Derm Exanthems Flashcards
Fever, malaise, Koplik spots (bluish-white on red base), photophobia. Cough, coryza, conjunctivitis
Measles (rubeola)
Mild fever, malaise, arthralgia. Cervical, postauricular LPA.
Fine, pink rash
Exposure during pregnancy–> Fetal infx/death
German Measles (rubella)
Fever, Pruritic rash in varying stages ( pustular to crusted), “dewdrops on rose petal
Classically 9-12mos. Acute onset high fever lasting 3days, followed by rapid loss of fever and onset of mild, pink, morbiliform rash.
-Pathogen: Herepes virus 6
Roseola Infantum
Oral ulcers, HA, ST
Pathogen: Coxsackie
Slapped cheeks, HA, fever, ST, pruritus, congestion, ABD pain, arthralgia. 7-10 day symptoms break, then exanthem in 3 phases , clearing and reoccurring. Lace like rash.
Erthema Infectiosum/5th disease
Anorexia, abd pain, painful lesions
Hand foot mouth disease
Oval, fawn colored, scaly eruption following x-mss tree pattern, herald patch
Pityriasis Roasea