Dependent prepositions Flashcards
He apologized __ the policeman __ driving fast.
He apologized TO the policeman FOR driving fast.
- Apologize TO somebody
- Apologize FOR something
We’re arriving __ Milan on Sunday.
We’re arriving __ Malpensa airport at 3.45.
We’re arriving IN Milan on Sunday.
We’re arriving AT Malpensa airport at 3.45.
- Arrive IN + cities or countries.
- Arrive AT + all other places.
Who does this book belong __?
Who does this book belong TO?
I never argue __ my husband __ money.
I never argue WITH my husband ABOUT money.
- Argue WITH somebody
- Argue ABOUT something
Could you ask the waiter __ the bill?
Could you ask the waiter FOR the bill?
Do you believe __ ghosts?
Do you believe IN ghosts?
I can’t choose __ these two bags.
I can’t choose BETWEEN these two bags.
We might go out. It depends __ the weather.
We might go out. It depends ON the weather.
I dreamt __ my childhood last night.
I dreamt ABOUT/OF my childhood last night.
Don’t laugh __ me! I’m doing my best!
Don’t laugh AT me! I’m doing my best!
I’m really looking forward __ the party.
I’m really looking forward TO the party.
lf I pay __ the meal, can you get the drinks?
lf I pay FOR the meal, can you get the drinks?
This music reminds me __ our honeymoon in Italy.
This music reminds me OF our honeymoon in Italy.
I don’t spend a lot of money __ clothes.
I don’t spend a lot of money ON clothes.
My brother is afraid __ bats.
My brother is afraid OF bats.
She’s really angry __ her boyfriend __ last night.
She’s really angry WITH her boyfriend ABOUT last night.
- Angry WITH somebody
- Angry ABOUT something
I’ve never been good __ sport.
I’ve never been good AT sport.
Eat your vegetables. They’re good __ you.
Eat your vegetables. They’re good FOR you.
I’m very close __ my elder sister.
I’m very close TO my elder sister.
This exercise isn’t very different __ the last one.
This exercise isn’t very different FROM the last one.
We’re really excited __ going to Brazil.
We’re really excited ABOUT going to Brazil.
I’m fed up __ listening to you complaining.
I’m fed up WITH listening to you complaining.
Krakow is famous __ its main square.
Krakow is famous FOR its main square.
My sister is very interested __ astrology.
My sister is very interested IN astrology.
I’m very fond __ my little nephew. He’s adorable.
I’m very fond OF my little nephew. He’s adorable.
She’s very keen __ cycling. She does about 50 kilometres every weekend.
She’s very keen ON cycling. She does about 50 kilometres every weekend.
I don’t like people who aren’t kind __ animals.
I don’t like people who aren’t kind TO animals.
She used to be married __ a pop star.
She used to be married TO a pop star.
I’m really pleased __ my new motorbike.
I’m really pleased WITH my new motorbike.
My dad was very proud __ learning to ski.
My dad was very proud OF learning to ski.
Why are you always rude __ waiters and shop assistants?
Why are you always rude TO waiters and shop assistants?
Rachel is worried __ losing her job.
Rachel is worried ABOUT losing her job.
I’m tired __ walking. Let’s stop and have a rest.
I’m tired OF walking. Let’s stop and have a rest.