Delusional Disorders Flashcards
What is a delusion?
A fixed, firmly held false belief that is held with unshakeable conviction despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary and cannot be explained by the subjects cultural/religious background
What is the aetiology of delusional disorders?
- genetics
- biological
- environmental/ psychosocial: stress, alcohol, drug abuse
How long should the delusions last for, for a delusional disorder to be diagnosed?
A month or longer
What is a persecutory delusional disorder?
- individuals believe that they are being persecuted
- they believe that they are in harm or that harm is going to occur
What is othello syndrome in delusional disorders?
- the delusional believe that partner is having an affair/ having sex with others
- no evidence, misinterprets minor evidence
- associated with alcohol dependence and sexual dysfunction
- risk of stalking and or violence to partner
What is De Clerambaults syndrome in delusional disorders?
- delusional belief that another person who is usually famous/ higher social status is in live with them
- can’t declare love so occurs via secret signs/ communication
What is capgras syndrome in delusional disorders?
- delusional misidentification
- relative/ spouse/ close relation/ friend replaced by identical looking double or impostor
- M:F 2:3
What is ekboms syndrome in delusional disorders?
- delusional parasitises
- infested with parasites
- no evidence (only little freckles/spots)
- associated with formificariob
- risk of self harm trying to get rid of parasites
- presents to derm
- house or home infestation- delusional
What is folie a deux in delusional disorders?
- an induced delusional disorder
- psychosis shared by 2 people
What is Fregoli syndrome in delusional disorders?
- different people are a single person who changes appearance or is in disguise
- often believe they are being persecuted by that person
What is cotards syndrome in delusional disorders?
- dellusion of being dead, dying, non-existent, rotting, lost parts of the body/organs
- associated with depression
How do you want to Investigate a patient who is presenting with a delusional disorder
– Exclude other causes Cognitive screening Urine test/drug test Bloods CT/MRI scan
Why might it be difficult to treat a person who is presenting with a delusional disorder?
They may be in denial that they have a psychiatric problem, therefore they may have difficulties in excepting medical treatment.
How could you treat a delusional disorder
With antipsychotics, and sometimes in combination with antidepressants
Can also give CBT or ECT and supportive psychotherapy
How could you assess the intensity of a patient solutions (examples of questions)
– From what you’ve said I feel that you feel… Is there any other explanation for this at all?
– Is there any chance that this is not happening?
-How certain are you that this is really happening/it’s not a coincidence?
How would you assess for delusions of control
Do you feel like an outside force is trying to control you?
Do you feel your thoughts/emotions and actions are being controlled?
Do you feel like you’re made to do things that you don’t want to do?
How could you assess for persecutory delusions?
Do you feel that anyone is trying to harm you?
Here, how and why would they want To harm you?
Have you ever taken any steps to protect yourself?