dental terms Flashcards
what is considered the foundation of the word.
Root Word
What are science, dental, and medical Terms called?
Compound words
What is the most common used Combining Vowel?
Is the letter O
What is a called a Combining Form?
The combination of the root word + a combining vowel
What is a prefix?
A syllable (s) is placed before a root word to alter its meaning or create a new word. (not always a word just a few letters e.g. un -unhappy, unlikely, in, - incomplete im- imperfect and re - replay etc.
what is a suffix?
Is the syllable (s) placed at the end of a root word to alter its meaning and create a new word. Eg LY’s, lovely, lonely, joyfully or dental, al - suffix (end of the word)
What are the Combining Vowels?
a, e, i, o, u, sometimes y
When is a vowel dropped? why?
A vowel is dropped when joining word roots use combining forms. If another word begins with a vowel, sometimes the combining vowel is dropped E.G. «cardi/i» is a combining form meaning heart. «Itis» is the suffix meaning inflammation.
«Carditis» is a new word meaning Inflammation of the heart.
What means 1?
Uni and mono both mean 1
What means 2?
what means 3?
Tri ( E.g. Tricycle has 3 wheels)
What means 4?
Quad (Quadriplegic means paralysis of all 4 limbs)
what does 5 mean?
Quint (5 babies born at same time are known as quintuplets)
What does 6 mean?
Sext (A sextuplet is one of 6 children born in a single gestation)
What does 7 mean?
Sept (A woman who has given birth to 7 infants is known as a septipara) (Parent of sept> 7)
What does 8 mean?
Octa. ( An octopus has eight arms)
What does 9 mean?
Nona. Symptoms that appear every 9 days are called Nonan.
What does 10 mean?
Deca. (A period of 10 years is called a decade)
What does a cent mean?
What does Milli mean?
What does a Kilo mean?
What does a Kg mean?
1000 grams
What is Combining Form for red?
What is erythrocyte?
Erythr/o = Red, Cyte = a blood cell
An Erythrocyte is a red blood cell.
What is the combining form for the color White?
What is the combining form for the color black?
What does oma mean?
Oma is a suffix, meaning Tumor.
Melanin is a black pigment that is contained in the skin.
what is Melanin?
a black pigment that is contained in the skin.
What is melanoma?
is a cancerous tumor of the melanin. Literally a black tumor.
What does cyan/o mean?
is the combining form meaning blue.
what is osis?
A suffix meaning a condition.
What is cyanosis?
A client deprived of oxygen will exhibit a bluish tinge to their skin, usually the lips.
What does Xanth/o mean?
Is the combining form for color yellow.
What does (dont) mean?
means tooth.
What is Xanthodont?
Someone who has yellow teeth.
Xanth/o = yellow + dont = tooth = yellow teeth
What is the combining color for green?
What does Chloropia mean?
A visual defect in which all things appear green.
What is a Endodontics?
A field of dentistry concerned with the diseases and injuries of the dental pulp and the periodontal tissues. With the prevention and diagnosis and treatment of injuries in these tissues.
What is Implantology?
It is an IT Field of dentistry that focuses on the clinical placement of implants.
What is Oral Surgery?
is a field that is concerned with oral and Maxillofacial surgery, including extractions, implants, and reconstructive surgery.
What is Orthodontics?
This specialty of dentistry is concerned with the correction and prevention of irregularities and malocclusions of the teeth. Orthodontics correct abnormal arrangement of teeth and or jaws by straightening them and keeping them in the correct position.
What is pedodontics (also called paedodontics)?
The branch of dentistry that is concerned with the dental care and treatment of children. A Pedodontist is a dentist who practices pedodontics.
What is a periodontics?
The branch of dentistry that is concerned with the study of the normal tissues and the treatment of abnormal conditions of the tissues immediately about the teeth. A periodontist is one who specializes in periodontics.
What is Prosthodontics?
The science of and the art of providing suitable substitutes for the coronal positions of teeth, or for more lost or missing teeth and their associated parts. In order that impaired function, appearance, comfort and health of the client may be restored.
What does the combining form «cardi/i» mean?
The Combining Form «cardi/i» means heart.
What does «itis» mean?
«itis» is a suffix meaning inflammation.
What does carditis mean?
Inflammation of the heart.
What does septipara mean?
Sept = 7 + para = parent
Woman who has given birth to 7 infants.
Melanin means?
a black pigment contained in skin
Normal Tooth Anatomy:
What is 1. in the tooth anatomy diagram?
Crown: (Cornial part of the tooth)
What is 2 in the tooth anatomy diagram?
The Root
What is 3 in the tooth anatomy diagram?`
The Enamel: Develops over-time but does not grow back.
What is 4 in the tooth anatomy diagram?
The Dentine
What is 5 in the tooth anatomy diagram?
The Pulp Chamber (nerves and blood vessels)
What is 6 in the tooth anatomy diagram?
The Gingiva (known as the gums)
What is 7 in the tooth anatomy diagram?
The Periodontal Ligament
What is 8 in the tooth anatomy diagram?
Cementum (White) - Protecting the Dentin
What is 9 in the tooth anatomy diagram?
The Root Canal
What is 10 in the tooth anatomy diagram?
Alveolar Process (spongy bony material), refers to the part of the maxilla (upper jaw) and mandible (lower jaw) that supports and houses the teeth.
What is 11 in the tooth anatomy diagram?
Nerves and blood vessels
What is at bottom of tooth?
Apex of the tooth.
What is Part 8 ?
The Apical Foramen (opening where the blood vessels come thru the tooth)
What is a Abrasion?
Refers to the loss of tooth structure caused by mechanical forces.
What is an abutment?
Refers to a component used in dental prosthetics, dental implants, and fixed partial dentures.
What is Acrylic Restoration?
Or acrylic fillings are a type of dental restoration used to repair and restore teeth damaged by decay, fractures, or other tooth loss.
Home many teeth are in Primary Eruption?
20 - 5 per quadrant (5 x 4 = 20)
How many teeth are in Permanent Dentition?
32 teeth
How many quadrants are in the face?
4 quadrants
What is a Alveolectomy?
Removing or reshaping of the alveolar bone.
What is the Alveolar Process?
Alveolar Process (spongy bony material), refers to the part of the maxilla (upper jaw) and mandible (lower jaw) that supports and houses the teeth.
What is Amalgam?
Amalgam is a dental filling material to restore teeth damaged by decay or fractures. Usually it’s a mix of silver (primary), tin, copper, and mercury.
What are Anterior teeth?
Anterior teeth refers to the front teeth in the dental arch in the upper (Maxillary and the lower Mandibular jaws)
What is Apex mean?
Tip or end of a Tooth Root
What does Apical Curettage mean?
A procedure that involves the removal of infected or inflamed tissue from an area surrounding the apex.
What is Apical Foramen mean?
A small opening at the tip of a tooth root. Blood vessels,nerves, and other vital structures enter or exit the tooth here.
What does Apicoectomy mean?
This is a surgical procedure to treat infections and persistant inflammation in the root tip (Apex)
What is an appliance?
Refers to a device that’s used to correct or improve various dental conditions. Appliances can be fixed or removeable and are custom-made to fir the individual’s needs.
What does attached Gingiva mean?
Refers to the firm, tightly bound gum tissue that is directly connected to the underlying bone and firmly attached to the roots of the teeth.
What does Avulsed mean?
Refers to the complete displacement or loss of tooth from its socket due to trauma or injury.
Why are Bicuspids also called pre-molars?
Bicuspids are also referred to as premolars because they are situated in the mouth before the molars. The term “premolar” indicates their position anterior (in front of) to the molars. The word “premolar” is derived from the Latin roots “pre” (meaning before) and “molar” (referring to the large grinding teeth at the back of the mouth).
What is a biopsy?
Is a diagnostic procedure used to obtain a small sample of tissue from the oral cavity
What are 9 Structures of a tooth:
- Crown 2. Root 3. Enamel 4. Dentin 5. Pulp Chamber 6. Root Canal 7.Gingiva (gums),
- Apical Foraman 9. Alveolar Process
What does «dent», odont-» mean?
Prefix that means tooth or root
What does «dia-» mean?
Prefix that means through, across or between
What does «dis-» mean?
Prefix: separation or removal
What does «end, endo-» mean?
Prefix: inside or within
What does «gingvi-» mean?
Prefix: gums or soft tissue around teeth
What does «hyper-» mean?
Prefix: over, excessive
What does «hypo-» mean?
Prefix: under, below
What does «inter-» mean?
Prefix: between, among
What does «intra-» mean?
within, inside
What does «labi-» mean?
Prefix: Lip
What does «lingu-» mean?
Prefix: Tongue
What does «peri-» mean?
Prefix: around, surrounding
What does «post-» Mean?
Prefix: after, behind
What does «pre-» mean?
Prefix: before, in front of
What does «retro-» mean?
Prefix: backwards, behind
What does «sub-» mean?
Prefix: under, or below
What does «trans-» mean?
Prefix: across or through
What is hyperdontia?
This is extra teeth and the Dentist may call them «supernumerary». One or more teeth may develop in one or more locations in the mouth. They may be either baby or permanent teeth.
How many classes of teeth are in permanent/second dentition? What are they?
Four classes - incisors, canines, premolars and molars
How many classes of teeth are in deciduous/primary dentition? What are they?
3 - incisors, the canines, and the molars.
How many teeth are in 1. Deciduous/Primary and
2. Permanent/Secondary Dentition?
- Primary Indention has 20 teeth (5 per quadrant)
- Permanent Indention has 32 teeth (16 per jaw)
Permanent teeth can also be called?
Succedaneous teeth/secondary teeth
There are 32 Permanent teeth, but only 20 teeth in the Primary Dentition, why?
There are 12 permanent teeth more. The molars that erupt into the oral cavity do not replace any primary teeth, they are going into the enlarged (grown) alveolar process (bone).
The dental word for lips is?