Dementia: its effects on Parents, Family and Carers Flashcards
What are the most common types of Dementia?
- Alzheimer’s Disease
- Vascular Dementia
- Lewy Body Dementia
- Fronto-temporal dementia
How many people live with dementia in the UK?
850,000 people
How many people under the age of 65 have dementia under the age of 65?
Over 42000
- 5.2% of the total
What is a major factor which is responsible for demntia to be more prevelant amongst women?
Women have a greater life expectancy
What is the total cost of dementia estimated to be?
26.3 million (includes police time for missing persons)
What are the factors which make up dementia
Generic term for:
- Intellectual function loss
- Loss in ability to do day to day activities
- Changes in personality and social behaviour
How can dementia affect the individual?
Unique experience for everybody (especially in early stages):
- Day to day memory
- Mood
- Language / comminication problems
- Visuospatial skills
- Orientation
- Concentration, planning, organising
What are the 3 main stages in alzheimers? (progressive nature to disease)
- Early stage
- Middle stage
- Late stage
Not nessarily as straight forward and clear-cut
Some symptoms like irratibilty may appear early on but may dissapear
What are some symptoms of early ‘mild’ stages of dementia
- Forgetfulness
- Loss of interest
- Mislaying items
- Struggle judging distance/seeing objects in 3D
- Struggle to find words
- Poor judgement, hard to make plans/decisions
- Confusion/losing track of day
- Slower cognitive capacity
What are some symptoms of the middle ‘moderate’ stages of dementia?
- More forgetful
- Fail to recognise people
- Time/place/events getting lost
- Need help with personal care
- Difficulties in daily activities
- Safety compromised
- Behavioural changes
What are some symptoms of the late stage dementia? (usually total dependancy)
- Unaware of time/place
- Confusion/comprehension
- Not recognise familiar faces
- Weight loss/gain
- Incontinance
- Gradual loss of speech
- Need assistance in eating
- Mobility problems
- Behavioral changes
Other symptoms worsening
What may dementia patients in later stages respond to?
- Affection - soft speech
- Pets
- Music