Demography Flashcards
Asylum seeker
Someone who says they are a refugee, but whose claim has not yet been definitively evaluated.
Common wealth
A voluntary group of independent countries some of which were former British colonies.
Economic migrant
A person who travels from one country or area to another in order to improve their standards of living.
European Union
A group of countries in Europe which work together in fields such as the environment, social issues, the economy and trade.
A person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution or natural disasters.
Coming to another country to live there
Leaving your homeland to live in another country.
The general movement of people from one place to another.
Current population in UK
Percentage of white ethnicities in the UK
Percentage of ethnic minorities in UK
Breakdown of ethnic minorities in UK
Asian or Asian British = 9.6%
Black or Black British = 4.2%
Mixed ethnic groups = 3%
Other = 2.2%
Why some would move to an area
Improved quality of life
Better services
Political stability
Why would someone leave an area?
Natural disasters
People in power
Over population
People in power
Poor economy
He believes that because of globalisation we now have a ‘super diversity’ as migrants come from a wide range of countries rather than just the common wealth.
Future predicted changes
In 25 years 2020-2045 the UK will grow by 3.9million
There will be more deaths than births
There will be more people entering the country (migrating) than leaving (emigrating)
When was one major period of immigration in the UK and why?
During the 1950’s after the 2nd World War.
People from South Asian (specifically Hong Kong) and Caribbean countries were encouraged to come help rebuild the country.
Immigration and Asylum Act (1999)
Made it tougher for Asylum seekers to settle in the UK.
Immigration point system (Post Brexit)
Anyone wanting to live and work in the UK has to apply via a point based system. This aimed to reduce and control immigration.
What is globalisation
The creation of one world culture.
(A global connection possible due to the development of technology and travel)
Impact of globalisation on immigration
Increase in human trafficking, between 500,000 and 800,000 illegal immigrants have been trafficked here.
Define human trafficking and the reasons for it.
The movement of a person from one place to another to be exploited.
Sexual exploitation
Forced labour
Organ harvesting
Domestic servitude
Impact of globalisation and immigration on family diversity
Increase in birth rate because migrant women are more likely to have larger families.
South asian families are more likely to contain a married couple with a high sense of duty to eachother.
Black Caribbean families are more likely to be lone parent and matrifocal.
The feminisation of migration
over half if migrants are women
possibly due to