Department Bulletins Flashcards
<p>Who writes Departmental Bulletins?</p>
<ul> <li>Operations</li></ul>
<p>DB #03-24 - DuringPhase IV enforcementon Critical (Bl 212+) and Red Flag Alert Days, who will surveyall critical streets and immediately notify the LAPD when a serious parking violation is observed in the Severity Zone?</p>
<ol> <li></li> <li></li></ol>
<ul> <li>LADOT</li> <li>LAFD Brush Patrols</li></ul>
<p>DB #03-24 - (Priority Parking)Phase IV enforcement will require that surveys be performed by the LADOT on Critical (Bl \_\_\_\_+) and Red Flag Alert Days.</p>
<ul> <li>BI 212+</li></ul>
<p>DB #03-24 - The color code \_\_\_\_\_ on the No parking Priority Enforcement mapidentifies an area within a tributary leading to a main evacuation route or critical access.</p>
<ul> <li>Yellow</li></ul>
<p>DB #03-24 - Phase III of the No Parking Priority Enforcement Program is the period from\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 1st through \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 31st.</p>
<ul> <li>Phase III - October 1st to December 31st</li></ul>
<p>In Phase Ill, the LADOT will conduct sweeps of pre-determined critical streets on a daily basis.</p>
<p>DB #03-24 -The No Parking Priority Enforcement Program has been developed to provide increased public and firefighter safety in the \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_Fire Hazard Severity Zone, formerly known as the \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_Fire District, during brush fire season.</p>
<ul> <li>Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone</li> <li>Mountain Fire District</li></ul>
<p>DB #03-24 - Regarding the No Parking Priority Enforcement Program, what phase does LAFD and LAPD initiate a Public Relations Campain?</p>
<ul> <li>Phase II</li></ul>
<p>Information Notices and Public Service Announcements will be published/broadcast prior to Phase IIIexplaining the Program and the importance of off-street parking in the Severity Zone. During Phase II, fire companies will distribute Information Notices to households on pre-determined critical streets. When a serious parking violation is observed, members will attempt to contact the owner for immediate removal of the vehicle. If unable to contact the owner, members shall contact the LAPD for code enforcement.</p>
<p>DB #03-24 -The purpose of color-coding maps for priority enforcement is to apply \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_strategy to parking enforcement in the Severity Zone.</p>
<ul> <li>Risk management strategy</li></ul>
<p>DB #03-24 - The color code \_\_\_\_\_ on the No parking Priority Enforcement mapindicates areas/streets that will have the least impact on evacuation/access if blocked.</p>
<ul> <li>Green</li></ul>
<p>DB #03-24 -The No Parking Priority Enforcement Program utilizes resources from....</p>
<ol> <li></li> <li></li> <li></li></ol>
<ul> <li>LAFD</li> <li>LAPD</li> <li>LADOT</li></ul>
<p>DB #03-24 - During Phase II of the No Parking Priority Enforcement Program, the LAFD and LAPD will initiate a Public Relations Campaign \_\_\_\_week(s) prior to Phase Ill (October 1st).</p>
<ul> <li>2 weeks prior to October 1st</li></ul>
<p>DB #03-24 -The LAPD Liaison Officers for the No Parking Priority EnforcementProgram are designated as "\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_Wildfire Liaison Officers" (AUWL).</p>
<ul> <li>"Area Urban Wildfire Liason Officers" (AUWL)</li></ul>
<p>There is one AUWLOfficer assigned to each LAPD Division who provides liaison with Battalion offices and the LADOT regarding parking enforcement issues and enforcement strategy. On Critical and Red Flag Days, OCD will notify the LAPD, who will then immediately notify the LADOT through AUWL Officers for Phase IV Program enforcement</p>
<p>DB #03-24 - What phaseof the No Parking Priority Enforcement Program includes aggressive enforcement andtowing?</p>
<ul> <li>Phase IV</li></ul>
<p>Phase IV enforcement will require that surveys be performed by the LADOT on Critical (Bl 212+) and Red Flag Alert Days. During Phase IV, LAFD Brush Patrols will also survey all critical streets and immediately notify the LAPD when a serious parking violation is observed in the Severity Zone.</p>
<p>DB #03-24 - The color code \_\_\_\_\_ on theNo parking Priority Enforcementmapidentifies an area within a main evacuation route where parking would negatively impact the evacuation of a large area.</p>
<ul> <li>Red</li></ul>
<p>Red also indicates access critical to Fire Department operations serving a large area.</p>
<p>DB #03-24 - (Priority Parking) After the LAPD Liaison Officer recievesthe two map copies from the LAFD Battalion office,LAPD then gives a copy to \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ for code enforcement.</p>
<ul> <li>LADOT</li></ul>
<p>DB #03-24 - How many phases will the No Parking Priority Enforcement Program be implemented in?</p>
<ul> <li>4 phases</li></ul>
<ul> <li>Phase I - year around enforcment</li> <li>Phase II - public notification</li> <li>Phase III - more aggressive enforcement</li> <li>Phase IV - aggressive enforcement/towing</li></ul>
<p>DB #03-24 -The purpose of color-coding for priority enforcement is to apply risk managementstrategy to parking enforcement in the Severity Zone. What colors are used on the map?</p>
<ol> <li></li> <li></li> <li></li></ol>
<ul> <li>Green</li> <li>Yellow</li> <li>Red</li></ul>
<p>DB #03-24 -(Priority Parking)When all districts within a Battalion were surveyed and streets identified regarding priority parking, Battalion offices gave \_\_\_\_ copy(s) of each map to the LAPD Liason Officer and retained one at Battalion Headquarters.</p>
<ul> <li>2 copies to LAPD</li></ul>
<p>DB #03-24 -During Phase \_\_\_, fire companies will distribute Information Notices to households on pre-determined critical streets.</p>
<ul> <li>Phase II</li></ul>
<p>When a serious parking violation is observed, members will attempt to contact the owner for immediate removal of the vehicle. If unable to contact the owner, members shall contact the LAPD for code enforcement.</p>
<p>DB #06-12 - The backing policymaterial will be included in revisions to Book 8, the Driver's Training Manual, Module \_\_\_\_.</p>
<ul> <li>Module 6</li></ul>
<p>DB #06-12 - The "Heavy Apparatus Backing Policy" is consistent with the practices of fire departments nationwide and complies with \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ and NIOSH recommendations.</p>
<ul> <li>NFPA</li></ul>
<p>DB #06-12 - (Backing Policy)A safety officer, normally the \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_, shall directly supervise and ensure safety of all backing operations.</p>
<ul> <li>Company Commander</li></ul>
<p>The safety officer will normally be located in a position to monitor the movement of the apparatus, and assure that no Department member or civilian is placed at risk during backing operations.</p>
<p>DB #06-12 - (Backing Policy)One member designated as the safety spotter shall be safely positioned outside of the apparatus hazard zone to monitor the travel path of the apparatus, normally on the \_\_\_\_\_\_\_side of the safety officer.</p>
<ul> <li>Opposite side</li></ul>
<p>DB #06-12 -This memberwill normally be located in a position to monitor the movement of the apparatus, and assure that no Department member or civilian is placed at risk during backing operations. Who is this member?</p>
<ul> <li>Safety Officer</li></ul>
<p>DB #06-12 - (Backing Policy) Whoassumes the role of the safety spotter while backing aerial ladder apparatus?</p>
<ul> <li>Tiller person</li></ul>
<p>When backing aerial ladder apparatus, the apparatus operator and tiller person shall continue to wear their headsets and communicate verbally through their headsets. The safety officer must confirm a clear path of travel to the apparatus operator before backing the apparatus.</p>
<p>DB #06-12 - (Backing Policy)The "Tailboard Safety Member" was repositioned as a \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_off the apparatus to provide for safety from a ground level position.</p>
<ul> <li>Safety spotter</li></ul>
<p>DB #06-12 - (Backing Policy) If you want the driver to immediately stop the apparatus, use doubleclosed fists andforman "\_\_\_\_."</p>
<ul> <li>"X"</li></ul>
<p>DB #06-12 - (Backing Policy)In lieu of the three-bell signal to begin backing, what shall the driver do?</p>
<ul> <li>Remove headset and listen</li></ul>
<p>The driver shall remove the headset and listen for instructions and the all clear from the safety officer.</p>
<p>DB #06-12 - (Backing Policy) The \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ shall be set first before connecting any diesel exhaust capture system.</p>
<ul> <li>Maxi-brakes</li></ul>
<p>The diesel exhaust capture system shall not be connected while the apparatus is moving. It may be connected as the apparatus enters quarters, or after the apparatus is in the final parking location.</p>
<p>DB #06-12 -This policy cannot address all situations, particularly when backing apparatus on narrow or winding streets, or a lack of adequate personnel. When faced with unique and challenging conditions, the Department relies on the \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_and initiative of company commanders to manage the backing operation with firefighter safety as the highest priority.</p>
<ul> <li>Good judgment</li></ul>
<p>DB #06-12 - (Backing Policy)No member shall enter the designated apparatus hazard zone, delineated by an area \_\_\_\_feet behind the apparatus and \_\_\_\_feet to each side of the apparatus while the apparatus is moving backwards.</p>
<ul> <li>15 feet</li> <li>3 feet</li></ul>
<p>DB #06-12 -A comprehensive review of Department policies relative to riding apparatus tail boards and backing heavy apparatus, along with a review of the standards from \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_resulted in changes to the current heavy apparatus backing policy.</p>
<ul> <li>NIOSH</li></ul>
<p>DB #08-04 - (Tattoo Policy) When a member wants an exemption for a tattoo, scarification, or branding, who do they submit their request to in writing?</p>
<ul> <li>Operations Commander (or appointed designee)</li></ul>
<p>Request will be submitted with photographs documenting the tattoos, scarifications, or brands for which they are requesting exemption.</p>
<p>DB #08-04 - (Tattoo Policy)Should the offenses repeat or there is a non-compliance issue, the supervisor shall initiate \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_action commensurate with the offense and consistent with Department policy.</p>
<ul> <li>Progressive corrective action</li></ul>
<p>DB #08-04 - (Tattoo Policy) How many times may a member request an exemption for tattoos, scarifications, or brands already in existence on the effective date of this policy?</p>
<ul> <li>One time exemption</li></ul>
<p>One time exemption on the effective date of this policy for tattoosthat cannot be covered by a Departmentapproved uniform or skin patch.</p>
<p>DB #08-04 -The Los Angeles Fire Department will implement a workplace policy regarding tattoos, scarifications, and branding effective \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_.</p>
<ul> <li>May 1st, 2008</li></ul>
<p>DB #08-04 - Regarding the tattoo, scarification, and branding policy, who does the implementation and enforcement begin with?</p>
<ul> <li>First line supervisor</li></ul>
<p>DB #08-04 - (Tattoo Policy)Supervisors shall recognize and immediately correct any violation at the \_\_\_\_\_\_\_possible level.</p>
<ul> <li>Lowest possible level</li></ul>
<p>DB #08-04 - (Tattoo Policy)In covering any tattoos, scarifications, and/or brandings, members are reminded to review \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_.</p>
<ul> <li>Manual of Operations</li></ul>
<p>Manual of Operations - 3/7-10.01 through 3/7-55.02</p>
<p>DB #08-04 - (Tattoo Policy) Tattoo exemptions will be granted where coverage of the tattoo may impede the member's \_\_\_\_\_\_\_or where coverage is \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_.</p>
<ul> <li>Safety</li> <li>Impratical</li></ul>
<p>Example - face piece seal</p>
<p>DB #08-04 - (Tattoo Policy)Any future tattoos, scarifications, or brands received after the effective date of this policy, whichcannot be covered with Departmentapproved uniform or skin patches, are \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_.</p>
<ul> <li>Prohibited</li></ul>
<p>DB #08-04 - (Tattoo Policy) The primary responsibility for compliance with the Department personal appearance standards rest with each \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_, with supervisors setting the example and informing and educating their members.</p>
<ul> <li>Each Department employee</li></ul>
<p>DB #08-04 - (Tattoo Policy)Verbal counseling and training are appropriate actions when dealing with \_\_\_\_\_\_\_violations.</p>
<ul> <li>Initial violations</li></ul>
<p>DB #09-03 - If the HVV isdamaged, defaced, faded, or torn, or if it is not visible at \_\_\_\_\_feet, the HVV shall be sent to the Supply and Maintenance Division for replacement.</p>
<ul> <li>1,000 feet</li></ul>
<p>DB #09-03 -The HVV features \_\_\_\_ inchsilver reflective material background.</p>
<ul> <li>2 inch</li></ul>
<p>When not in use, the vest folds into a convenient storage pouch that is attached to the inside of the garment and shall be stored in the cab area of a light vehicle or heavy apparatus.</p>
<p>DB #09-03 -The high visibility vestapparel is intended to provide high visibility during both daytime and nighttime usage, and meets the performance Class \_\_\_or \_\_\_requirements of the ANSI/SEA 107-2004 publication.</p>
<ul> <li>Class 2 or 3</li></ul>
<p>DB #09-03 -A high-visibility vest(HVV) that is worn on a daily basis has a service life expectancy of approximately \_\_\_\_\_month(s), although vests that are not worn on a daily basis may have a useful service life of \_\_\_\_\_\_year(s).</p>
<ul> <li>6 months</li> <li>3 years</li></ul>
<p>DB #09-03 -The HVV's will be pre-identified per \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_and assigned to light and heavy apparatus by the Supply and Maintenance Division prior to distribution.</p>
<ul> <li>Per position</li></ul>
<p>DB #09-03 -On November 24, 20\_\_\_, a new federal regulation (23 Code of Federal Regulations Part 634) went into effect mandating that anyone working on foot within the right-of-way of a federal-aid highway, freeway, or public way must wear a high-visibility vest (HVV).</p>
<ul> <li>November 24, 2008</li></ul>
<p>DB #09-03 -The HVVmay be washed in \_\_\_\_\_water and \_\_\_\_\_dried only.</p>
<ul> <li>Warm water</li> <li>Line dried</li></ul>
<p>Do not use bleach, dry clean or iron.</p>
<p>DB #09-03 -On November 24, 2008, a new federal regulation (23 Code of Federal Regulations Part \_\_\_\_) went into effect mandating that anyone working on foot within the right-of-way of a federal-aid highway, freeway, or public way must wear a high-visibility vest (HVV).</p>
<ul> <li>Part 634</li></ul>
<p>DB #09-03 - The HVV is made of 100% \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ material with a \_\_\_\_\_ point breakaway design to minimize the risk of becoming entangled in equipment and allowing for greater mobility in critical situations.</p>
<ul> <li>100% polyester material</li> <li>5 point breakaway design</li></ul>
<p>The tear-away features are located on the front-side of both shoulders, two at the waist area and the front torso area.</p>
<p>DB #09-03 - What is the maximum wash cycles for the high-visibility vest (HVV)?</p>
<ul> <li>25 wash cycles</li></ul>
<p>DB #09-15 - Thisis defined as harassment involving unwelcome conduct that substantially alters the condition of employment and creates an abusive and intimidating working environment.What is this definition describing?</p>
<ul> <li>Hostile Work Environment</li></ul>
<p>DB #09-15 - (Workplace Violence)If a non-employee is threatening an employee, notification should be made to the LAPD, the respective \_\_\_\_\_\_\_Commander (telephonically), and the \_\_\_\_\_\_\_Section, Through Channels.</p>
<ul> <li>Bureau Commander</li> <li>Arson Section</li></ul>
<p>DB #09-15 - The City of LA has created a City-wide Threat Assessment Team consisting of representatives of the City’s Personnel Department, \_\_\_\_\_\_Threat Management Unit, City Attorney's Labor Relations Division, Contract Consultant \_\_\_\_\_\_and \_\_\_\_\_\_, Office of Public Safety, GSD, and the Personnel Department's Medical Services Division Psychology Section. </p>
<ul> <li>LAPD Threat Management Unit</li> <li>Contract Consultant - Prince and Phelps</li></ul>
<p>DB #09-15 - Regarding a member that displays workplace violence, commonphysical characteristics include, alcohol or substance abuse, physical problems, pain, and \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_.</p>
<ul> <li>Disease</li></ul>
<p>DB #09-15 -A "\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_" is based on discrimination for one or more of the following reasons....</p>
<ul> <li>Race</li> <li>Skin color</li> <li>Marital status</li> <li>Pregnancy</li> <li>Sex/sexual orientation</li> <li>Sexual harassment</li> <li>Disability (actual or perceived)</li> <li>AIDS/HIV (actual or perceived)</li> <li>Cancer</li> <li>Ancestry language/accent</li> <li>National origin/ethnicity age</li> <li>Retaliation</li></ul>
<ul> <li>"Hostile Work Environment"</li></ul>
<ul> <li>Race</li> <li>Skin color</li> <li>Marital status</li> <li>Pregnancy</li> <li>Sex/sexual orientation</li> <li>Sexual harassment</li> <li>Disability (actual or perceived)</li> <li>AIDS/HIV (actual or perceived)</li> <li>Cancer</li> <li>Ancestry language/accent</li> <li>National origin/ethnicity age</li> <li>Retaliation</li></ul>
<p>DB #09-15 - The LAFD Threat Assessment Team for workplace violence is normally comprised of the Risk Management Section Chief, the affected Chief Deputy (Administrative Operations or Emergency Operations), the \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_Officer and the Department’s \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_Director.</p>
<ul> <li>Risk Mangement Section Chief</li> <li>Chief Deputy (Admin/E-Ops)</li> <li>Employee Relations Officer (ERO)</li> <li>Department's Personnel Director</li></ul>
<p>This is the LAFD Threat Assessment Team for workplace violence.</p>
<p>DB #09-15 - Any type of behavior or incident in which an individual is intimidated, threatened, verbally or physically harassed, assaulted, injured, or killed at the place of work. What is this definition describing?</p>
<ul> <li>Workplace violence</li></ul>
<p>DB #09-15 - The Department's Workplace Violence Coordinator is a \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_assigned to the \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_Section, Administrative Operations.</p>
<ul> <li>Battalion Chief</li> <li>Risk Management Section</li></ul>
<p>DB #09-15 - If the immediate supervisor fails to resolve a disrupting workplace violence issue, the second-level supervisor shall contact MFC and if necesary, request \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ to respond to the workplace.</p>
<ul> <li>LAPD</li></ul>
<p>DB #09-15 -If a disprupting workplace violenceincident occurs in the fire station, place the company out of service,have MFC create anincident for an "\_\_\_\_\_\_\_" and dispatch a \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_.</p>
<ul> <li>"Invest"</li> <li>Battalion Commander</li></ul>
<ul> <li>Ensure next-level supervisor is advised</li> <li>Contact their respective Operations Chief Deputy (if after hours, contact the Risk Management Officer on-call through MFC).</li></ul>
<p>DB #09-15 - Regarding workplace violence, what signs are the most prevalent early warning indicators?</p>
<ul> <li>Verbal signs</li></ul>
<p>These signs involve oral threats and other types or verbal harassment.</p>
<p>DB #09-15 - If any supervisor observes oris aware of potential workplace violence, they shall telephonically notify the Department's \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_.</p>
<ul> <li>Workplace Violence Coordinator</li></ul>
<p>If after hours, contact the on-call Risk Management Officer through MFC.</p>
<p>DB #09-15 - After a workplace violence incident, who will contact theLAFD Threat Assessment Team, Stress Management, and if necessary, the LAPD Threat Management Unit?</p>
<ol> <li></li> <li></li></ol>
<ul> <li>The Operations Chief Deputy or</li> <li>Risk Management Section Chief</li></ul>
<p>DB #09-15 - After an immediate supervisor notifies the Departments' Workplace Violence Coordinator regarding workplace violence, a follow-up of the circumstances will be sent in a F-225, through channels, to their respective \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_.</p>
<ul> <li>Operations Chief Deputy</li></ul>
<p>DB #09-15 - (Workplace Violence)The LAPD \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Unit can determine if an employee is a danger to themselves or others and has the ability to institute a 72-hour hold, or if the employee has committed a crime, can make an arrest when necessary.</p>
<ul> <li>LAPD Threat Management Unit</li></ul>
<p>DB #09-15 -The City of Los Angeles has a \_\_\_\_\_\_tolerance policy on violence in the workplace.</p>
<ul> <li>Zero tolerance</li></ul>
<p>Threats, threatening behavior or acts of violence against an employee, an employee’s family, a customer, a visitor, or any other individual will not be tolerated. All threats will be taken seriously and every report will be thoroughly and promptly investigated. The City will take appropriate legal action and/or other steps necessary to help protect the affected employee(s) or family members of the employee. Employees who act in a threatening or potentially violent manner are subject to discipline up to and including discharge.</p>
<p>DB #10-12 - Regarding traffic accident investigation interviews, if management determines that the matter is time-sensitive, and the member is unable toobtain representation within \_\_\_\_minutes, management reserves the right to detail an available representative of the member’s choice to provide representation to the member.</p>
<ul> <li>90 minutes</li></ul>
<p>DB #10-12-The new traffic accident investigation procedures outlines the necessary reports that have to be completed with consideration to the AB \_\_\_\_, Firefighters Bill of Rights (FBOR). </p>
<ul> <li>AB 220 (FBOR)</li></ul>
<p>DB #10-12 - (Traffic Accident Investigations)LAPD willrequest a SCIDif they encounter atraffic collision involving a City-owned or a City mileage vehicle that results in a fatality or severe injury. What is a SCID?</p>
<ul> <li>Specialized Collision Investigation Detail (SCID)</li></ul>
<p>DB #10-12 - (Traffic Accident Investigations) Collect, complete, and forward the following reports....</p>
<ul> <li>FG-\_\_\_\_Automobile Accident Report</li> <li>FG-\_\_\_\_Witness Card</li> <li>F-\_\_\_\_Accident Report</li> <li>F-\_\_\_\_Requisition -Note: this is required in all accidents including those where there is no damage to Department apparatus/vehicle</li> <li>Investigating agency report (police report)</li> <li>Digital photos</li></ul>
<ul> <li>FG-88 Automobile Accident Report</li> <li>FG-84B Witness Card</li> <li>F-150 Accident Report</li> <li>F-80 Requisition -Note: this is required in all accidents including those where there is no damage to Department apparatus/vehicle</li> <li>Investigating agency report (police report)</li> <li>Digital photos</li></ul>
<p>DB #10-12-The primary objectives of the investigating officer at an accident investigation scene are to determine the \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_surrounding an event and to report them accurately.</p>
<ul> <li>Circumstances</li></ul>
<p>These objectives are attained through an organized and systematic method of investigation. These are basic procedures, which are applicable to every investigation, although each traffic collision must be investigated on the basis of the circumstances of the particular situation.</p>
<p>DB #10-12 - (Traffic Accident Investigations) What is the "heart" of any investigation?</p>
<ul> <li>Interview</li></ul>
<p>DB #10-12 - (Traffic Accident Investigations)An accident in which Fire Department personnel exercised reasonable judgement and precautions, exhibited good apparatus/vehicle operator’s and officer’s skills and observed all state, local and Fire Department statutes, ordinances and rules. What accident category is this?</p>
<ul> <li>Category I</li></ul>
<p>DB #10-12 - (Traffic Accident Investigations)Findings as a result of an accident hearing will include either a recommendation for no further action, or a request for review by PSD if an accident is determined to be a Category II, III, or IV accident. Who will initiate the complaint in the Complaint Tracking System?</p>
<ul> <li>The Hearing Officer</li></ul>
<p>DB #10-12 - (Traffic Accident Investigations)An F-150 shall be completed by the LAFD Investigating Chief Officer and shall be forwarded within \_\_\_\_calendar day(s) to allow for members to secure representation if desired.</p>
<ul> <li>14 calendar days</li></ul>
<p>DB #10-12 - (Traffic Accident Investigations) Who willrecommend the need to conduct an accident hearing based on the possibility of disciplinary action taking place? (F-1104 Reprimand or higher)</p>
<ul> <li>Administrative Division Commanders</li></ul>
<p>Any clear violation of Department policy, obvious neglect, at fault accidents causing extensive damage, injury or liability to the City should fall into the hearing category. Additionally, members with multiple accidents (2or more) will also fall into the hearing category.</p>
<p>DB #10-12 - (Traffic Accident Investigations) Claim forms forthird partiesinvolved in an accident with a Department vehicle can be obtained online or at the Office of the \_\_\_\_\_\_\_.</p>
<ul> <li>Office of the City Clerk</li></ul>
<p>They can also call (213) 978-1133 and one will be mailed to them.Completed forms can only be received in person at the City Clerk’s Public Counter or by mail. Faxes will not be accepted.</p>
<p>DB #10-12-The major changes for the new traffic accident investigation procedures include extending the time required to forward the F-150 Accident Report from 7 days to \_\_\_\_days to allow members adequate time to secure representation, if desired.</p>
<ul> <li>14 days</li></ul>
<p>DB #10-12 - (Traffic Accident Investigations) Who normally conducts the traffic hearing?</p>
<ul> <li>Administrative Assistant Chief</li></ul>
<p>The following members will be in attendance -Administrative Battalion Chief, Battalion Driving Coordinator, member’s immediate supervisor, the member involved and his/her representative (if member chooses to have one present).</p>