Dental Veneers Flashcards
What is Dental Veneers?
Veneers are a cosmetic procedure that bonds a thin layer of porcelain to your teeth that need aesthetic improvement. Although there are alternatives to veneers, this treatment remains the most popular cosmetic dentistry option for its practicality and long life span.
Are Veneers on Teeth Right for You?
Because getting veneers is an entirely aesthetic procedure, it’s really up to you and your dentist to decide if they’re right for you. Many people have insecurities about the appearance of their teeth, but ultimately you have to decide if veneers are for you. A few common reasons you may want to consider getting porcelain veneers include:
You have chipped, broken or cracked teeth
Your teeth are abnormally spaced
You have misaligned teeth
Some people often look to veneers to fix issues like stained teeth that don’t respond to teeth whitening. While veneers on teeth can address stained teeth, you should first discuss it with your doctor first. Your New York City cosmetic dentist offers a slew of cosmetic alternatives to veneers that can give you a smile makeover, such as:
Teeth straightening Implants Dentures Crowns Teeth reshaping Bonding
Some Alternatives
There are many procedures billed as “alternatives to veneers.” And while these certainly may do the trick for a while, there is truly nothing quite like porcelain or laminate veneers. Other procedures — such as dental bonding with composite resin or crowns — can provide the same look, but aren’t as long-lasting or as cost-effective.
The kinds of veneers that aren’t porcelain or laminate include press-on veneers and prepless veneers. Press-on veneers are a gimmicky way to look great for a night out, but they offer no real long-term benefits. Prepless veneers, on the other hand, are a similar procedure to the traditional veneers, but not everyone is a candidate for prepless veneers because teeth already have to be small so they don’t require any additional enamel shaving.
Porcelain Veneers for dramatic Esthetic Improvements
Porcelain veneers are an advanced cosmetic procedure that can make dramatic esthetic improvements to your teeth, restore balance to your mouth, and/or whiten severely stained or discolored teeth. At Envy Smile Dental Spa, we make it our priority to give patients a smile that others will envy.
Laminate Veneers
Are you a candidate for laminate veneers? Our team of Brooklyn cosmetic dentists at Envy Smile Dental Spa can permanently transform your smile today with laminate, or porcelain, veneers. Our veneers involve extremely thin porcelain shells that are customized and laminated to the front surface of your teeth. If you have teeth that are:
chipped broken misaligned crooked gapped unevenly spaced or too short You may be an excellent candidate for porcelain veneers. By choosing laminate veneers, patients benefit from a permanent solution to mask undesirable defects, such as teeth stained by tetracycline, by an injury or as a result of a root-canal procedure, and discolored fillings.
Excellence in Porcelain Veneers
Envy Smile Dental Spa specializes in a wide range of cosmetic and reconstructive dental services. We have a dedicated staff that will help you determine the most effective cosmetic solutions to enhance your smile.
The Veneer Process
Veneers take two visits. On your first visit, your Brooklyn cosmetic dentist shaves down the enamel of your teeth and takes impressions to send them to a lab so they can expertly craft your veneers. Don’t fret about the appearance of your teeth during this waiting period, however; your dentist places a set of temporary veneers so you can take to the New York streets with confidence.
In one to two weeks, your porcelain veneers are ready to be placed on your teeth. This appointment is rather quick, as most of the hard work is already done. Your dentist at Envy Smile Dental Spa bonds the porcelain to your teeth with a special adhesive, and you are good to go.
The Price of Pretty
Unlike some procedures, veneers require virtually no recovery time. Any numbing you feel may take a few hours to wear off, and there may be a bit of sensitivity after the initial shaving-down process, but other than that, you can go about your normal routine. During the procedure, a local anesthetic is used to decrease pain, so you truly have nothing to worry about.
How much dental veneers cost varies based on location. In the New York City metropolitan area, your dental veneers cost may range from $500 to $1,900 per tooth. Your NYC family dental spa works with you to find the best treatment for your goals and your pocketbook. But the confidence a winning smile gives you is truly priceless.
If you develop a healthy oral care routine post-procedure, veneers on teeth can last up to 20 years. It’s a low-risk, high-reward treatment. Possible side effects of dental damage, sensitivity and jaw pain are nothing to worry about when you’re in the hands of a skilled New York City cosmetic dentist.