Dental Cements Flashcards
What are dental cements?
Dental cements are the materials that set intraorally and are commonly used to join a tooth and a prosthesis or restoration of carious tooth.
Six uses of dental cement
- Cementing/luting of prosthesis and orthodontics appliance
- Restoration
- Pulp therapy
- Obtundant
- Liners and bases
- Root canal sealers
Classification of dental Cement based on application
- Type I : lutting agent
Type I : fine grain for cementating and luting
Type II : medium grain for bases , orthodontics purposes - Type II: restorative application
- Type III : liners or base application
3 Uses of zinc phosphate cement
- Permanent cement for indirect restoration including inlays, onlays, crowns and bridges
- Orthodontics cement
- High-strength base
Composition of powder of zinc phosphate cement.
- Zinc oxide->75%-main constituents
- Magnesium oxide - 13% - aids in sintering
- Barium oxide - 0.2 % -radioopacity
- Other oxides - 1.4% - smoothness of mix and filler
Composition of liquid of zinc phosphate cement
- Phosphoric acid - 38%-59% - reacts with zinc oxide
- Water - 30%-55% - controls rate of reactions
- Aluminium phosphate - 2%-3% - buffer
- Zinc phosphate - upto 10%
Setting reaction of zinc phosphate
When mixed, phosphoric acid dissolved the zinc oxide which then reacted with aluminium phosphate to form zinc aluminophosphate gel on the remaining undissolved zinc oxide particles
Mixing time of zinc phosphate cement
1.5-2 min
Setting time of zinc phosphate cement
2.5- 8 min
Type of reaction zinc phosphate cement
Exothermic reaction
Control of setting time of zinc phosphate
- Manufacturing process
* sintering temp- directly
* particle size - indirectly
* water content-indirectly
* buffering agent- directly - Operator control
* temp-inversely
* p/l ratio-directly
* rate of addition of powder to liq- directly
* mixing time- directly
Compressive stress of zinc phosphate
104 MPa
- 70% strength in 30 min
- more powder greater strength
- water content : both loss or gain reduces the strength
Tensile stress of zinc phosphate
5.5MPa, brittle
modulus of elasticity of zinc phosphate
13GPa, stiff and resistant to elastic deformation
Solubility of zinc phosphate
- 06%-low
- thick mix. : less solubility
- water content : any change increase the solubility
- moisture : increase
Thermal insulator of zinc phosphate
pH of zinc phosphate
At time of cementing :2
After 24 hrs : 5.5
Liners and bases
2 Advantage of zinc phosphate
- Proven reliability
2. Good compressive strength
4 Disadvantage of zinc phosphate
- No chemical adhesion
- No anti cariogenic properties
- Pulp irritation
- Poor esthetician’s
First tooth coloured filling material? When?
Silicate cement-1870 by Fletcher
Silicate cement is based on?
Fluoroaluminosilicate glass and aq. Phosphoric acid
Silicate cement is also known as?
Silicophosphate cement
Drawbacks of silicate cement?
- acidic ( phosphoric acid)
- soluble in mouth
- low wear resistance
- staining at the margins
- short lasting fillings
What is the basis of modern glass ionomer cement?
Fluoroaluminosilicate glass of silicate cement
Composition of powder of silicate cement
- silicon dioxide
- sodium fluoride
- calcium fluoride
- aluminium fluoride
- aluminium trioxide
Composition of liquid of silicate cement?
35-50% phosphoric acid
Sodium and aluminium phosphate
Setting reaction of silicate cement?
- acid base reaction
- powder particles are attacked by acid releasing calcium , aluminium, and fluoride ions.
- these ions precipitates as phosphates which form continuous cement matrix along with and form a silica gel.
- fluoride ions do not take part in this reaction. Present as free ions
- most of the powder particles are not dissolves. Only the surfaces are dissolves.
- finally the set cement contains a phosphate matrix containing unreacted powder particles surrounded by acid gel and fluoride ions.
Properties of silicate cement?
- anticariogenic: large amount of fluoride
- soluble in saliva : high in acidic condition
- coefficient of thermal expansion : close to the tooth structure : microleakage is minimal
- good optical properties
- pH remain low as 3 for few days: pulpal irritation
- pH remain below 7 even after a month : severe pulpal irritant
- adhesion : mechanical bonding to tooth structure
Advantage of silicate?
- translucency
- anticariogenic
Disadvantages of silicate cement?
High pulpal irritant
-highly soluble