Dentistry in general practice Flashcards
What is dentine?
The main substance of the tooth. it is 70% inorganic in composition. Dentine is covered and protected by the more brittle enamel on the crown and by cementum on the root. Dentine is porous and sensitive. It is tubular in structure containing 40-50,000 tubules per square mm. Each tubule contains an odontoblastic process and sensory nerve. Dentine is not normally exposed, being covered by enamel.
What is the crown?
The part of the tooth that is above the gum, the crown consists of one or more cusps. A canine tooth has one cusp, a molar has several.
What is primary dentine?
It is present at tooth eruption, secondary dentine is slowly deposited throughout life in response to gradual wear and tear and tertiary or reparative dentine is laid down very quickly in response to trauma. Tertiary dentine tubular structure is less well organised and reflects light differently and its surface is more likely to absorb pigments.
What is cementum?
An avascular and bone like mineralised connective tissue which covers the root. Cementum s constantly produced in life.
What is enamel?
Enamel is the hardest tissue in the body and is 96% inorganic material. (mainly Ca hydroxyapatite). Enamel thickness is around 0.2 mm in cats and 0.5mm in dogs. Its formation is complete by the time of tooth eruption. It cannot repair itself.
What is the Cemento-enamel junction
This is the area of transition between cementum and enamel, at the neck of the tooth. It is also the point where the free gingiva ends and the attached gingiva begins.
What is the pulp?
The soft centre of the tooth, containing blood vessels, lymphatics, nerves and various cell types including odontoblasts. Each root has a pulp canal and there is a common pulp chamber in multi rooted teeth. The pulp is open in young animals at the root apex, by one year of age this pulp canal at the apex has reduced to an apical delta of 10-20 small passages that contain vessels and nerves running from the pulp to the surrounding tissues in the periodontal system.
What are sharpeys fibres?
Fibres of the periodontal ligament which unite the alveolar bone on one side and the cementum on the other in a meshwork of inter woven branches, looking the tooth in place and also absorbing shock from chewing motions.
What is the main arterial & nerve supply of the tooth?
Common carotid artery > external carotid artery > maxillary artery > mandibular artery.
Trigeminal n > maxillary n and mandibular n.
Describe the blood supply of the mandibular teeth?
The mandibular artery enters the mandible at the mandibular foramen and becomes the inferior alveolar artery. It runs within the mandibular canal and exits at the mental foraminae where branches are now called the mental arteries.
Describe the blood supply of the maxillary teeth?
The maxillary artery and its branches supply these teeth. The main branch running within the infraorbital canal is the infraorbital artery. The infraorbital nerve accompanies it and gives off caudal, middle and rostral superior alveolar branches.
Where can nerve blocks be applied?
Local anaesthetic nerve blocks can be applied at the mandibular, mental, and infraorbital foraminae to block the nerves - a simple and useful technique to help achieved balanced anaesthesia during tooth extraction.
Why do teeth hurt?
Sensory nerves are present in the dental pulp. They enter the pulp through the root apex along with arterioles venules and lymhatics. Direct pulp damage (thermal, mechanical, inflammatory) causes pain. Exposed dentine is also painfu, possibly due to fluid movements within dentinal tubules which in turn irritate the nerve endings deeper within the pulp tissue. Drying of exposed dentine irritates the odontoblastic processes lying within the dentinal tubules, also causing pain.
What is the dental formulae of a dog?
Primary teeth I 3/3 C 1/1 PM 3/3 M 0/0 - 28 teeth in total
Permanent teeth - I 3/3 C 1/1 PM 4/4 M 2/3 - 42 teeth in total
What is the dental formulae of a cat?
Primary teeth - I 3/3 C 1/1 PM 3/2 M 0/0 - 26 teeth
Permanent teeth - I 3/3 C 1/1 PM 3/2 M 1/1 - 30 teeth in total
When should teeth erupt in puppies and kittens?
Deciduous teeth - There are no teeth at birth. Canines - through by 4 weeks. Incisors, premolars - through by 5-6 weeks. All primary teeth are usually present and correct by 6 weeks in both kittens and puppies. Remember no deciduous molars. Permanent teeth - Incisors, canines - usually coming through at 3 months. Premolars - usually coming through at 4 months. Molars usually coming through at 5 months.
What elements SHOULD be present in normal tooth occlusion?
Scissor bite of incisors - upper incisors sit slightly rostral to lower. The lower incisors engage with the cingulum of the upper incisors. Lower canine rostral to upper - evenly occupying the space betwen the upper canine and the 3rd upper incisor. Premolars and molars inter digitates in a pinking shear fashion. Upper carnassial lingual aspect engages with lower molar buccal aspect.
What is malocclusion?
Anything not conforming to the normal tooth occlusion. Causes of occlusion 1) skeletal malocclusion - i.e pertaining to jaw bone length or width. Usually considered inherited. b) dental malocclusion - the tooth positioning within the jaws. Other than certain breedes, usually considered acquired. So both genetic and environmental/developmental factors can be involved in malocclusions.
Why are not all puppies or kittens in a litter affected by malocclusion?
The inherited aspect is probably via a polygenic mechanism, which explains why not all are affected.
What is an undershot jaw?
Mandible longer than it should be. Also called mandibular prognathism. Mandibular canine not sitting evenly in the space between upper 3rd incisor and maxillary canine. Loss of premolar pinking shear, loss of incisor scissor bite. Upper incisors may be caudal to lowers.
What is an overshot jaw?
Mandible is shorter than it should be. Also called mandibular brachygnathism. typical features include upper incisors too rostral to lower incisors such that they may not engage with each other. Mandibular canine has too much space in front of it and touches the maxillary canine or is even behind it in severe cases.
What is a wry bite?
Lop sided growhth of head producing a crooked bite and a twisted face. Narrow mandible common. Mandible width too small in relation to maxilla. Bottom canines grow into hard palate in position medial to up upper canines. Quiet puppy, head shy, picky appetite and poor growth. The malocclusion can produce a dental interlock which prevnts normal growth of the mandible resulting in ventral bowing of the mandible as the continuing growth has to go somewhere.
What are persistent primary teeth?
Mainly the canines and incisors. Commoner in small breeds where it seems to have a familial inheritance pattern. Retained teeth interfere with the eruption path of the permanent teeth and can cause dental crouding. There should never be a corresponding deciduous and permanent tooth of the same type in the same place.