Dentin Flashcards
Hard tissue portion of pulp-dentin complex and forms bulk of the tooth
Soft connective tissue that occupies the central portion of the tooth
Space it occupies
Pulp cavity
Coronal part of the pulp
Pulp chamber
Where pulp and periodontal ligament meet and the nerves and blood vessel enter and leave the tooth
Apical foramen
Found at the lateral surface of the tooth and contains blood vessel
Lateral canals
A layer of unmineralized matrix that varies thickness
Composition of mature dentin??
70% inorganic
20% organic
10% water
Color of thin enamel?
Yellowish color
Color of thick enamel?
White color
Constitutes a major portion of dentin
Circumpulpal dentin
Mantle dentin
Primary Dentin
Develops after root formation
Secondary dentin
Reactive or reparative dentin
Produced in reaction to various stimuli
Tertiary Dentin
Odontoblast processes that run in canaliculi trwnsversing the dentin layer
Dentinal Tubules
A collar of more highly calcified matrix that limits the tubules
Peritubular dentin
Tubules occluded with calcified material
Sclerotic dentin
Located between dentinal tubules
Intertubular dentin
Areas of unmineralized or hypomineralized dentin where globular zones of mineralization have failed to fuse into homogenous mass
Interglobular dentin
Run at the right angles to the dentinal tubules and mark the normal rhymthmic, linear pattern of dentin desposition
Incremental Growth Lines or incremental lines of von ebner
Seen below the surface of the dentin where the root is covered by cementum
Granular layer of tomes
Color of teeth with pulpal diseases or without pulp
Dark / darkening of clinical crown
May be located at the anatomic apex or 0.5 to 0.75mm around the apex
Apical foramen
Contributes to uneven pukp recession and important in determining the cavity prep during resto procedures
Secondary Dentin
Harder than bone, softer than enamel
Mature dentin
Deposited by pre-existing odontoblasts
Reactionary dentin
Deposited by newly differentiated odontoblast-like cells
Reparative Dentin
Follows an S-shaped path from outer surface of Dentin to the perimeter of pulp
Dentinal Tubules
Empty tubules where processed has disintegrated or retracted
Dead tracts
Appears black in ground section because it entraps air
Dead tract