Dementia Flashcards
Commonest aetiologies of dementia are:
Alzheimer’s disease, Vascular and Lewy body dementia.
Dementia diagnosis
These conditions are difficult to diagnose and there are many assessment tools e.g. GPCOG, abbreviated mental test score (AMTS) and the mini-mental state examination (MMSE)
Dementia investigation pathway
– 1st do a cognitive assessment e.g. MOCA
– Exclude reversible causes – do FBC, U&E, LFTs, calcium, glucose, TFT, Vit B12 and folate (2)
– Imaging – CT head (structural causes) and MRI (vasculature changes)
What is Alzheimer’s disease?
The number one cause of dementia in the UK is Alzheimer’s disease. The disease is characterised by a progression degeneration of the cortex and typically occurs sporadically and in the elderly.
Early onset of Alzheimer’s can be seen in
families (autosomal dominant mutation in presenilin) + Down’s syndrome
Alzheimer’s pathogenesis
Pathogenesis of the disease is controversial however it is known that the degradation product of amyloid precursor protein, B-amyloid peptide accumulates, giving rise to amyloid plaques.
In addition, tau proteins are know to coalesce to form neurofibrillary tangles destroying ACh neurones
Alzheimer’s Symptoms
– Memory loss (loss of memory is slow and progressive- beginning with short-term memory and later affecting long term episodic memory)
– Learned motor and language skills lost over time
– Changes in behaviour (aggression) and personality
Alzheimer’s Diagnosis
This is based on clinical suspicion once other diseases have been ruled out