der, die, das Flashcards
Nouns ending with – ung
Feminine - die Entscheidung (the decision)
Nouns ending with – tät
Feminine - die Universität (the university)
Nouns ending with – tion / – sion
Feminine - die Explosion (the explosion)
Nouns ending with – schaft
Feminine - die Gesellschaft (the society)
Nouns ending with – keit/ – heit
Feminine - die Schönheit (the beauty)
Nouns ending with – ie
Feminine - die Geographie (the geography)
Nouns ending with – enz / – anz
Feminine - die Toleranz (the tolerance)
Nouns ending with – ei
Feminine - die Schlägerei (the fight)
Nouns ending with – ur
Feminine - die Natur (the nature)
Nouns ending with – in
Feminine - die Boxerin (the [female] boxer)
Most nouns ending with – e
Feminine - die Lampe (the lamp)
Nouns ending with – ant
Masculine - der Konsonant (the consonant)
Nouns ending with – ast
Masculine - der Gast (the guest)
Nouns ending with – ich
Masculine - der Teppich (the carpet)
Nouns ending with – ismus
Masculine - der Marxismus (the Marxism)