between keloids and hypertrophic scars?
For resistant lesions, radiation can be considered in keloids, otherwise tx is fairly parellel
What is the histology of hypertrophic scars?
Increased fibroblasts/collagen oriented both parallel to the skin surface w/ whorled nodules and vertically oriented vessels
Histology of keloids?
Thick hyalinized collagen bundles in a haphazard array with mucinous ground substance and an increased number of fibroblasts.
Early on, there are abundant deposits of fibrillary collagen within the reticular dermis, while mature keloids often have strikingly thick, glassy, homogeneous collagen bundles; the latter are composed of multiple densely packed fibrils and are oriented haphazardly throughout the dermis.
There are fewer, if any, vertically oriented blood vessels, compared with hypertrophic scars.
Both keloids and hypertrophic scars have an absence of subepidermal adnexal structures.
CD34 neg (DFSP), Factor XIIIa neg (DF)
What is the best tx of keloids?
Prevention by avoiding non-essential surgeries
Can also use radiation therapy after an excision, cumulative dose of 28 Gy over 2-3 days.
What is Dupuytren’s contracture?
Thickening of palmar and digital fascia
- You get flexion contracture of affected digits
What cells are present in increased numbers in dupuytren’s contracture?
Myofibroblast proliferation is present followed by excess collagen synthesis
Treatment options for Dupuytren’s Contracture?
Fasciectomy/fasciotomy, injection of collagenase
What cytokines are thought to be involved in Dupuytren’s contracture?
TGF-Beta1 and TGF-Beta2