Deployments in the Cloud Flashcards
Beanstalk supports
ws server and linux
what hapens to RDS with beanstalk if environement is deleted
RDS deletes
Can beanstalk use lamdba
what does beanstalk support?
java, node js. go
what does IAM use when creating an enviornment?
instance profile, service role
Minnimum # of CodePiplene stages
CloudFormation Set Stacks
create, update, or delete stacks across multiple accounts and AWS Regions with a single operation.
A stack set lets you create stacks in AWS accounts across regions by using a single CloudFormation template.
Stack Set Operations
Create, Update, Delete
ElastiCache defined in .ebextensions
Any resources created as part of your .ebextensions is part of your Elastic Beanstalk template and will get deleted if the environment is terminated.