Depression Flashcards
What is depression
A category of mood disorders, which is often divided into two main types: unipolar(low mood) and bipolar(the high mood followed by a crash of low mood)
What are the categories of depression in the DSM-5
Major depressive disorder( short term low mood)
Persistent depressive disorder(long term recurring depression)
Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder(Where children/teens have ongoing irritability, anger and intense anger outbursts)
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder(disruption to mood prior female menstruation)
What was Beck’s cognitive theory(cognitive triad)
Consists of 3 parts- negative self-schemes, Faulty information process, negative triad
What is a self-schema
A package of ideas that we have about ourselves
What might we believe if we have negative self-schemas
“I am ugly” “I am stupid”
What are cognitive biases
It is when people who are depressed make fundamental errors in logic. They misperceive reality
Beck proposed that depressed people tend to selectively attend to the negative aspects of a situation and ignore the positive aspects
What re the 5 cognitive biases
Overgeneralisation(general conclusion based on a single occurrence
Personalisation(Neagtive feelings are attributed to something about you)
Selective abstraction(Focusing on one aspect, overlook aspects leading to a positive conclusion)
Magnification(Exaggerating significance of events)
Minimisation(Underplaying positive events and outcomes)
What is the negative triad
Negative view of self, negative view of the world and negative view of future
Positives of Beck’s theory
- Science-based- cognition and Lab
- Practical applications-CBT
Supporting evidence- Grazioli and Terry(2000)- 65 pregnant women assessed for cog vulnerability and depression before and after birth. Those with high cog vulnerability were more likely to suffer from post-natal depression
Negatives of Beck’s theory
- Does not consider environmental aspects such as emotion and behavioural effects of depression
- Role of learning ignored
- Person centred
Explains basic symptoms but depression is a complex disorder with a range of symptoms, not of all which are explained
What is Albert Ellis’ theory called
ABC Model
What did he believe
Depressives mistakenly blae external events for their unhappiness
Their interpretation of these events is to blame for their distress
Ellis believed we have the general goal of happiness in life, with ourselves and others, life choices and situations but normal life is such that these things get blocked. The reaction to the block can either be rational or irrational. If irrational it leads to depression
What did the ABCs stand for
A- an action is affected by a
B- An individuals beliefs which results in a
C- A consequence
Strengths of Ellis’s theory
Practical applications- CBT
Easy to understand and use
Weaknesses of Ellis’ theory
- Partial explanation and very extreme
- Reductionist as it ignores biology/nature
- Very specific
- Thoughts are not necessarily irrational such as feeling sad after losing a job(Alloy and Abramson discovered depressive realists see things as they are