DERMA Flashcards
48 M
107 and 111 M
def, c/f, histopath, morphology, tx of lichen planus
27 derma
alopecia acreata - c/f, histopath, bad prognostic factors
36 derma
clinical signs, histopath, inv, tx of pemphigus vulgaris
61 derma
pathogenesis, c/f, comp, tx of herpes zoster
95 derma
variants of herpes zoster
95 derma
etio, c/f, inves, tx of scabies
123 derma
special form of scabies
125 derma
etio, types, course of leprosy
132 derma
intermediate leprosy, 4 factor classification of leprosy
134 derma
c/f and types of leprosy
135 derma
deformities in leprosy and lepra rxn
138 derma
cardinal features of leprosy, lepromin test and tx of leprosy
142 derma
etio, c/f and radiological findings of congen syphilis
156 derma
acquired syphillis
159 derma
syphillis d’emblee, treatment
162, 164 derma
eczema def, classifications
180 derma
contact dermatitis
181 derma
endogenous eczema
183 derma
atopic dermatitis - phases, pathogenesis, c/f, diagnosis and tx
184 derma
urticaria - class, def, etio, c/f, tx
190 derma
vitiligo - def, types, c/f, tx
201 derma
fixed drug eruptions
205 derma