derm Flashcards
dx with wright stain showing multinucleated giant cell and eosinophilic intranuclear inclusions
neonatal herpes
incontinentia pegmenti
vesicles in a linear pattern without an erythematous base
rash present at birth with multiple pustules, brown macule, vesicles, pustules on a non erythematous base
transient neonatal pustular melanosis
“leaving a collarette”
more common in African Americans
gram stain in transient neonatal pustular melanosis
PMNs without organisms
neonatal rash with yellow pustules on an erythematous base
E tox
not present at birth
spares palms and soles
not in premies
fades in ~1wk
neonatal rash with generalized erythematous macules with solitary papules or vesicles in the center
E tox
not present at birth
spares palms and soles
not in premies
fades in ~1wk
gram stain in E tox
neonatal rash with diffuse scaling and erythematous papules and pustules
cutaneous candidiasis
eczema herpeticum
invasion of eczematous skin with herpes virus
-inflamed eczema which is not responding to steroids or abx
-vesicle and punched out or crusted lesions
-usually see on the face
tx w/ acyclovir
eczema with evidence of immunodeficiency
Wiskott Aldrich syndrome & hyperimmunoglobulin E syndrome
young child with seb derm also w/ profuse ear discharge and profuse urine output
histiocytosis x
how is the poison ivy rash contagious?
it isn’t!
fluid from the vesicles does not spread the rash
rash to the soles of the feet that is scaly, thick and has hyperlinearity of the distal soles with nl normal interdigital skin
juvenile plantar dermatosis
type of contact dermatitis
tx with steroids cream-triamcinoloone
erythematous plaques surrounded by thick adherent scales. with pinpoint hemorrhages under the plaques
pinpoint bleeding is called Auspitz sign
round, oozing, crusting, erosions and dry macules with scaly pattern
nummular eczema
small, oval, thick scaling plaques with the long axis lesions parallel to the likes of skin stress
pityriasis rosea
treatment for pityriasis rosea
but exposure to sun or light improves sx and may hasten resolution
thin scales with pasted on appearance
ichthyosis vulgaris
looks like fish skin
treatment for ichthyosis vulgaris
keratolytic agents- ammonium lactate cream
alpha hydroxy acid
urea containing emollients
non scaling annular lesion without epidermal involvement
granuloma annulare
what is the cause of staph scalded skin syndrome
exotoxin produced by staph aureus
what is the cause of toxic shock syndrome
caused by toxin production either by S aureus or strep- mortality of strep TSS is much higher than staph TSS
what is the cause of scarlet fever
toxin caused by erythrogenic exotoxin produced by GAS- commonly a/w strep pharyngitis
what is the difference of staph scalded skin and TEN
SSSS does not involve the dermis and TEN does
- distinguish by biopsy
- also SSSS often in younger kids and TEN in older kids
what is TEN from
a hypersensitivity rxn
rash with boggy and blue ulcers on a necrotic base
pyoderma gangrenosum
usual a/w systemic dz
erythema infectiousum
fifth disease
slapped cheek
a/w parvo
erythema marginatum
a/w rheumatic fevers Jones criteria Joint involvement w/migratory arthritis O myOcarditis Nodes subq Erythema marginatum Sydenham chorea
treatment for scabies
permethrin 5%
tx all family members bc highly contagious
how long can lice live away from scalp
36 hrs without a blood meal
maculae caeruleae
blue-grey macules on the abdomen or inner thigh
c/w pubic lice
treatment for molluscum
nothing! will clear in mos to yrs