Depression and suicide Flashcards
a variety of psychological illnesses that interfere with a person’s ability to participate in their normal activities because of negative moods and behaviors
Mental disorders
chemicals that assist in transmitting messages between nerve cells in the brain (Ex. Serotonin and endorphins). Certain neurotransmitters regulate mood and when they are not available in sufficient quantities the result can be depression.
a neurotransmitter involved in mood, sleep, appetite, and impulsive and aggressive behavior
physical or emotional pressures, demands or anything perceived as a threat, challenge or danger that can cause depression, panic or an episode of mania
normal, healthy, temporary emotion; feeling ‘blue’ or ‘down’ occasionally
an illness involving sadness, discouragement, despair or hopelessness lasting for two or more weeks
hopelessness and helplessness. People with depression tend to have negative and self-critical thoughts
isolation and alienation from social situations, friends and family
period of extreme anxiety and physical symptoms such as heart palpitations, shakiness, dizziness and racing thoughts
Panic attacks
wishing to be dead, thinking about suicide, or feeling hopeless and helpless about how to solve life’s problems
an illness in which periods of mania, depression and normal moods alternate
Bipolar disorder
treatment of behavioral and emotional concerns (mental or emotional disorders) by talking to a psychologist, psychiatrists or other mental health professional
a suicide prevention hotline staffed by the Samaritans, 1-877-252-8336.