Demand and Supply Analysis Flashcards
What is a good(or product) market?
Markets for goods and services to consumers.
What is a factor market?
A market for factors of production (raw materials, goods and services used in production).
What are intermediate goods?
Goods and services used in the production of final goods and services.
At higher prices the quantity supplied is… ?
At lower prices the quantity demanded is…?
What is a demand function?
Provides the quantity demanded as a function of price of the good or service, the prices of related goods or services, and some measure of income.
What is a supply function?
Provides the quantity supplied as a function of price of the good or service and the prices of productive inputs, and depends on the technology used to produce the good or service.
What does the change in quantity demanded (supplied) in response to a change in price represent?
A movement along a demand (supply) curve, not a change in demand (supply).
What do changes in demand (supply) refer to?
Shifts in a demand (supply) curve.
What is demand affected by? What causes a demand shift to the right?
Demand is affected by changes in consumer tastes and typically increases (shifts to the right) with increases in income, increases in the price of substitute goods, or decreases in the price of complementary goods.
What causes supply to be increased?
Supply is increased (shifted to the right) by:
- Advances in production technology
- Decreases in input prices (prices of factors of production).
How is the aggregate or market demand (supply) function calculated?
By summing the quantities demanded (supplied) at each price for individual demand (supply) functions.
What is a stable equilibrium?
One for which movement of the price away from its equilibrium level results in forces that drive the price back towards equilibrium.
What is an unstable equilibrium?
One for which a movement of the price away from its equilibrium level results in forces that move the price further from its equilibrium level.
How is the aggregate or market demand (supply) function calculated?
By summing the quantities demanded (supplied) for individual demand (supply) functions.
What does inverting an aggregate demand (supply) function produce?
An aggregate demand (supply) curve.
How is excess market supply or excess market demand for any price calculated?
By using aggregate demand and supply functions, inserting the market price of the good into each, and comparing the resulting (market) quantities supplied and demanded.
What is excess market supply?
Quantity supplied is greater than quantity demanded.
What is excess market demand?
Quantity demanded is greater than quantity supplied.
What is a common value auction?
An auction for a good (e.g., rights to mineral extraction) which has the same value to all bidders, even though this value may not be known with certainty at the time of the auction. The highest bidder may be the one who most overvalues the item (winner’s curse).