Dental anomalies II Flashcards
Conoid teeth related to other anomalies such as… (2)
- Microdontia
- Agenesis
Dens evaginatus?
focalized hyperplasia of the primitive mesenchyma
Invagination of the inner dental epithelium
Globular degeneration of the dental crowns, looking
bulgy and rounded
TAURODONTISM may be associated to… (4)
- Ectodermic displasia.
- Down sd.
- Amelogenesis imperfecta
- Klinefelter sd
What is the hutchenson triad? (3)
Hutchinson incisors , eigth nerve deafness and Intersitial keratitis.
Erythroblastosis fetalis tooth color?
Yellow-green color
Porphyria tooth color?
Red-purple teeth
Cystic fibrosis tooth color?
What is cystic fibrosis treated with sometimes?
Iron treatment tooth color?
black stains. It can be removed with prophylaxis brushes.
Food stains can be removed with?
Abrasive paste
Green tooth stains?
Bacillus piocianic
Orange tooth stains?
Typical in primary dentition
Black tooth stains?
Iron or chlorhexidine