Demographics Flashcards
US pop growing older is a result of?
- declining infant mortality and increased birthrates w/ economic development
- WWII (1946-1964 - larges amt of babies born in hx)
- increasing life expectancy including life extending clinical interventions
Poverty rates are higher it what groups of senior citizens?
- Black Americans (26%)
- hispanic Americans (21%)
- people who have never finished high school (21%)
- people living alone (21%)
- 85years and older (20%)
- people living in central cities (14%)
- people living in rural areas (13%)
Percentage of seniors w/ incomes below the poverty line today?
- 10%
Changes in educational status in senior pop?
- b/t 1970 and 1998 - those who completed high school increased from 28% to 67%
- by 2030 83% of seniors have completed high school, and 24% will have completed bachelors (current: 15%)
- these better educated seniors will likely be more demanding health care consumers (they use the internet…)
ratio of women to men over age of 65?
- over 65:
3:2 women, 47% widows, 13% widowers, 31% women and 13% men live alone - over 75:
52% women and 22% men live alone - over 85:
5 women: 2 men
Marital status in seniors?
- most in US under age of 85 married
Change in common causes of death from 1900 to 1990?
- 1900:
infectious disease and childbirth complications highest - 1990:
cancer and CVD
MC COD these days?
1- CVD 2- cancer 3- cerebral vascular disease 4- COPD 5- pneumonia and influenza 6-diabetes 7- accidents 8- alzheimers
In US - 1995 79% of people 70 or older had one or more of what 7 chronic conditions MC among older adults?
- arthritis
- high blood pressure
- heart disease
- diabetes
- lung diseases
- stroke
- cancer
Definition of life expectancy?
- avg number of additional yrs of life that is expected for a member of a pop.
- max life span: theoretical, longest length of life, excluding premature unnatural death
Life span in diff ethnic groups?
- Asians live longest, followed by whites, Hispanics, African Americans, and Native Americans
- whites live longer than African Americans until 75 - then African Americans gain a longecity advantage
- ethnic categories other than white currently compromise 11% of US elderly pop
- by 2025 there will be 8 mill African Americans 60 and older:
9 mill hispanics - pop aging and accompanying ethnic diversity have impt implications for interaction b/t healthcare providers and pts
Challenges in care - diff ethnicities?
- lanugage barriers
- values of providers
- ethnic beliefs and values
- Americanization of ethnic groups - values, behavior, food preferences
- older persons may refuse therapies they feel - are too expensive, offer limited curative value, are inconsistent w/ cultural beliefs
- studies have found + relationship b/t acculturation and prevalence of HTN in elderly Mexican-American males, retention of Mexican values, behaviors and food preference among elderly males is protective against HTN
Why is there an increasing likelihood of exposure to chronic, disabling diseases of aging?
- interventions w/ senescence accelerators: smoking, excessive ETOH consumption, and efforts to decelerate senescence through diet supplementation or gentic manipulation have manufactured time for humans past reproductive age
- increasd life expectancy has been concentrated in yrs w/ chronic disability, suggesting increasing future demands on health care system
Disabilities and diseases common in elderly pop?
- hearing loss
- vision loss
- prostate cancer
- arthritis
- alzheimers disease
- heart disease
- diabetes
What is disability? What pop is this postponed in?
- self reported inabilitty to walk up and down flight of stairs or walk half a mile w/o help - women tend to report more disability than men
-postponed in:
those who don’t smoke, those who exercise, those w/ BMI in normal range
Who usually cares for elderly pop?
- adult daughters: 30%
- wives - 23%
- distant female relative or no relative: 20%
- adult sons: 10%
What does the smaller family dynamics suggest for future care of the elderly?
- increasingly rely on formal care including health care and other services
- Caretakers - part of sandwich generation - have to deal w/ obligations to kids, jobs and parents