Derm Path Flashcards
Partial or complete loss of pigment producing melanocytes within the epidermis
Increased melanin pigment along basal layer of epidermis. No melanocytes hyperplasia. Become darker when exposed to sun
Freckle (Ephelis)
Mask of pregnancy
Hyperpigmentation of face in pregnancy with increased melanin deposition along basal layer
Melasma epidermal type
Hyperpigmentation of face in pregnancy due to melanin pigment in cytoplasm of macrophages
Melasma dermal type
Benign linear melanocytes hyperplasia
Nested proliferation of melanocytes at the dermo-epidermal junction
Junctional Benign Melanocytic Nevus
Nested proliferation of melanocytes at the dermis only
Intradermal Benign Melanocytic Nevus
Nevis with variability in pigmentation and irregular borders. Associated with malignant melanoma
Dysplastic Nevi
Melanocytes positive for S-100 and HMB-45 antigens
Malignant Melanoma
Radial growth of malignant melanoma
Superficial Type
Superficial melanoma associated with sun damaged face in elderly
Lentigo Maligna
Risk of metastasis is directly proportional to
Depth of invasion
Round, flat, coin-like plaques with granular surface
Seborrheic Keratosis
Proliferation of benign basaloid keratinocytes with hyperkeratosis and horn pseudocyst formation
Seborrheic Keratosis
Thickened hyperpigemented areas are skin involving flexure areas
Acanthosis Nigricans
Soft, flesh colored, bag-like tumor with stalk
Acrochordon (AKA skin tag or fibroepithelial polyp)
Dermal or subcutaneous well-circumscribed, firm and movable nodules
Epithelial cysts (Wen)
Flesh colored, dome-shaped nodules with a central keratin plug and resembles a crater
Glassy eosinophilic cytoplasm
Rough sandpaper like lesions on sun exposed areas. May develop cutaneous horns
Actinic Keratosis
Keratin pearls with intracellular bridges
Squamous cell carcinoma
Pearly papules with telangiectasia
Basal Cell Carcinoma
Most aggressive BCC
Malignant cells containing neurosecretory cytoplasmic granules
Merkel Cell Carcinoma
Brown, tan, firm papules containing neoplastic fibroblasts and histiocytes
Benign Fibrous Histiocytoma
Most common type of fibrous histiocytoma
Fibroblasts arranged in storiform (basket-weave pattern)
Dermatofibrosarcoma Protuberans
Tumor like collection of foamy histiocytes within the dermis
Birbeck granules
Langerhans (histiocytosis X)
Sezary syndrome, CD4 (+), Pautrier’s microabscesses
Mycosis Fungoides
Dariers Sign, Mast cells