Dementia & Degeneration Flashcards
Which diseases are characterised by central degeneration?
- Alzheimer’s - Multiple Sclerosis - Parkinson’s - Huntington’s
Which diseases are characterised by peripheral degeneration?
-Diabetic Neuropathy -Motorneuron disease -ALS -Guillain Barre Sydrome
Name 3 types of neurodegeneration
-Wallerian -Axonal -Myelin
Describe Wallerian degeneration
- Distal degeneration of axon and myelin, generally trauma induced. -Rupture - cuts transmission completely
Describe Axonal degeneration
-Dying back of the axon proximal to cell body -Some regeneration is possible -progressive
Describe myelin degeneration
-Loss of oligodendroglial (central)/Schwann (peripheral) cells affecting conduction velocity -Seen in MS (central) -Seen in Guillain Barre (peripheral)
Name 2 causes of Wallerian Degeneration
-Head trauma (shaken baby syndrome, diffuse axonal injury) -Nerve compression
Why is regeneration more likely in the periphery rather than central nervous system?
-Schwann cells in the periphery are better than oligodendroglial cells at releasing growth factors
What are the 3 classifications of Wallerian degeneration?
- Neuropraxia 2. Axonotmesis 3. Neurotmesis
What are amyloid plaques?
-Aggregations of misfolded/fragmented proteins -Caused by changes in phosphorylation or protein folding -Lead to increased Beta sheet formation
What are beta-amyloid plaques associated with?
Alzheimers disease
what are alpha-synuclein associated with
Parkinson’s disease
What are prion proteins associated with?
What are Tau proteins?
Maintain the structural composition of microtubules, allowing transport through the neuron.
What are neurofibrillary Tangles?
- Hyperphosphorylation of tau proteins leads to misfolding -misfolding causes breakdown of tubules, B-sheet and fibril formation -Fibrils aggregate to form tangles. -This occurs OUTSIDE the cell
What are inclusions?
-Intracellular protein aggregations including LEWY BODIES and PICK CELLS -Generally alpha-synuclein -Inclusions are INTRACELLULAR
How does diabetic neuropathy present and what is it caused by?
Presentation: Pain, ulcers, tingling, poor balance Caused by: microvascular disease, activated PKC, polyols (secondary to high glucose)
How does Motor Neuron Disease (MND) present?
- UMN and LMN features -Bulbar or pseudobulbar features -muscle weakness and atrophy -no sensory signs, bladder involvement or ocular involvement
What is MND caused by?
-Degeneration of the motor pathways, affecting outflow from the anterior horn cells
What is Guillain-Barre Syndrome?
- Autoimmune reaction triggered by preceding viral/bacterial infection -Rapid onset weakness and tingling that spreads through the body. Normally starts in the feet/legs and spreads upwards -Demyelinating disorder -Treated with IV immunoglobulins and plasmapheresis