DEP. 2 Flashcards
All planets move in elliptic orbits with Sun as one of its lights
- First Law
A traced line from Sun to any planet which covers the same areas at the same time
- Second Law
The square of orbital period in any planet is proportional to cube of average distance from a planet to Sun
- Third Law
Each planet moves in an elliptical orbit, with the Sun at one focus of the ellipse
Kepler’s First Law
A line that connects a planet to the Sun sweeps out equal areas in equal times
Kepler’s Second Law
The squares of the periods (T) of the planets are directly proportional to the cubes of their average distances (r) to the Sun
Kepler’s Third Law
Value of K
300.46 * 10^ -21 s2/m3
Is the force of attraction experimented by object with mass
Gravity, also called: gravitational force
Two objects attract each other because of its mass, with a force directly proportional to the product of its masses and inversely proportional to te square lf the distance between them
Law of Universal Gravitation
Is the force by which objects are attracted by a gravitational field
Is any object that orbits around another object
Spaceships made on Earth and launched inside of a vehicle. Can be classified by: its function and its low orbits
Artificial satellites
The first artificial satellite launched in 1957
Any activity that takes a mental or physical effort. Is equal to the product of the magnitude of the force F and the magnitude if the displacement x
Work (W)
Units of work
Joules (J)
Is defined as the quantity of work done in a unit of time or, as the speed at which a work is done
Power (P)
Is defined as the power developed when doing a work of 1 joule in a time of 1 second
The capacity to perform work
Whenever a fuel (coal) is burned
Thermal Energy
Turn on tv
Electric Energy
Body digests food
Chemical Energy
Emit radiation according to its temperature
Radiant Energy
A nuclear reactor produces heat due to the release of energy coming from the nucleis to the atoms
Nuclear Energy
A body has free fall
Mechanical Energy