Dendrology Flashcards
5 needles
blue grey color
block trunk pattern
cones- flexible, elongated, sticky
eastern white pine
bundles of 2
blue-green color
twisted needles
white powdery covering (glaucous)
red-orange bark
think Christmas tree
scotch pine
small spherical hips (think BB)
red hips
fringed wings at base of stem
smaller white flowers when in bloom
multiflora rose
crowded shrub
spatulate leaves (spoon shaped)
rigid stems - redish brown
small thin sharp thorns
Japanese barberry
silver underside of leaves
red berries (white speckled)
leaves look crinkled
scaley twigs
simple alternate
intense odor when in bloom
rose family
buds are sharp and glabrous (not fuzzy)
pink flowers when in bloom
smaller gnarly branches
fruit- crabapples
alternate simple
long thin thorns
red berries
not pleasant smelling
edge tree
alternate simple (very clear)
horizontal stripes in bark
doubly toothed leaves
female flowers look like small cones
vertical cracks in mature bark
smells spicy
curly strips of bark
black birch
alternate simple (very clear)
glossy bark
tan bark
horizontal stripes in bark
doubly toothed leaves
catkins - yellow
female flowers look like small cones
vertical cracks in mature bark
smells spicy
amber colored strips of bark, curly
yellow birch
simple opposite
bark is striped - green, white, or maroon stipes
glabrous new growth (smooth)
finely toothed leaves
buds have 2 scales
smaller, understory tree
striped maple
ovate (oval) oblong (long) leaves
simple alternate
buds are long and silvery
buds white and fuzzy (pubescent)
nodes in twigs have rings
fruit- pods, pink-brown with lumps (3in)
warm brown colored bark
thin striped bark
cucumber magnolia
young bark - horizonal striped, smooth
mature bark- broken up, burnt corn flakes glued on look
leaves have teeth, broad at middle
underside of leaf has fuzzy orange lines going up midvein
fruit- black cherries - small round black/purple/red
pimple like bumps on stem
black cherry
simple alternate
single dentate toothed
pinnately veined
long pointy buds (looks like thorns)
smooth grey bark
ovate, oblong (long and ovular)
leaves tend to stay on after wilted
veins very prominent - visibly grooved
American beech
simple alternate
shrub / small tree (never big)
singly serrate (small tooth)
smooth light grey bark with vertical stripes
buds are long and thin and sharp
underside of leaves are pubescent
small spherical red berries
simple alternate
dentate (coarsely toothed)
stubby buds
lanceolate leaves (think longer arrowhead)
buds are kinked off to the side of leaf scar
chestnuts - dark brown
hang onto leaves
dont get too big
American chestnut