Depression Flashcards
what is a depression?
is where cold polar air meets warm tropical air, leading warm front with trailing cold front, weather dominated by unstable conditions, air is rising resulting in low pressure.
how is precipitation formed?
warm air is forced over cold front condenses forming precipitation. short heavy rain over small area. the rising air cools and condenses forming clouds weather is often wet and cloudy
what precipitation does a warm front cause?
prolonged drizzle or rain over wide area due to shallow angle of front.
what happens when cold front meets the warm front?
due to cold moving faster it catches up and lifts the warm front creating an occluded front
what are impacts of depressions on people? warm
low cloud poor visibility - bad for most transport
continuous light rainfall - good for plants in summer bad for tourism, could cause build up of snow in winter
strong wind - possible impact on transport and structural damage
what are impacts of depressions on people? cold
heavy rain with hail - poor visibility possible flooding in summer, localised snowing in winter
strong wind - most forms of transport in summer, possible structural damage in winter
lightening - electrical supplies could be damaged
what are impacts of depressions on people? occluded
prolonged heavy rainfall - agriculture disruption in summer flood potential, same as summer in winter but also with widespread snow