Dental anatomy Flashcards
A stray crown is found in your office. It is an anterior tooth and has a cingulum
that is offset from center. What tooth is it most likely to be?
• maxillary canine
• maxillary lateral incisor
• mandibular lateral incisor
• mandibular central incisor
mandibular lateral incisor
Max: OCC
Mand: COO
12 total
Which characteristic below is common to all mandibular anterior teeth?
• distinct cingula with grooves and pits
• incisal edges that are facial to the root axis line
• facial surfaces that are marked by pronounced labial ridges
• continuous convexity incisoapically on the facial surface
continuous convexity incisoapically on facial surface
mandibular anteriors:
indistinct cingula
incisal edges lingual to root axis
continuous incisoapical convexity on facial
mandibular central incisors: occlude only with one other tooth
Labial ridges
only on canines
Characteristics of mandibular anteriors:
indistinct cingula
incisal edges lingual to root axis (all mandibular teeth tilted lingually)
continuous incisoapical convexity on facial
CEJ curvature
mesial > distal
ant > molars
facial and lingual - apically; MD - coronally
Lateral vs central mandibular incisors:
- difference in root length
- difference in ratio of crown length to root length
- degree of slope of the incisal edge when viewed facially
- difference in rotation of the crown on the root
rotation of crown
mandibular lateral incisor crown tips slightly to distal = distolingual twist
Lateral vs central mandibular incisors:
laterals are larger, not as symmetrical, cingulum on lateral is off-center (slightly distal)
distal proximal contacts on laterals are more apical
distoincisal angles more rounded
Which tooth occludes only with one tooth?
mandibular central
The mesial and distal aspects oft he anterior teeth- central incisors, lateral incisors,
and canines, maxillary and mandibular - may be included within triangles.
The base of the triangle is represented by the cervical portion of the crown
and the apex by the incisal ridge.
• both statements are true
• both statements are fa lse
• the first statement is true, the second is fa lse
• the first statement is fa lse, the second is true
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both true
anterior proximal shapes
maxillary posterior proximal shapes
mandibular posterior proximal shapes
Which of the following statements best describes the pulp canal of the
mandibular lateral incisor?
• an elliptical shape, consistently wider in the mesiodistal direction
• an elliptical shape, consistently wider in the facio lingual direction
• an elliptical shape, wider in the mesiodistal direction in the pulp chamber, but wider
in the faciolingual direction in the mid-root area
• an elliptical shape, wider in the facio lingual direction in the pulp chamber, but wider
in the mesiodistal direction in the mid-root area
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an elliptical shape, wider in the mesiodistal direction in the pulp chamber,
but wider in the faciolingual direction in the mid-root area
compared to central, larger in all directions
Which of the following line angles is least “square”?
• mesioincisal of the mandibular lateral incisor
• distoincisal of the mandibular lateral incisor
• mesioincisal of the mandibular central incisor
• distoincisal of the mandibular central incisor
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• distoincisal of the mandibular lateral incisor
Which tooth has a pulp chamber that is least like the others? • maxillary central incisor • mandibular central incisor • maxillary lateral incisor • mandibular lateral incisor copynght 0 20 13·2014 Dental Decks DENTAL
maxillary central
pulp chamber wider MD than FL
widest at cervical, centered
When looking at the facial or lingual aspect of all anterior teeth, they have a: • trapezoidal outline • triangular outline • rhomboidal outline • square outline
trapezoidal, shortest toward occlusal
In maximum intercuspation, which anterior tooth is unique in that it contacts with both anterior and posterior segments of the opposite arch? • maxillary first premolar • maxillary canine • mandibular first premolar • mandibular canine copynght 0 20 13·2014 Dental Decks DENTAL
maxillary canine
A hockey player comes into your office with his six upper anterior teeth in his
hand. How can you distinguish the right canine from the left canine?
• the root always curves to the distal in the apical one-third
• the distal surface is fuller and more convex than the mesial surface
•labially, the cusp tip is placed distal to a line which bisects the crown and root
•lingually, the cervical line slopes mesially
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• the distal surface is fuller and more convex than the mesial surface
mesial surface is straighter than distal surface
distal cusp ridge is longer
tip displaced labially and mesially to long axis
maxillary canine: compare cusp ridges and proximal surfaces
distal: surface more bulged, cusp ridge longer
Which of the following terms is specific to canines? •labial ridge • lingua I fossa • mamelons • cingulum
labial ridge
developmental depressions mesial and distal to labial ridge
mandibular ridge less pronounced
maxillary canines
largest cingulum
distal bulge
thickest FL of all anterior teeth
LONGEST overall tooth (root + crown)
root has labial ridge = canine emience
longest tooth overall
maxillary canine
longest crown
mandibular canine
A mother brings her three kids to your office for their annual check-ups. Which
of the following statements is most likely to be true?
• the middle child is 11 and has no adult canine teeth
• the youngest child is 10 and has adult mandibular canines only
• the oldest child is 12 and has maxillary canines only
• the youngest child is 10 and has adult maxillary canines only
• the oldest child is 12 and has mandibular canines only
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• the youngest child is 10 and has adult mandibular canines only
Permanent maxillary and mandibular canines: eruption
maxillary after premolars (11-12)
mandibular before premolars (9-10)
Permanent maxillary eruptions:
M1 6-7
CI 7-8
LI 8-9
PM1 10-11
PM2 10-12
C 11-12
M2 12-13
M3 17-21
Permanent mandibular eruptionsL
M1 6-7
CI 6-7
LI 7-8
C 9-10
PM1 10-12
PM2 11-12
M2 11-13
A hockey player comes into your office holding his friend’s right canines (maxillary
and mandibular) in his hand. His friend, a lacrosse player, got hit by a
ball flying under his mask. Which of the following would you look for in the
maxillary canine as compared to the mandibular canine?
Select all that apply.
• it is narrower mesiodistally
• it has a more pronounced cingulum
• it is wider mesiodistally
• it has a shorter root
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- it has a more pronounced cingulum
* it is wider mesiodistally
mandibular vs maxillary canine
maxillary canine longest tooth overall
eruptions: maxillary (11-12) is after PM1 (which is 10-11)
mandibular (9-10) is before PM1 (10-12)
max vs mand canines
shape: proximal, MD dimension, length
cingulum, crown and overall size
contact areas
mesial border on mandibular is much straighter (almost parallel to axis of tooth)
IJ JM JM on maxillary
II II IM on mandibular
mandibular is narrower MD and continuous convex incisofacially (like all lower anteriors)
maxillary is longer, but mandibular has longer crown
on mandibular cingulum is off-center and labial ridge is less distinct
anterior teeth cusp tips relative to long axis
maxillary: cusp tip facial to axis
mandibular: cusp tip lingual to axis
Which cusp ridge is the longest on the permanent canines? · labial • lingual • mesial • distal
What is usual MD vs FL and what are exceptions?
usually FL > MD except maxillary incisors and mandibular molars
Nonsuccedaneous teeth include all of the following EXCEPT one? Which one
• the permanent maxillary and mandibular premolars
• the permanent maxillary and mandibular first molars
• the permanent maxillary and mandibular second molars
• the permanent maxillary and mandibular third molars
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• the permanent maxillary and mandibular premolars
nonsuccednaeous are all permanent molars
A mother brings her 1-year-old into your office the day after his first birthday.
She says the pediatrician said to have the first dental check-up by this time.
What primary teeth are you expecting to see when the child opens?
• mandibular incisors only
• maxillary incisors only
• mandibular and maxillary incisors
• all incisors and maxillary canines
• all incisors and mandibular canines
• all anterior teeth
• mandibular and maxillary incisors
When is calcification of milk roots complete?
Primary dentition till
6 yrs
Mixed dentition
6-12 yrs
Full permanent dentition
12 yrs
how much of root is formed when tooth begins to erupt?
General primary eruption sequence
What are teeth in primary dentition?
incisors, canines, molars
Rule of primary eruption:
7 months - 4 max + mand centrals 11 mos - 8 laterals 15 mos - 12 1sr molars 19 mos - 16 canines 23 mos - 20 2 molars
root complete 1 yr after eruption
Tommy, a pediatric patient of yours, says he lost his top vampire tooth last
week and the tooth fairy gave him a dollar for it. What is Tommy’s most
likely age range when he lost his maxillary canine tooth?
• 6-7 years old
• 7-8 years old
• 10-12 years old
• 14-16 years old
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Which of the following are the cardinal rules regarding the eruption of
Select all that apply.
• boys’ teeth usually erupt before girls’ teeth of the same age
• girls’ teeth usually erupt before boys’ teeth of the same age
• maxillary teeth usually erupt before mandibular teeth
• mandibular teeth usually erupt before maxillary teeth
• the teeth of slender children usually erupt before the teeth of stocky children
• the teeth of stocky children usually erupt before the teeth of slender children
often permanent mandibular anterior teeth erupt lingual to primary –> two rows of teeth
As soon as a child gets his/her \_\_\_\_\_ he/she is considered to be in the mixed dentition. • permanent canines • permanent first molars • permanent first premolars • permanent second premolars 21 copynght 0 20 13·2014 Dental Decks
• permanent first molars
usually mandibular
A 15-month-old child walks into your office and begins to cry and hold his mouth in pain. Which teeth have probably not been traumatized, as they are not usually present at 15 months of age? • primary lateral incisors and canines • primary canines and first molars • primary canines and second molars • primary central and lateral incisors • primary first and second molars
• primary canines and second molars
A pediatric patient of yours complains of severe pain on chewing. On clinical
exam, you see an eruption cyst in the place of the mandibular second molar.
What is the most likely age of this patient?
erupt 11-13
(maxillary 12-13)
apex fully developed 2-3 yrs after eruption
At 9 years of age how many primary teeth are present in the mouth? ·0 ·8 4 ·12 ·18
A 1-year-old child is expected to have erupted which of the following primary maxillary and mandibular teeth? Select all that apply. • central incisors •lateral incisors •canines • first molars • second molars
A patient with erupted teeth #8, 7, C, B, A, 3 and unerupted 2 and 1 is most likely what age? ·5 6 · 8 · 10 · 12
A patient comes in with a chief complaint of, “My wife says I wake her up at
night with scraping noises from my mouth:’ On clinical exam you will expect
to find which of the following characteristics of his occlusal contacts?
• point-to-point
• point-to-area
• edge-to-edge
• edge-to-area
• area-to-area
• area-to-area
not normal, but in bruxism
All posterior teeth have proximal contacts in the:
• middle third
• junction of the occlusal and middle third
• occlusal third
• cervical third
middle third
for any tooth, mesial contact is more incisal/occlusal than distal EXCEPT mand PM1 which can have it vv
The location of the height of contour on the facial and lingual surfaces of the
crowns of teeth can best be seen from the mesial and distal views and is usually
located in either the cervical third or the middle third (never the occlusal
or incisal third).
The location of the height of contour on the facial surface of all crowns is
located in or near the cervical third.
• both statements are true
• both statements are fa lse
• the first statement is true, the second is fa lse
• the first statement is fa lse, the second is t rue
both true
proximal heights are at contacts
anterior facial & lingual - cervical
posterior facial cervical, lingual middle
Which three mandibular teeth are so aligned that, when viewed from the
occlusal, a straight line may be drawn that will bisect all contact areas?
• central incisor, lateral incisor, and canine
• canine, first premolar, and second premolar
• second premolar, first molar, and second molar
• lateral incisor, canine, and first premolar
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• second premolar, first molar, and second molar
Cervical line (or CEJ) contours are closely related to the attachment of the
gingiva at the neck of the tooth. When doing a crown prep, your margin will
slope with the contours of the cervical lines and gingival attachments. On
which surfaces will your greatest contour be found?
• distal surfaces of anterior teeth
• distal surfaces of posterior teeth
• mesial surfaces of anterior teeth
• mesial surfaces of posterior teeth
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mesial of anterior
You are fabricating an interim bridge from 19 to 21. The contact areas on the pontic when viewed from the occlusal view, should be \_\_ of the tooth midline buccolingually. • directly in line • slightly to the lingual • slightly to the facial 32 copynght 0 2013·2014 Dental Decks D
• slightly to the facial
directly in midline only that straight ling on mandibular - starting at PM2
otherwise all are a little facial
The mesial contact area of a permanent maxillary lateral incisor is usually
• in the incisal third
• in the middle third
• at the junction of the incisal and middle thirds
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From a facial view, mesial and distal contact areas of mandibular central
incisors are located:
• in the middle third
• at the junction of incisal and middle thirds
• at the junction of cervical and middle thirds
• cervical to the junction of incisal and middle thirds
• incisal to the junction of incisal and middle thirds
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• incisal to the junction of incisal and middle thirds
The contact area on the mesial surface of a mandibular canine is located at the: • middle third • incisal third • cervical third • junction of the middle and cervical thirds 35 copynght 0 20 13·2014 Dental Decks DENTAL
• incisal third
The lingual height of contour on a permanent mandibular second molar is
• in the middle third
• in the cervical third
• in the occlusal third
• at the junction of the cervical and middle thirds
• at the junction of the middle and occlusal thirds
middle third
only lingual posteriors
all others (lingual and facial anterior and facial posterior) - are cervical
Which of the following teeth has its mesial contact located within the incisal or the occlusal one third? • maxillary canine • maxillary first molar • mandibular second premolar • mandibular central incisor 37 copynght 0 20 13·2014 Dental Decks
• mandibular central incisor
The height of contour occlusocervically is located within the middle third of
• facial surface of a permanent mandibular fi rst molar
•lingual surface of a permanent maxillary first molar
• distal surface of a permanent central incisor
• mesial surface of a permanent canine
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•lingual surface of a permanent maxillary first molar
A supernumerary tooth between the
maxillary central incisors
Excessive formation of cementum around
the root of a tooth after the tooth has erupted
Disorder characterized by the fusion of the
tooth to the bone
Disorder characterized by the fusion or
growing together of two adjacent teeth at
the root through the cementum only
occurs at apposition stage
The length of the mandibular arch is longer than the maxillary arch.
The difference is only about 2 mm.
• both statements are true
• both statements are fa lse
• the first statement is true, the second is fa lse
• the first statement is fa lse, the second is true
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first false, second true
maxillary is slightly longer
Which of the following is the loss of tooth structure from non-mechanical means? • attrition • abrasion • ankylosis • erosion
TERATOGEN 1. Aspirin, valium, dilantin, and cigarette smoke (hypoxia) 2. Cytomegalovirus, toxoplasma 3. Ethyl alcohol 4. Rubella virus 5. X-radiation 6. Vitamin D excess
EFFECT A. Microcephaly B. Central mid-face discrepancy C. Premature suture closure D. Cleft lip and palate E. Microcephaly, hydrocephaly, microphthalmia F. Microphthalmia, cataracts, deafness
1 - D 2 - E 3 - B 4 - F 5 - A 6 -C
1st trimestser greatest sensitivity
Aspirin, valium, dilantin, and cigarette smoke (hypoxia) as teratogen
cleft lip and palate
Ethanol as teratogen
midface discrepancy
CMV and toxo as teratogen
microcephaly, hydrocephaly, microphthalmia
Rubella virus as teratogen
Microphthalmia, cataracts, deafness
Vit D excess as teratogen
premature suture closures
X-radiation as teratogen
As you know, there are several kinds of teeth in the human mouth. They all
serve different functions. You are in an argument with your friend, a law
student, and you test his vocabulary. You call him a , which simply
means he has teeth with different morphologies and functions.
• polyphyodont
• monophyodont
• heterodont
• diphyodont
diphyodont - two sets of teeth
Which of the following refers to the congenital absence of many, but not all, teeth? • hypodontia • anodontia • oligodontia • hypsodontia
hypodontia - absence of only a few teeth
A child has maxillary incisor protrusion, an anterior open bite, crowded lower anteriors, and a high palatal vault. Which of the following most likely caused this problem? • mouth breathing • thumb sucking • tongue thrusting • using a pacifier • nocturnal bruxism
• thumb sucking (or any other sucking habit)
usually anterior is asymmetrical but posterior is normal
A patient of yours has enamel hypocalcification. You would expect \_\_ quantity of enamel and would describe it as \_\_ . • less than normal; hard • less than normal; soft • normal; soft • normal; hard • more than normal; hard • more than normal; soft
normal, soft
compare to hypoplasia: quantitative problem
fluorosis –> mottled discoloration and pitting
Which ofthe following teeth have the most variability in form? • mandibular fi rst premolars • maxillary first molars • mandibular second molars • maxillary lateral incisors • maxillary second premolars 47 copyright Cl 20 13-2014 Dental Decks DENTAL
• maxillary lateral incisors
can be peg-shaped
A mental foramen would be found on X-ray closest to the root of which tooth? ·19 ·14 • 29 • 22 4
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Extreme curvature or angulation of tooth roots describes which of the fol lowing conditions? • fusion • gemination • concrescence • dilaceration • dens invaginatus 49 copyright Cl 20 13-2014 Dental Decks
• dilacerations
gemination: two crowns w one root canal
fusion: two germs joined
Pure rotation of the mandible involves which two planes of movement?
• frontal
• horizontal
• sagittal
- frontal (up and down)
* sagittal (forward and backward)
Border movements are the limits to which the mandible can move, whereas
functional movements generally occur within the border movements.
The maximum opening movement is 50 to 60 mm, depending on the age and
size of the individual.
• both statements are true
• both statements are fa lse
• the first statement is true, the second is fa lse
• the first statement is fa lse, the second is true
both true
In the natural dentition, centric occlusion is, in a majority of people, __ to
centric relation contact and on the average approximately __ mm.
• posterior; 2
• anterior; 1
• medial; 2
•lateral; 1
• anterior; 1
During sleep, the mandible is in its physiologic rest or postural position. The contact of teeth is: • maximum • not present • premature • slight
•not present
Which jaw position is a ligament-guided position? • centric occlusion (CO) • centric relation (CR) • rest position of the mandible • none of the above 54 copynght 0 20 13·2014 Dental Decks
• centric relation (CR)
centric occlusion is guided by
rest position of mandible is guided by
centric relation (terminal hinge) is guided by
terminal hinge =
centric relation
A dental patient is complaining of unilateral jaw pain when chewing. You
notice that she only chews on her right side. When a mandibular movement
to the right is performed, which condyle moves forward, downward, and
• working condyle (right)
• non-working condyle (left)
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• non-working condyle (left)
working side - towards which mandible moves
A 7-year-old male patient with a history of thumb-sucking comes into the
orthodontist’s office presenting with an anterior open bite. Doing swallowing
tests, the orthodontist discovers that the patient needs to involve his
tongue to close the freeway space between his teeth. During typical empty
mouth swallowing, the mandible is braced in which jaw position to allow
for proper stabilization?
• centric relation (CR)
• intercuspal position (IC)
• retruded contact position (RCP)
• protruded contact position (PCP)
intercuspal position (aka centric occlusion)
During a right working side movement, the right side molar teeth may
contact along the buccal inclines of the maxillary buccal cusps and the
lingual inclines of the mandibular buccal cusps.
Mandibular protrusion will result in the mesiolingual cusp of the maxillary
first molar passing through the central groove toward the distal marginal
ridge ofthe mandibular molar.
• both statements are true
• both statements are fa lse
• the first statement is true, the second is fa lse
• the first statement is fa lse, the second is true
1 false, 2 true
basic contact relationship of maxillary 1st molar:
lingually: ML cusp into C fossa of mandibular M1
DL cusp into distal ridge of M1
buccally: MB into mesiofacial groove; DB into distofacial groove
==> in protrusion: ML cusp of maxillary slides along central groove distally and meets distal ridge
in working side movement, contact along lingual inclines of buccal maxillary and buccal of buccal mandibular
Retrusive movement requires the condyles to move backward and upward.
In protrusive movement, the condyles of the mandible have moved in a
downward and forward direction.
• both statements are true
• both statements are fa lse
• the first statement is true, the second is fa lse
• the first statement is fa lse, the second is true
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both true
Anterior guidance is a result of:
• horizontal and vertical overlap
• vertical and posterior cusp height
• horizontal overlap and posterior cusp height
• intercondylar distance and free way space
• intercondylar distance and postural vertical dimension
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• horizontal and vertical overlap
provided by anterior teeth when mandible goes into lateral or protrusive mvmt
determined by vertical overbite and horizontal overjet
provides disclusion of posterior teeth when mandible protrudes or moves to side
what provides disclusion of posterior teeth when mandible protrudes
anterior guidance: overjet and overbite
In a patient with a left canine protection, the mesiolingual surface of the
maxillary right first molar contacts the distofacial surface of the mandibular
right first molar during a left lateral excursion. This contact is:
• normal
• evidence of group function
• a working side interference
• a non-working side interference
• normal, and a non-working side interference
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a non-working side interference
canine protection - left side contact of canine during left working movement
all other left teeth are out of contact at this point
before protection reached, may be some contacts on left side = group function
in all cases of left working movement, right nonworking side teeth SHOULD NOT be in contact –> not normal, interferences
An endodontist is performing root canal therapy on a permanent maxillary
first molar. Since he is a very thorough endodontist, he knows he should
look for a fourth canal. Which root of a maxillary first molar commonly has
two root canals?
• the palata I root
• the distobuccal root
• the mesiobuccal root
• none of the above
mesiobuccal root
maxillary first usually three roots and four canals
palatal usually largest
mesiobuccal usually very wide
in all molar, root canals join the pulp chamber apical to CEJ
In which teeth will we most likely see a bifurcation in the apical third of the root? • mandibular molars • maxillary first molars • maxillary second molars • maxillary first premolars • maxillary second premolars • mandibular premolars
• maxillary first premolars
bifurcating or two roots
mandibular molars (M and D, split in cervical or middle third) and maxillary 1pm (palatal and buccal, split in apical third)
During a surgical extraction of the maxillary first molar, a rough oral surgeon
accidentally perforates the maxillary sinus. If he perforated the sinus with
one of the roots of the first molar, which root is the most likely candidate,
given that it is the largest, longest, and strongest ofthe three roots?
• mesiobuccal
• distobuccal
• palatal
distobuccal is smallest!
palatal root is wider FL than MD
on maxillary M2s, less divergent
From a developmental viewpoint, all mandibular molars have __ major
cusps, whereas maxillary molars have only __ major cusps .
• 6; 5
• 5; 4
• 4; 3
4, 3
maxillary molars have oblique ridge from ML to DB
Max vs mand molars: lingual cusps
almost equal size on mandibular; one big and one small on maxillary
oblique ridge
on maxillary molars, b/w ML and DB cusps
A fissured groove is most frequently found on the: • facial surface of maxillary molars • lingual surface of maxillary molars • facial surface of mandibular molars • lingual surface of mandibular molars 66 copynght 0 2013·2014 Dental Decks
• lingual surface of maxillary molars
Stensen duct
2 max molar
Mandibular first molar pulp
usually two canals in mesial root (small and circular),
one kidney-shaped in distal
A dental student is performing root canal therapy on an extracted maxillary
molar in her preclinical endodontics course. Her pre-operative radiograph
shows four canals (two canals in the MB root). She should expect the shape
of the floor of the pulp chamber in this maxillary molar to be roughly:
• square
• rhomboidal
• triangular
• circular
triangular floor
rhomboidal on cervical cross-section
MB acute, DB obtuse
From a mesial or distal aspect, all mandibular posterior teeth have a: • triangular outline • rhomboidal outline •trapezoidal outline • square outline • rectangular outline 70 copynght 0 20 13·2014 Dental Decks DENTAL
maxillay posteriors are trapezoid
The distolingual cusp on the permanent maxillary molars is also called a: • cusp of Carabelli • talon cusp • dens evaginatus • trigone
talon cusp
primary cusps make trigon (triangle, w/oblique ridge)
carabelli is on ML cusp
where is carabelli?
ML cusp of maxillary molars
A dentist is completing a disto-occlusal restoration on a permanent maxillary
first molar. He is carving the distal marginal ridge. He makes sure to give it
width for support and must round it to create an embrasure. In order to get
the correct height occlusocervically, he should match the distal marginal ridge
of the maxillary first molar to the:
• mesial marginal ridge of the maxillary second premolar
• mesial marginal ridge of the mandibular first molar
• mesial marginal ridge of the maxillary second molar
• distal marginal ridge of t he maxillary second premolar
• mesial marg inal ridge of the maxillary second molar
How many roots are visible from the buccal aspect of a maxillary first molar? • one root • two roots • three roots • four roots
Fibers from the ventral ramus of Cl travel with the hypoglossal nerve (CN XII)
to the geniohyoid and thyrohyoid.
Fibers from the ventral rami of C1 -C3 combine to form the ansa cervicalis,
which gives off branches to the omohyoid, sternohyoid, and sternothyroid.
• both statements are true
• both statements are fa lse
• the first statement is true, the second is fa lse
• the first statement is fa lse, the second is true
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both true
Which of the following suprahyoid muscles are innervated by the facial nerve? Select all that apply. • mylohyoid muscle • anterior belly of digastric muscle • posterior belly of digastric muscle • stylohyoid muscle • geniohyoid muscle
posterior digastric
There are two sets of lingual muscles: extrinsic and intrinsic. The extrinsic muscles: • alter the shape of the tongue • move the tongue as a whole • all originate from the mandible • are all innervated by the hypoglossal nerve 76 copynght 0 20 13·2014 Dental Decks
• move the tongue as a whole
Which muscle presses the cheek against molar teeth, working with the tongue to keep food between the occlusal surfaces and out of the oral vestibule? • zygomaticus major • depressor labii inferi oris • buccinator •levator anguli oris 77 copynght 0 2013·2014 Dental Decks
• buccinator
A new patient comes in with a history of malignant cancer. When the patient opens, the mandible deviates to the left. You suspect a tumor blocking nervous innervation to which muscle? • right medial pterygoid •left medial pterygoid • right lateral pterygoid • left lateral pterygoid 78 copynght 0 20 13·2014 Dental Decks
• left lateral pterygoid
After seating a new crown on tooth #19 you need to check excursive movements.
You ask the patient to slide her jaw to the right to make sure there are
contacts on #19 during this movement. What muscle does the patient use to
move her jaw like this?
• right medial pterygoid
•left medial pterygoid
• right lateral pterygoid
• left lateral pterygoid
• left lateral pterygoid
Retrusion (retruding the jaw) results from:
• the bil ateral contraction of the anterior (vertical) fibers of the temporalis muscle
• the bilateral contraction of the posterior (horizontal) fibers of the temporalis muscle
• the unilateral contraction of the anterior (vertica l) fibers of the temporal is muscle
• the unil ateral contraction of the posterior (horizontal) fibers of the temporalis
• the bilateral contraction of the posterior (horizontal) fibers of the temporalis muscle
A 22-year-old female dental student comes into your dental practice for a
regular check-up. She states that she has never had any problems with her
teeth, and upon examination you notice that only one pair of teeth seem to
have contact during lateral movements ofthe mandible. Which teeth should
ideally provide the predominant guidance through the full range of
movement in lateral mandibular excursions?
• premolars
• first molars
• incisors
• canines
• canines
In an ideal intercuspal position, the mesiobuccal cusp of the permanent
maxillary first molar opposes the:
• the distobuccal groove of the mandibular first molar
• the buccal groove of the mandibular second molar
• the mesiobuccal groove of the mandibular first molar
• the developmental groove between the distobuccal and the distal cusps of the
mandibular first molar
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• the mesiobuccal groove of the mandibular first molar
Class I occlusion:
mandibular first molar is slightly anterior to maxillary first molar
MB cusp of maxillary first in buccofacial groove of mand first
max canine in embrasure between mandib canine and 1st premolar
Class II Div I occlusion
occurrence of II?
maxillary arch is mesial to mandibular
MB cusp at embrasure between PM2 and M1
+ max canine is anterior to mandib canine
excessive overjet
II occurrence is 25%
Class II Div II occlusion
how different from Div I?
maxillary arch is mesial to mandibular
MB cusp of maxillary M1 is in embrasure between PM2 and M1
+ max canine is anterior to mand canine
maxillary anteriors are retroclined –> deeper overbite but smaller overjet
Class III occlusion
mandible is mesial to maxilla
MB max cusp is in distofacial groove of mandib M1
max canine is behind or on mandib PM1
An archaeologist consults a dentist about some findings he had on a dig. The
teeth the archeologist finds have four cusps - two of them taller and pointed,
two of them shorter, rounded, and dull. The dentist tells the archaeologist
that these teeth are similar to our human molars. The broader, more rounded
cusps are:
• non-supporting and working
• supporting and balancing
• supporting and working
• non-supporting and balancing
• supporting and working
Which permanent teeth occlude with only one tooth in the opposite jaw, assuming ideal relations exist? • maxillary canines • maxillary central incisors • mandibular central incisors • mandibular third molars 85 copynght 0 20 13·2014 Dental Decks
• mandibular central incisors
also upper third molars
In an ideal intercuspal position, the facial cusp tip of a maxillary first
premolar opposes the:
• facial embrasure between the mandibular first and second premolars
• facial embrasure between the mandibular second premolar and the mandibular
first molar
• opposing central fossa
• opposing mesial marginal ridge
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• facial embrasure between the mandibular first and second premolars
In the intercuspal position, where does the mesiolingual cusp of a permanent
maxillary first molar occlude?
• the distal triangular fossa of f irst premolar
• the distal triangular fossa of second premolar
• the central fossa of the mandibular fi rst molar
• the distal marginal ridge of mandibular first molar
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• the central fossa of the mandibular fi rst molar
In the intercuspal position, where does the distal cusp of a permanent
mandibular first molar occlude?
• the distal triangular fossa of the maxillary second premolar
• the distal fossa of the maxillary fi rst molar
• the central fossa of the maxillary second molar
• the mesial marginal ridge of the maxillary first molar and distal marginal ridge of the
maxillary second premolar
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• the distal fossa of the maxillary fi rst molar
In an ideal intercuspal position, the mesiolingual cusp of a permanent
mandibular molar opposes:
• the opposing central fossae
•the lingual embrasure between their class counterpart and the tooth distal to it
• the opposing distal marginal ridge
• the lingual embrasure between their class counterpart and the tooth mesial to it
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• the lingual embrasure between their class counterpart and the tooth mesial to it
Which of the following positions would yield the smallest measurement of vertical dimension? • reverse overlap • edge-to-edge • retruded contact • maximum intercuspation 92 copynght 0 20 13·2014 Dental Decks
• maximum intercuspation
A patient presents to the dentist for examination and bites into centric
occlusion. The permanent maxillary canine is found to be mesial to the
mandibular canine. This type of occlusion is classified as:
• cl ass I
• cl ass II
• cl ass Ill
• cl ass IV
There are four theoretical determinants needed to restore a complete and
functional occlusal surface. They include all of the following EXCEPT one.
Which one is the EXCEPTION?
• the amount of vertical overlap of the anterior teeth
• the contour of the articu lar eminence
• the relative strength of the muscles of mastication
• the amount and direction of lateral shift in the working side condyle
• the position of the tooth in the arch
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• the relative strength of the muscles of mastication
The basic principles for occlusal adjustment include all of the following
EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?
• the maximum distribution of occlusal stresses in centric relation
• the forces of occlusion should be borne as much as possible by the long axis of the
• when there is surface-to-surface contact of flat cusps, it should be changed to a
point-to-surface contact
• once centric occlusion is established, never take the teeth out of centric occlusion
• when a slide from CR to ICP is natural, it should never be modified
• when a slide from CR to ICP is natural, it should never be modified
The basic principles for occlu sal adjustment include:
• The maximum distribution of occlusal stresses in centric relation
• The forces of occlusion should be borne as much as possible by the long axis of the teeth
• When there is surface-to-surface contact of flat cusps, it should be changed to a point-to surface
• Once centric occlusion is established, never take the teeth out of centric occlusion
The determinant factors of occlusion include all of the following EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION? • the temporomandibular joint • the masticatory muscles • the tongue and buccal mucosa position • the biomechanics of the temporomandibular joint • the dentition and the occlusal table 96 copynght 0 20 13·2014 Dental Decks
• the tongue and buccal mucosa position
Determinants of occlusion, ant/post and variability
TMJs and ligaments = posterior determinants, fixed
teeth - anterior, variable
neuromuscular - determined by teeth
Five requirements for occlusal stability:
- Stable stops on all teeth when the condyles are in centric occlusion.
- Anterior guidance in harmony with the border movement of the envelope of function.
- Disclusion of all posterior teeth in protrusive movements.
- Disclu sion of all posterior teeth on the nonworking (ba lancing) side.
- Noninterference of all posterior teeth on the working side, with either the lateral anterior guidance,
or the border movements of the condyle. The working-side posterior teeth may contact in
lateral group function if they are in precise harmony with anterior guidance and condylar guidance,
or they may be discluded from working-side contacts by the lateral anterior guidance.
The centric relation (CR) is the most unstrained, retruded anatomic and
functional position of the heads of the condyles or the mandible in the
__ of the temporomandibular joints. This is a relationship of the __ of
the upper and lower jaws __ tooth contact. The presence or absence of
teeth, or the type of occlusion or malocclusion, __ factors.
• mandibular fossae/ bones/independent of/are not
• mandibular fo ramen/teeth/dependent on/are
• mandibular fossae/bones/dependent on/are
• mandibular fossae/teeth/dependent on/are
• mandibular fo ramen/bones/independent of/are not
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mandibular fossae/ bones/ independent / are not
compare to centric OCCLUSION - which depends on teeth and not condyles
Anterior guidance (anterior coupling) is the guidance provided by the anterior
teeth when the mandible goes into a lateral or protrusive movement.
If anterior guidance can be accomplished, the least amount of force will be
placed on the posterior teeth during lateral and protrusive movements.
• both statements are t rue
• both statements are false
• the first statement is true, the second is false
• the first statement is fa lse, the second is true
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both true
A patient’s mother comes in to complain that her child’s upper front teeth rest
in front of his lower lip. You explain to her that this is called __ _
• overjet
• overbite
• underjet
• open bite
Generally, the deeper the curve of Spee, the more difficult it is to make and
adjust interocclusal appliances that are used in the treatment of bruxism.
Increasing the curve of Spee can reduce the vertical overlap of the teeth.
• both statements are t rue
• both statements are false
• the first statement is true, the second is false
• the first statement is fa lse, the second is true
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first is true, second is false
reducing spee can reduce overlap
Two curves:
curve of spee:
anteroposterior curvature of occlusal surfaces; begins at tip of lower canine to anterior border of ramus; ideally extends through condyles.
curve of Wilson: mediolateral curve that contacts buccal and ligual cusps on each side. results from inward incline of lower posteriors
spee+wilson = monson
Curve of Spee:
Curve of Wilson
Monson curve
Spee + Wilson
The mandible functions as a: • class I lever • class II lever • class Ill lever
class III
Which of the following types of oral mucosa are keratinized under normal conditions? Select all that apply. • vermillion border of the lips • hard palate • gingiva • buccal mucosa • dorsa l surface of the tongue
vermillion border
hard palate
some gingiva
dorsal toongue
The principal fibers of the periodontal ligament are arranged in four groups.
The molecular configuration of collagen fibers in the periodontal ligament
provides them with a tensile strength greater than that of steel.
• both statements are true
• both statements are fa lse
• the fi rst statement is true, the second is false
• the first statement is fa lse, the second is true
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first false, second true
five groups of fibers! (don’t forget interradicular)
gingival also 5 groups
The gingival fibers are arranged in five groups. Which of the following is NOT one of those groups? • circular group • dentogingival group • apical group • transseptal group • dentoperiosteal group • alveologingival group
• apical group
The junctional epithelium consists of a collar-like band of stratified squamous
keratinized epithelium.
The reduced enamel epithelium is not essential for its formation.
• both statements are true
• both statements are fa lse
• the first statement is true, the second is fa lse
• the first statement is fa lse, the second is true
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1 false 2 true
jct epithelium: collar of stratified squamous nonkeratinized
REE non-essential, can form without and later and everything
Bone consists of:
• two-thirds organic matter and one-third inorganic matrix
• one-third organic matter and two-thirds inorganic matrix
• one-half organic matter and one-half inorganic matrix
• two-thirds inorganic matter and one-third organic matrix
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• two-thirds inorganic matter and one-third organic matrix
Although the average width of the periodontal ligament space is documented
to be about , considerable variation exists.
has free endings (noci)
Ruffini (apical)
Meissner (mechano, midroot)
vibration spindles
\_\_\_ are the most common cells in the periodontal ligament and appear as ovoid or elongated cells oriented along the principal fibers, exhibiting pseudopodia-like processes. • cementoblasts • osteoblasts • fibroblasts • macro phages 108 copynght 0 2013·2014 Dental Decks
Of the choices listed below, which one describes the boundaries that define
the attached gingiva?
• from the gingiva l margin to the interdental groove
• from the free gingiva l groove to the gingiva l margin
• from the mucogingival junction to the free gingiva l groove
• from the epitheli al attachment to the cementoenamel junction
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• from the mucogingival junction to the free gingiva l groove
The attachment apparatus is composed of all of the following EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION? • periodontal ligament • cementum • alveolar process of the maxillae and mandible • gingiva 110 copynght 0 20 13·2014 Dental Decks
• gingiva
The principal fibers of the periodontal ligament are composed mainly of collagen
type I.
The amount of collagen in a tissue can be determined by its glycine content.
• both statements are true
• both statements are fa lse
• the first statement is true, the second is fa lse
• the first statement is fa lse, the second is true
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1 true 2 false
amt of collagen - hydroxyproline content
PDL also has oxytalan and elaunin but no elastic
Because of the high turnover rate, the connective tissue of the gingiva has a
remarkably good healing and regenerative capacity.
The reparative capacity of the gingival connective tissues is better than that
of the periodontal ligament and the epithelial tissue.
• both statements are true
• both statements are fa lse
• the first statement is true, the second is fa lse
• the first statement is fa lse, the second is true
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1 true 2 wrong
The narrowest band of attached gingiva is found:
• on the lingual surfaces of maxillary incisors and the facia l surfaces of maxillary first
• on the facial surfaces of mandibular second premolars and the lingual surface of
• on the facial surfaces of the mandibular canine and first premolar and the lingual
surfaces adjacent to the mandibular incisors and canines
• none of the above
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on the facial surfaces of the mandibular canine and first premolar and
the lingual surfaces adjacent to the mandibular incisors and canines
facial generally greatest in incisor regions
Which tooth is most likely to be unnecessarily endodontically treated by a novice dentist who sees a radiolucency on the radiograph? • mandibular canine • mandibular second premolar • mandibular f irst molar • maxillary first premolar 114 copynght 0 20 13·2014 Dental Decks
• mandibular second premolar
most common type - 5 lobes, 3 cusps
Which tooth has a mesial marginal ridge that is distinctly shorter in length and less prominent in height than the distal marginal ridge? • maxillary second premolar • mandibular fi rst premolar • mandibular second premolar • maxillary first premolar 115 copynght 0 20 13·2014 Dental Decks
• mandibular fi rst premolar
On mandibular premolars, the lingual cusps are much smaller than the buccal
On maxillary premolars, the buccal cusps are smaller than the lingual
• both statements are t rue
• both statements are false
• the first statement is t rue, the second is false
• the first statement is fa lse, the second is true
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1 true 2 false
on maxillary, lingual cusps are smaller, but only slightly
Which premolar is the only one that has a mesial buccal cusp ridge that is longer than its distal buccal cusp ridge? • mandibular first premolar • mandibular second premolar • maxillary first premolar • maxillary second premolar 118 copynght 0 20 13·2014 Dental Decks
• maxillary first premolar
prominent feature of max first premolar
mediobuccal cusp ridge longer than distal;; opposite for every other PM
has mesial marginal groove
largest of PMs
prominent feature of mand first premolar
mesial marginal is lower and shorter than distal marginal
smallest of PMs
mesio-lingual groove!
The largest of all the premolars are the \_\_\_ and the smallest are the • maxillary first, mandibular first • maxillary first, mandibular second • maxillary second, mandibular first • maxillary second, mandibular second 119 copynght 0 20 13·2014 Dental Decks
• maxillary first, mandibular first
A hockey player comes into your office with both of his maxillary right premolars
in hand. Which ofthe following characteristics would you NOT use to
distinguish the first from the second maxillary premolar?
• number of roots
• symmetry (one is more symmetrical t han the other)
• mesial to distal cusp ridge ratio
• presence of mesic-lingual developmental groove
• central groove size and supplemental groove number
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• presence of mesio-lingual developmental groove
this is on mandibular 1st PM
max PMs: 1 vs 2
1st - 2 roots;
2nd - more ovoid and regular
DBCR>MBCR on PM2 (vv on PM1)
2nd doesn’t have mesial developmental depression
shorter central groove with more supplementals
The dental lamina is a horseshoe-shaped band of epithelial tissue that arises
from the ____ and is surrounded by mesenchymal cells.
• basement membrane
• basal lamina
• ectomesenchyme
• oral epithelium
• oral epithelium
Enamel matrix is an ectodermal product because ameloblasts are derived
from the inner enamel epithelium of the enamel organ, which was originally
derived from the ectodermal layer of the embryo.
Enamel matrix is first formed in the incisal/occlusal portion of the future
crown near the forming DEJ.
• both statements are t rue
• both statements are false
• the first statement is t rue, the second is false
• the first statement is fa lse, the second is true
both true
Mature enamel is by weight:
• 74% mineralized or inorganic materi al, 20% organic material, and 6% water
• 80% mineralized or inorganic materi al, 18% organic material, and 2% water
• 90% mineralized or inorganic materi al, 9% o rganic material, and 1% water
• 96% mineralized or inorganic materi al, 1% organic material, and 3% water
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• 96% mineralized or inorganic material, 1% organic material, and 3% water
Which of the following are partially calcified vertical defects in the enamel resembling cracks or fractures that traverse the entire length of the crown from the surface to the DEJ. • enamel tufts • enamel spindles • enamel rods • enamel lamellae 124 copynght 0 2013·2014 Dental Decks
The mesenchymal cells in the dental papilla adjacent to the inner enamel epithelium differentiate into: • ameloblasts • odontoblasts • cementoblasts • fibroblasts
• odontoblasts
Which structure is the central core and fills the bulk of the enamel organ? • outer enamel epithelium • inner enamel epithelium • stratum intermedium • stellate reticu lum
• stellate reticu lum
A patient comes into your dental clinic holding a bag of ice to the side of his
face and a sliver of ice tucked between his cheek and teeth. He says the cold
relieves the pain in his tooth. This is almost indicative of partial necrosis of
the structure which innervates the whole tooth. This structure is a connective
tissue that develops from the:
• enamel organ
• dental papilla
• epithelial rests of Malassez
• dental sac
• dental papilla
Which ofthe following statements concerning dentin are true?
Select all that apply.
• it is hard, elastic, 70% inorganic, 20% organic, and 10% water
• the main cell type is the odontoblast, which is derived from ectomesenchyme
• the inorganic component consists of mainly calcium hydroxyapatite
• it is less mineralized than cementum or bone but more mineralized than enamel
- it is hard, elastic, 70% inorganic, 20% organic, and 10% water
- the main cell type is the odontoblast, which is derived from ectomesenchyme
- the inorganic component consists of mainly calcium hydroxyapatite
A 3-year-old boy is being rushed by his mother to finish up his ice-cream. He
is unwilling to bite into it because it hurts his teeth. The reason the teeth of
children are more sensitive to thermal changes than those of an adult is that:
• newly erupted teeth have more dentin than older teeth
• newly erupted teeth have larger dental pulps
• newly erupted teeth have more differentiated mesenchymal cells
• newly erupted teeth have less ground substance
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• newly erupted teeth have larger dental pulps
Gemination and fusion occur during which stage of tooth development? • initiation • bud stage • cap stage • bell stage • appositional stage • maturation stage
• cap stage (all weird shapes here)
size discrepancies - in bell stage
dysplasia, concrescence and pearls in apposition
A 14-year-old boy comes into the dental office for a prophylaxis. A diet evaluation
reveals that he consumes 3-4 cans of soda a day and eats a box of fruit
snacks every week. Radiographs show multiple incipient interproximal carious
lesions and one cavitated carious lesion in his premolar. The cavitated lesion
in the premolar is beginning to encroach on the pulpal tissue. Reparative
dentin is usually formed in response to injury. The primary function of which
tissue is responsible for forming this reparative dentin?
• enamel
• hertwig’s epithelial root sheath
• dental pulp
• cementum
• dental pulp
The dental tissue which most closely mimics bone is: • enamel • dentin • dental pulp • cementum
• cementum
Which of the following statements concerning cementum are true?
Select all that apply.
• it is formed by cementoblasts from the periodontal ligament
• the organic portion is primarily composed of co llagen and protein
• cellular cementum occurs more frequently on the coronal two-thirds of the root
• it is avascular
- it is formed by cementoblasts from the periodontal ligament
- the organic portion is primarily composed of co llagen and protein
- it is avascular
Note: The composition of bone is roughly 50% inorganic, 25% collagen, and 25% water.
The junction between primary and secondary dentin is characterized by a
sharp change in the direction of dentinal tubules.
Tertiary dentin is the dentin formed in a tooth before the completion of the
apical foramen of the root.
• both statements are t rue
• both statements are false
• the first statement is t rue, the second is false
• the first statement is fa lse, the second is true
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1 true 2 false
Which of the following is formed inside the walls of the dentinal tubules? • tertiary dentin • mantle dentin • peritubular dentin • intertubula
• peritubular dentin
After the lEE differentiates into preameloblasts, the outer cells of the dental papilla are induced by the preameloblasts to differentiate into: • fibroblasts • osteoblasts • odontoblasts • cementoblasts 136 copynght 0 2013·2014 Dental Decks D
• odontoblasts
The application of excessive heat to a tooth results in pain because:
• excessive stimulation of a heat receptor always resu lts in pain
• heat receptors in the pulp have a low threshold to pain
• all stimuli to the pulp resu lts in a pain sensation
• blood vessels of the pulp expand and cause strangulation of the t issue
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• all stimuli to the pulp results in a pain sensation
the only nerve ending in pulp is free nerve endings which are NOCI
located in Raschkow (cell-rich)
Which of the following is a shallow groove or line between the primary parts of the crown or root? • fossa • su lcus • developmental groove • supplemental groove 138 copynght 0 20 13·2014 Dental Decks
• developmental groove
sulcus has groove on its bottom
supplemental doesn’t mark jxn of primary parts
When two teeth in the same arch are in contact, their curvatures adjacent to
the contact areas form spillway spaces called embrasures.
The design of contact areas, interproximal spaces, and embrasures varies
with the form and alignment of the various teeth; each section of the two
arches shows similarity ofform.
• both statements are t rue
• both statements are false
• the first statement is t rue, the second is false
• the first statement is fa lse, the second is true
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both true
When viewed from the facial, all posterior teeth have proximal contacts in
the middle third.
The more posterior teeth (the molars) have contacts higher in the middle
third than the premolars.
• both statements are t rue
• both statements are false
• the first statement is t rue, the second is false
• the first statement is fa lse, the second is true
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1 true 2 wrong
A 16-year-old patient is referred to the orthodontist’s office needing work to
fix her malocclusion. Before the patient’s first appointment, the orthodontist
reviews the clinical photographs of the patient and notices mamelons.
Mamelons are unusual in older patients and would indicate that the patient
most likely has which ofthe following malocclusions?
• posterior cross bite
• posterior open bite
• anterior open bite
• edge-to-edge class Ill dental occlusion
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• anterior open bite
Which ofthe following are true concerning developmental grooves?
Select all that apply.
• they are formed during tooth development
• they usually separate the primary parts of the crown or root
• they are important escape ways for cusps during lateral and protrusive jaw motions
and for food particles during mastication
• they are broad, deep, linear depressions
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• they are formed during tooth development
• they usually separate the primary parts of the crown or root
+ they are important escape ways for cusps during lateral and protrusive
jaw motions and for food particles during mastication
they are shallow
pits are at junctions or termination of grooves
In many older individuals, gingival recession leads to an unaesthetic problem
affectionately known as “black triangle disease:’ This is caused by the Joss of
gingival tissue in the interdental space. The interdental space is the:
• occlusal (incisal) border at which the gingiva meets the tooth
• portion of the gingiva that fil ls the interproximal space
• collar of t issue that is not attached to the tooth or alveolar bone
• band or zone of gray to light or coral pink keratinized masticatory mucosa that is
firmly bound down to the underlying bone
• portion of the gingiva that fil ls the interproximal space
Which of the following types of ridges is unique to permanent maxillary molars? • a labial ridge • a marginal ridge • an oblique ridge • a t ransverse ridge 144 copynght 0 20 13·2014 Dental Decks DENTAL
• an oblique ridge
Transverse ridges are very common on which of the following? Select all that apply. • mandibular premolars • mandibular molars • maxillary premolars • maxillary molars 145 copynght 0 20 13·2014 Dental Decks
- mandibular molars
- maxillary premolars
transverse ridge = buccal + lingual triangular ridges
A 7-year-old patient comes into your pediatric practice for a routine prophylaxis.
When conducting an intra-oral exam you comment to him that you
notice that he has just eaten something sticky like gummy worms or fruit
snacks. The chewing surface of posterior teeth, and the likely location of
sticky food deposits in this patient, is referred to as the:
• cl inical crown
• incisal edge
• occlusal surface
• anatomic crown
• occlusal surface
All anterior teeth show traces of: • one lobe • two lobes • three lobes • four lobes
exceptions: 5 lobes in mand PM2 and M1
A young patient comes to the clinic complaining that he gets too much food
stuck behind his front tooth when he bites. On examination, the dentist notes
an anomalous, claw-shaped cusp which projects from the cingulum of tooth
#9. This small elevation of enamel found on the crown portion of a tooth
would be classified as a:
• tubercle
• ridge
• developmental depression
• tubercle
Each tooth has: • two point angles • four point angles • six point angles • eight point angles tooth terms 149 copynght 0 20 13·2014 Dental Decks DENTAL
• four point angles
line angles - 8 in posterior, 6 in anterior
Any linear elevation on the surface of a tooth is called: • an incline • a prominence • a ridge • a tuberosity
Which tooth in the mouth has the greatest axial inclination relative to the occlusal plane? • maxillary canine • maxillary lateral incisor • maxillary central incisor 151 copynght 0 2013·2014 Dental Decks
• maxillary central incisor
Which teeth have the most variable crown shape of all permanent teeth? • maxillary lateral incisors • mandibular lateral incisors • maxillary third molars • mandibular second premolars 152 copynght 0 2013·2014 Dental Decks
• maxillary third molars
mandibulars not as often anomalous
Which of the following statements concerning the mandibular lateral incisor
are true?
Select all that apply.
• the mandibular lateral incisor is a little larger in all dimensions than the mandibular
central incisor
• the crown of the mandibular lateral incisor is not as bilaterally symmetri cal as the
mandibular central incisor
• the cingulum is directly in the center of the lingual surface
• the single root is usually straight, slightly longer and wider than that of a mandibular
• the mandibular lateral incisor is a little larger in all dimensions than the mandibular
central incisor
• the crown of the mandibular lateral incisor is not as bilaterally symmetri cal as the
mandibular central incisor
• the single root is usually straight, slightly longer and wider than that of a mandibular central
Which tooth is considered the"cornerstone" ofthe permanent dentition? • maxillary canine • maxillary second molar • mandibular canine • mandibular first molar 154 copynght 0 20 13·2014 Dental Decks DENTAL
• mandibular first molar
bc first to erupt
A patient walks into your office holding three crowns in her hand and claims
that they fell out during a car accident. You notice that one of the crowns has
a mesiolingual developmental groove. This is a dead giveaway that this
tooth is a:
• maxillary first premolar
• mandibular first premolar
• maxillary second premolar
• mandibular second premolar
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• mandibular first premolar
You are sifting through extracted teeth to practice a root canal. Since you will
rarely do a third molar root canal in practice, you throw those out right away.
What is the most reliable distinguishing feature of the mandibular third
• fused and compressed root system
• short, bulbous outline of the crown
• marginal ridge forming a smooth circle
• marked distal inclination of the root trunk
• great morphologic resemblance to the first molar
• marked distal inclination of the root trunk
The most distinguishable difference between the maxillary first and second permanent premolars is: • the size of the crown • the number of roots • the curvature of the facial surface • the length of the lingual cusp
• the number of roots
The maxillary first molar is the largest tooth in the maxillary arch and also has
the largest crown in the permanent dentition.
All maxillary molars are wider buccolingually than mesiodistally; in comparison,
the mandibular molars are wider mesiodistally.
• both statements are t rue
• both statements are false
• the first statement is t rue, the second is false
• the first statement is fa lse, the second is true
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both true
The \_\_\_\_\_ are the only teeth in the permanent dentition with a vertical and centrally placed labial ridge. • central incisors • lateral incisors • canines • premolars
A linguogingival groove may be present on the root (and possibly on the
crown) of the maxillary lateral incisor.
A maxillary lateral incisor has a single conical root that is relatively smooth
and straight but may curve slightly to the distal.
• both statements are true
• both statements are false
• the first statement is true, the second is fa lse
• the first statement is fa lse, the second is t rue
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both true
linguogingival groove
max lateral incisor
When filling a Class II amalgam you are having trouble fitting the matrix band
perfectly and keep getting an overhang in the cervical area. What surfaces
are you preparing?
• mesio-occlusal of a maxillary first premolar
• disto-occlusal of a maxillary first premolar
• mesio-occlusal of a maxillary second premolar
• disto-occlusal of a maxillary second premolar
• mesio-occlusal of a mandibular first premolar
• disto-occlusal of a mandibular first premolar
• mesio-occlusal of a maxillary first premolar
bc pronounced mesial concavity + mesial developmental depression
pronounced mesial concavity
max PM1 + mesial developmental depression
A mandibular canine is wider labiolingually and mesiodistally than a maxillary
The crown of the mandibular canine can be as long or even longer than that
of a maxillary canine.
• both statements are true
• both statements are false
• the first statement is true, the second is fa lse
• the first statement is fa lse, the second is t rue
1 wrong 2 right
mandibular canine is narrower FL and MD
Which tooth has two forms: the three-cusp type and the two-cusp type? • maxillary first premolar • mandibular second premolar • mandibular first premolar • maxillary second premolar 163 copynght 0 20 13·2014 Dental Decks
• mandibular second premolar
The outline of the crown of a maxillary second molar is narrower mesiodistally
than that of a maxillary first molar but is about the same width buccolingually.
Two crown outline types are possible on the maxillary second molar when
viewed from the occlusal: rhomboidal and heart-shaped.
• both statements are true
• both statements are fa lse
• the first statement is true, the second is fa lse
• the first statement is fa lse, the second is t rue
both true
compare maxillary molars crown
1 wider MD, but about same FL
2 may miss 4th cusp –> looks like heart
2 is more angular; buccal longer than lingual
1 buccal similar to lingual in length
You buy a batch of pre-fabricated temporary crown restorations for your office
for the first time. Your assistant drops the entire box on the ground and
they all get mixed up. The hardest tooth to distinguish left from right will be
• maxillary second molar
• maxillary first molar
• mandibular first molar
• mandibular second molar
• mandibular second molar (it is the most symmetrical molar)
super symmetrical, looks like squares with + groove
+ groove
mand M2
The mandibular central incisors are the smallest and simplest teeth of the
permanent dentition.
The mandibular central has a simple root, which is very narrow labiolingually
and wide mesiodistally.
• both statements are true
• both statements are false
• the first statement is true, the second is fa lse
• the first statement is fa lse, the second is t rue
1 true 2 false
root v narrow MD, wider FL
A permanent maxillary central incisor usually has how many mamelons and
developmental lobes?
• two mamelons and two developmental lobes
• two mamelons and three developmental lobes
• three mamelons and two developmental lobes
• three mamelons and four developmental lobes
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• three mamelons and four developmental lobes
plier handle roots
max M1
pentagonal occlusal shape
mandib M1
inclination of lingual cusp on maxillary PMs?
root of mandibular canine
ovoid, longer FL, wider MD on labial
Which ligaments below are considered to be accessory ligaments of the TMJ? Select all that apply. • sphenomandibular ligament • temporomandibular ligament • stylomandibular ligament •lateral discal ligament 187 copynght 0 20 13·2014 Dental Decks DENTAL
- sphenomandibular ligament
- stylomandibular ligament
temporomandibular = lateral ligament = main stabilizing
A patient comes into your dental office complaining of chewing difficulties.
When you ask him to protrude his mandible, the mandible markedly
deviates to the right. Which muscle, which inserts fibers into the capsule and
articular disc of the TMJ, is most likely damaged?
• right medial pterygoid muscle
• left medial pterygoid muscle
• right lateral pterygoid muscle
• left lateral pterygoid muscle
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• right lateral pterygoid muscle
A patient with constant, unexplained headaches is referred to a TMJ specialist
by his physician. In order to check for tenderness, the specialist must palpate
the joint. What is the best way to palpate the posterior aspect of the
mandibular condyle?
• intraorally
• externally over the posterior surface of the condyle with the mouth open
• through the external auditory meatus
• any of the above
• externally over the posterior surface of the condyle with the mouth open
A 56-year-old man comes into the ER with his mouth wide open. His wife
explains that he can’t close his mouth. The resident on-call quickly diagnoses
this as a bilateral dislocation of the TMJ and treats it promptly with reduction.
Dislocation of the TMJ is almost always:
• posteriorly and occurs while sleeping
• anteriorly and occurs while laughing or yawning
• anteriorly and occurs while chewing food
• posteriorly and occurs while laughing or yawning
• anteriorly and occurs while laughing or yawning
condyle translates anterior to eminence and becomes trapped
Which component of the TMJ has the most vasculature and innervation? • articu lar fossa • anterior band of the articu lar disc • posterior band of the articular disc • articu lar eminence • retrodiscal tissue 191 copynght 0 20 13·2014 Dental Decks
• retrodiscal tissue
A relatively unsuccessful treatment option for individuals suffering from
osteoarthritis is to inject or implant hyaline cartilage into areas of articular
cartilage degeneration. If osteoarthritis were to involve the TMJ, this treatment
modality would definitely be unsuccessful because the articular surfaces
of the TMJ are covered with:
• dense fibrous connective tissue
• periosteum
• elastic cartilage
• periosteum and elastic cartilage
• dense fibrous connective tissue
A patient with chronic TMJ inflammation is being treated by a dental TMJ
expert. To supplement his examination, the dentist wants to image the soft
tissues of this patient’s TMJ. Which of the following is the best imaging
modality for identifying the position of the articular disc in the temporomandibular
• panoramic radiograph
• magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
• computerized axial tomography (CAT Scan)
•lateral t ranscranial radiograph
CAT is better for bones
Reciprocal clicking is always a sign of damage to the ligaments that fasten
the disc in place.
A disc cannot click if the posterior and collateral ligaments are intact.
• both statements are true
• both statements are fa lse
• the first statement is true, the second is fa lse
• the first statement is fa lse, the second is t rue
both true
A patient with temporomandibular disorder comes to the dental office for
treatment. He has bilateral “clicking” of the condyles upon opening and
tenderness on palpation of the joint. An MRI shows damaged collateral
ligaments. The most common direction in which the articular disc in the TMJ
will be displaced in this patient is:
• medially
• posteriorly
• anteromedially
bc of anteromedial pull of lateral pterygoid
The TMJ is a(an):
• arthrodi al joint
• ginglymus joint
• ginglymoarthrodial joint
• ginglymoarthrodial joint
means it glides and rotates
All of the following structures make up the articulating parts of each temporomandibular joint EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION? • mandibular condyle • articular fossa and articular eminence • retrodiscal tissue • articular disc (meniscus) 197 copynght 0 20 13·2014 Dental Decks DENTAL
• retrodiscal tissue
Which of the following structures secretes the fluid which lubricates the TMJ?
• retrodiscal tissue
• internal synovial layer of the fibrous capsule
• outer fibrous layer of the fibrous capsule
• articular disc
• internal synovial layer of the fibrous capsule
Translatory movements take place in which compartment of the TMJ?
• upper (mandibular fossa -articular disc) compartment
•lower (condyle- articular disc) compartment
• both the upper and lower compartments
• upper (mandibular fossa -articular disc) compartment
rotatiom around condyle heads in lower part (hinge)
upper - only sliding = translation; protrusion
All of the following statements are true EXCEPT one. Which one is the
• the crowns of the primary anterior teeth are wider mesiodistally and shorter incisocervically
than their permanent counterparts
• the crowns of the primary molars are shorter and more narrow mesiodistally at the cervical
third as compared to the permanent molars
• the pulpal horns are lower in primary molars, especially the distal horns, and the pulp chambers
are proportionately smaller
• the roots of the primary anterior teeth taper more rapidly than do those of the permanent
• the roots of the primary molars are longer and more slender than those of the permanent
• the enamel ends abruptly at the cervical line on primary teeth, rather than becoming thinner,
which occurs on permanent teeth
• the pulpal horns are lower in primary molars, especially the distal horns, and the pulp chambers
are proportionately smaller\
pulpal horns are lower, pulp chambers are larger
longer and slender roots, flare out closer to cervix
Stainless steel crowns are often used in pediatric dentistry. Also common in
pediatric dentistry are kids throwing temper tantrums. One day a 4-year-old
patient throws a tantrum and knocks over your case of stainless steel
crowns. When picking out the primary mandibular first molars you
remember which of the following statements?
• they resemble the permanent mandibular first premolar
• they resemble the permanent mandibular first molar
• they resemble the permanent maxillary second molar
• they resemble the primary mandibular second molar
• none of the above; their anatomy is unlike any other tooth in the mouth (primary or
• none of the above; their anatomy is unlike any other
tooth in the mouth (primary or permanent)
A frantic mother calls you on the phone asking what to do about her child's first tooth. You want to impress her. Before she can say it, you tell her what tooth it is. It is a: • primary mandibular central incisor • primary mandibular first molar • primary maxillary central incisor • primary maxillary fi rst molar You got that right, and now you really impress her and tell her how old her child is. She is about: • 4-Y2 months old • 6-Y2 months old • 1 O-Y2 months old • 1 year old
• primary mandibular central incisor
6-1/2 months old
A 10-1/ 2- year-old patient comes into your office. You are not sure whether
his maxillary canines are permanent or primary. Which of the following
statements will help you determine which they are?
• the cusp on the primary maxillary canine is much shorter than the cusp on the
permanent maxillary canine
• the mesial cusp ridge on the primary maxillary canine is shorter than the distal cusp
ridge; this is the opposite of all other canines
• the cusp on the primary maxillary canine is much longer and sharper than the cusp
on the permanent maxillary canine
• the primary maxillary canine is much narrower and longer than the permanent
maxilla ry canine
the cusp on the primary maxillary canine is much longer and
sharper than the cusp on the permanent maxillary canine
mesial cusp ridge is longer than distal - opposite on all other canines
deciduous primary molars look like
max M1 - unique, 3 cusps
max M2 looks like adult M2
mand M1 unique, 4 cusps
mand M2 looks like adult M2
When attempting a MO Class II amalgam preparation and filling on a primary
tooth, you encounter a very large mesial marginal ridge that resembles
a cusp. You also notice a transverse ridge that runs from the mesiolingual
cusp to the mesiobuccal cusp that is rather large. This tooth often proves
difficult to restore, which tooth is it?
• mandibular fi rst molar
• maxillary first molar
• mandibular second molar
• maxillary second molar
• mandibular first molar
- The mesial marginal ridge is very well developed and resembles a cusp
- It has no central fossa
How many lobes develop to form a primary canine tooth?
A 10-year-old patient comes into your office with his mother. They are
concerned about affording orthodontic treatment for his slightly crowded
anterior teeth. He has not lost his primary molars yet. From this information
alone, you tell his mother …
• don’t worry, the premolar teeth that replace these primary molars take up less space
in the arch, so we can expect to see more room in a few years
• get a second job, the premolar teeth that replace these primary molars take up more
space in the arch so we can expect to see even less room than there is now
• the premolar teeth that replace these primary molars take up the same amount of
space in the arch. Based on this we cannot tell at this point whether your son will
need orthodontic t reatment
• don’t worry, the premolar teeth that replace these primary molars take up less space
in the arch, so we can expect to see more room in a few years
Although it usually isn’t much of a problem, which of the following criteria
would NOT be used to distinguish primary maxillary central incisors from
their permanent counterparts?
• they are shorter incisocervically
• they are wider mesiodista lly than incisocervically
• there are no mamelons present
• the incisal edge is straighter
• the distal flare of the root is greater
• the distal flare of the root is greater
The crowns of all 20 primary teeth begin to calcify between: • 1 to 2 months in utero • 2 to 3 months in utero • 4 to 6 months in utero • 8 to 9 months in utero 209 copynght 0 20 13·2014 Dental Decks DENTAL
• 4 to 6 months in utero
Sally and Annie, ages six and eight respectively, come into your office and get
their picture put up on the “Cavity-Free Board:’ On the back of each picture,
your assistant writes how many baby teeth they have lost and how many adult
teeth they have. Which numbers are correct?
• Sally (0, 4); Annie (2, 6)
• Sally (2, 6); Annie (4, 1 0)
• Sally (2, 6); Annie (2, 6)
• Sally (0, 4); Annie (8, 12)
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• Sally (0, 4); Annie (8, 12)
what teeth would a 8yo have ordinarily?
12 perm and 12 primary
what teeth would a 6yo have ordinarily?
all 20 primary + 4 permanent
largest primary tooth?
mandibular second molar
largest permanent tooth
maxillary 1 molar
The mesiolingual cusp is the most prominent cusp on the primary maxillary
first molar.
The mesiolingual cusp is the longest and sharpest cusp on the primary maxillary
first molar.
• both statements are t rue
• both statements are false
• the first statement is t rue, the second is false
• the first statement is fa lse, the second is true
both true
which cusp on max molar is largest and sharpest?
Spaces between maxillary lateral incisor and canine and mandibular canine and 1 primary molar is called _____ spaces; allows for the space to be filled by permanent teeth as they erupt
- primitive
- private
- primate
- hawley
primate spaces
caused by growth of arches
primate spaces appear
before max canine and behind mandib canine
A neophyte dental student, only about two weeks into the program, gets
scared when her 10-year-old cousin gets hit in the face and loses a tooth.
She calls you up and says that her cousin lost his permanent mandibular first
molar. Once she tells you more about the root morphology of the tooth, you
realize it is primary and the child simply lost his …
• primary mandibular fi rst molar
• primary mandibular second molar
• primary maxillary first molar
• primary maxillary second molar
• primary mandibular second molar
Morphologically, the primary maxillary second molar strikingly resembles the: • permanent maxillary third molar • permanent maxillary second molar • permanent maxillary first molar • permanent mandibular second molar 214 copynght 0 20 13·2014 Dental Decks
• permanent maxillary first molar
Primary molar relationships are known as: • class relationships • step relationships • primitive relationships • occlusion relationships primary dentition 215 copynght 0 20 13·2014 Dental Decks
• step relationships
Both the mesial-step and flush-terminal -plane relationships usually result in the development of a: • class I permanent molar occlusion • cl ass II permanent molar occlusion • cl ass Ill permanent molar occlusion 216 copynght 0 20 13·2014 Dental Decks DENTAL
• class I permanent molar occlusion
possible primary molar occlusions and which are normal
flush, mesial-step (these two ok) and distal step ( –> III)
Largest FL of all teeth
Max M1
Largest MD of all teeth
Mand M1
Largest cusp in mandibular first molar
MB in adult, ML in primary
Acute angles in maxillary molar
ML and DB
Cusps of maxillary PM1 offsets
But also to distal, lingual to medial
PM with one horn
Mand PM1
Thickest root FL
Mesial of mandivular M1
Shortest interdental papilla
Mandubular PM2 and M1
Greatest root inclination
Mand M3
Centric relation vs central occlusion, what guides
Relation ligaments, occlusion teeth
Anterior most likely to have two roots
Mand canine
Nonmolar mist likely to take three roots
Max PM1