Demyelination and Dementia NeuroPathology Flashcards
What 2 structures are damaged during the process of demyelination?
Myelin sheath itself
oligodendrocytes/ schwann cells which form myelin sheaths
What is the main Primary demyleinating disease process in adults?
Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
What Primary demyelinating diseases are more common in children?
Acutedisseminatedencephalomyelitis (self-limiting)
Acutehaemorrhagicleukoencephalitis (rapidly fatal)
What are the secondary causes of demyelination?
- Viral e.g. Progressivemultifocalleukoencephalopathy(PML) •Metabolic e.g. centralpontinemyelinosis
- Toxic agents e.g. carbon monoxide
Why does MS present as hyperintense lesions in the white matter on MRI?
Most axons are concentrated in the white matter
What CSF sign is indicative of MS?
What focal neurological signs do patients with MS present with if they have optic nerve lsions?
=> Unilateralvisualimpairment
What focal neurological signs do MS patients present with if they have lesions in the spinal cord?
- Motororsensorydeficitintrunkandlimbs
- Spasticity
- Bladderdysfunction
What focal neurological signs are present in MS patients with brainstem lesions?
- Cranialnervesigns
- Ataxia
- Nystagmus
- Internuclearopthalmoplegia
Describe the appearance of plaques in MS
- Wellcircumscribed
- Irregularshaped
- Glassy/translucentappearance
- Varyin size
- Non‐anatomicaldistribution
What areas of the brain are plaques normally found in?
- Adjacenttolateralventricles
- Corpuscallosum
- Opticnerves
- Brainstem
- Cerebellum
Explain the histological findings in an acute active MS lesion
- Microglia (digest myelin like macrophage)
- Inflammatorycells around blood vessels
Plaques grow in a perivascular distribution
Describe the histological findings in a chronic or inactive MS lesion
Gliosis (proliferation of glial cells)
Less oligodendrocytes and myelinated axons present
What is the difference in the macroscopic appearance of active and inactive MS lesions
Active = ill defined edge Inactive = well demarcated
Give examples of degenerative diseases of the cerebral cortex?
What neurodegenerative diseases originate in the basal ganglia and brainstem?