democracy Flashcards
how did aristotle define deomocracy in 330 BCE
in a democracy the poor will have more power than the rich, there are more of them, the will of the majority is supreme
what is democracy
the will of the people, being able to contibute to political decisions and having equality and protection under the law
what is the procedural definition of democracy?
created by dhal in 1717:
argues that for a country to be a democracy they must have
1) freedom to form and join organisation s
2) right to vote
3) right to run for public office
4) alternative news sources
what is the alternative procedural defintion of democracy
1) chief executive is elected
2) legislature is elected
4) more thanone party competing
3) alternation sin power oen party cant stay in power for too long
difference between procederal and alternative
procedural focuses on the people and their freedom of expression and political participation
wehreas alternative is based more on the functions of elections and power sharing ect between parties
example of the two definitions leading to debate
dhal would argue that Singapore is a democracy but under the alternative its not as there has only been one party in charge since 1960s
what is freedom house
subtantive way to define democracies
based on what political and civil liberties are present
10 points (score from 0-4) for 2 categories political and civilliberties
- gives countries freedom scores based on civil,liberal and political rights
what is polity VI?
empirical project measuring democracy in 167 countries giving a score os -10 to +10 based on 5 measurements:
-checks and balances
- competitiveness of executive elections
- party legislation
- regulation of political participation
- competitiveness of pol participation
what are the main causes of democracy?
- economics
- culture
what did lipset argue about the midle class and democracy
middle classes are integeral to democracy as they want to have more of a say n how their wealth is spent and therefore want a democracy
what is the modernisation argument
traditional societies are less likely to be democracies due to large agrarian population with low education and small indursty which ultimatley leads to dictatorship
however modern societies with high levels of education and large industry foster democracy
modernisation theory hyophesis 1:
democracy is more commonin rich countries therofre there is a clear correlation betweeen weath and democracy
modernisation theory hypothesis 2
democratic survivial
backsliding into dictarships become less likely as wealth increases due to having a large middle class who want to protect their interests
exceptins to modernisation theory
has a middle class that remains relativey poor and india’s GDP is only 1,500 when 2,000 is the threshold of demcrcy yet they remain a democracy
hugley wealthy with a GDP above 2,000 and a large middle class but itsnt. democracy
how does oil production affect demcocracy
only 1 oil producing country is democratic with the rest of oil countries only having a 1 polity VI score
these countreis dont have to rely on tax as much for income and therfore have little welfare systems which decreases how democratic they are (they dont need to be cos they have lot of money)
what cultures foster democracy?
- cultures based on sharing and social welfare more likely to be democratic becuase their social institutions are created with social welfare written into them which perpretatuaes democratic norms
smilarly countreis with vibrant netwroks of people reyingon neightbours and sahring (in italy and the med) displays values that perpetuate a democratic society
hypothesis 1: classic cultural theory
democracy is more common in some cultures than others (eg weasten countreis which support democratic values)
hypothesis 2:cultural modernisation theory
economic development doesnt directly cause democracy but it does change the countreis culture and political system which is what created demcoracy
economic isnt the sole reason
the true clash of civilisations
norris and ingelhart aruge that:
- culture does matter in terms of democratisation
- however the fault line is the ‘sexual clash of civilisation’
- ie. countries that dont provide women with protection and self expression will not be demcoracies
democratic fragilities
despite conties sucha s the Uk and the Us ahving the economic and cultural grounding to be flpurishing democracies they still have fragiliteis
ex: liz truss stuff
example of arab spring
the arab spring demonstrates that few countries who have revolutions in the modern day become democracies:
in 2010 bouazizi set himself on fire as the tunisian police took away his fruit cart
triggering mass protests and the fall of thier president in 2012
- sounties involved such as syria and ybia still arent democracies and face turmil
is the internet good or bad for democracy?
good: can mobilise support for issues and get people out to vote and educate them
bad: fake news, similalry people usually consume conentent the views that agree with them so they never challege thier own views and opinions
what did huntington say about what countries are likely to sustain democracy?
- countries like the UK and US that have democracy written into them are more likely to sustain a democratic society
HOWEVER huntington beleived that democracy could never be sutrained in africa due to this reason but botswana has been a democracy since 1966
who created the cultural hypothesis
ingelhart and welzel
who created the modernisation/economic hypothesis
clarke et al
what are rentier states
countries where the majority of their revenue comes from rentingtheir indigenous resources to other countries
what is the paradox of plenty
also known as the resource curse which argues that countries who have ana bundance of natural resoruces oftenencounter slower economic growith less democracy or growth opporunties than other non resource rich countries
india weakening democracy
- india has been a democracy since 1947
- however the recently collpased coalition has lead to the governemnt gaining more power and using hindu nationalism to legitimise their power
- violent repression of protests.
- intimidationof journalists
- increased pressure on human rights groups and minoirties
this is a suprise as it was previously a good example for democracy