Deontology Flashcards
What is deontological ethics?
An ethical system whereby the nature of an action, and the rules actions fall under that determine their moral worth.
Name a way deontology is contrasted with utilitarianism.
The right is prior to the good… Actions are intrinsically right or wrong.
There are many right or wrong making features of an action instead of a single right action.
Aim is identify correct constrains on an action.
What is deontological definition of a right action?
An action is right if and only it in accordance with a correct moral rule or principle.
The correct moral rules pick out what from action?
Morally relevant features.
Name and describe the two types of rules under deontology.
Absolute Rules: rules which can never be broken. (Kant)
Prima Facie Rules: rules for which there can be exceptions. (Gert)
What is the main problem with Kant’s absolute rules?
Absolute rules can sometimes come into conflict with each other. Meaning an absolute rule may be broken in order to not break another.
Name the three features of prima facie rules.
Binding unless another equal or stronger obligation comes into conflict with it.
There must be judgement about made about the importance of the conflicting rules.
The overridden rule is not abolished and there is compensation for it.
Gert’s prima facie rules offer a solution to what problem?
Conflict of rules problem.
Prima facie rules require what to override another?
A process for justifying the exceptions to rules.
According to Kant what are the correct moral rules?
The correct moral rules are those required by rationality.
According to Gert what are the correct moral rules?
The correct moral rules are those agreed by rational persons who would want them as part of a public system of morality.
How does having legal rights protect you in reference to utilitarianism? What objection is this to utilitarianism?
Legal rights protects you from being sacrificed for utilitarian considerations of the general good.
This is the injustice opposition to utilitarianism.
What is a rule?
A rule is an instruction for action that we are required to follow.
What are some reasons for rules?
—Make decision making simple(r).
—Give guidance in complex situations.
—Provide a standard for how to behave.
—Provide a standard against which we can be held accountable, or even punished.
—Allow us to predict to some extent how others will act.
—Co-ordinate large groups of people, especially strangers.
What is the difference between a utilitarian rule and a deontological rule?
A utilitarian rule, if followed would produce the greatest happiness.
A deontological rule is right in itself.
Why is a deontological rule right in itself?
—Our intuition tells us they are.
—Rational people would agree to them.
—They are required by the nature of reason itself…
What was the aim of Kant’s Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals (1794)?
To give a basis in reason as the guidance for accepted moral rules and potentially make a correct decision procedure for making moral rules.