Delta Med - Geriatrics Flashcards
What are changes in the structure of the urinary tract with ageing?
Decreased renal mass, cortex > medullla decrease in # glomeruli prop to mass glomeruli increasingly sclerosed intrarenal vascular changes seen in all - larger vessels decrease in bladder size increase in detrusor activity
What are changes in renal physiology with ageing?
decreased renal blood flow 10% per decade
GFR decreases 8mls/min/decade
reduction in maximum and minimum urine osmolality
reduction in sodium conservation (prone to hypovolemia with volume depletion)
What are changes in the lower urinary tract with ageing?
variable reduction in bladder capacity and contractility
increased detrusor hyperactivity (URGE incontinence most common in elderly)
decreased urethral ouflow resistance in women, increased in men
increased nocturnal polyuria (reduced nocturnal ADH - drugs CCF, decreased bladder capacity also contribute
What are adrenal changes with ageing?
basal renin decreased by 30-50% (normal substrate)
reduction in aldosterone (reduced clearance also) - ratio remains constant
decreased aldosterone increases risk of hyperkalaemia
stimulus response preserved, magnitude decreased
What are liver changes with ageing?
37% reduction in volume, 50% reduction in wt, 35% reduction in renal blood flow (10% reduction per unit volume) - interferes with drug clearance
Functional changes are minimal - no significant change in LFTs, albumin does not decline in well elderly
What are cardiac changes in the elderly?
cardiac output at rest largely unchanged
decreased maximal heart rate (MHR = 220-age)
myocardial atrophy, increased LV wall thickness and L atrial size occurs with age
alterations in elastin/collagen and calcium deposition result in decreased arterial compliance and valve motility
reduced HR response to stress and respiration
What are age related changes in lung physiology?
20% reduction in size, secondary to elastic recoil loss
larger terminal air spaces and thinner alveolar walls
20% reduction in surface area
FEV1 and FVC fall (FEV1 faster as you age)
residual volume increased as terminal bronchioles close in dependent parts of lung w tidal breathing
V/Q mistmatching increases with increased dead space
vent resp to low PaO2 and inc PaCO2 blunted
diminished mucocilliary clearance
What are changes in the humoral immune system with ageing?
total Ig remains same, increase IgG, IgA
diminished antibody response (increased risk of autoantibodies)
monoclonal immunoglobulins increase >70y
What are changes in cell mediated immunity with age?
thymus involutes (
What are changes in the endocrine system with ageing?
increased insulin in response to insulin resistance
increase rate of AI thyroiditis
increased PTH with consequence increase in bone resorption
increased vasopressin and hence hyponatraemia risk, ANP rises in response to IV volume, leading to nocturia
rise in FSH/LH
uterine and vulval atrophy
decreased peroxide sec by lactobaciili - UTIs
decline in male testosterone - decreasing male sexual drive and effect on muscle mass
reduced GH
What are pharmacokinetic changes with ageing?
absorption is essentially unaltered - despite reduced H+
reduced 1st pass metabolism
reduction in lean body mass with increased fat = increased Vd for lipid soluble drugs = increased t1/2
water soluble drugs have a reduced Vd and higher concentration
reduced protein binding in unwell elderly can possibly increase free drug (e.g. warfarin)
reduced hepatic clearance (10% blood flow per unit volume) - minor decrease in metabolism
renal excretion reduced in parallel with GFR and tubular secretion (MTX, cyclophosphamide, platins, digoxin, gentamicin, penicillins, trimethoprim, doxy, Li, atenolol, sotalol)
What are features of delirium?
attention deficit
changes in alertness
diffuse cognitive changes
acute, fluctuating course
psychotic features
language disturbance
disrupted sleep-wake cycle
alterations in psychomotor behaviour (hyper/hypo-alert forms)
single/multifactorial precipitant
duration may be longer than initial insult
hypoalert often missed - poorer prognosis, less likely to fully recover
no relationship between form at aetiology
recover is often incomplete (4% resolved at D/C, 31% still present at 6/12)
In what situations is prevalence of delirium highest?
up to 80% inpatients medical
up to 83% ICU inpatients
Up to 70% RACP
Incidence same in medical and surgical inpatients
What are features of the CAM?
1) evidence of acute change, fluctuation
2) inattention
3) disorganised thinking
4) altered level of consciousness
1+2 and either 3 or 4 = diagnosis
What are epidemiological features of delirium?
30% have partial syndrome
1/3-2/3 missed by treating physician
incidence increasing with aged population
increased post dischage costs
2 x risk of hospital acquired complications
3-7x risk of admission to RACF
2.2 x increased LoS
what is the mortality of delirium?
predicted by severity of medical illness - 12 month mortality 35-40%
5 year mortality 50%
patients with partial syndromes still at risk
5 year mortality 50%
What are features of the pathophysiology of delirum?
reduced reserve 28% reduction in cerebral blood flow neruonal loss (neocortex, hippocamp, Subst nig) reduced GABA, serotonin, ACh inflammatory CKs implicated
What premorbid RFs for delirium?
Cognitive impairment RR 2.8 - 7.3 visual impairment RR 3.5 severe illness RR = 3.5 dehydration RR = 2.0 hearing impairment psychoactive drug use
What are in-hospital risk factors for delirium?
use of restrains RR = 4.4 malnutrition RR = 4.0 addition of >3 medications in 24 hrs RR = 2.9 IDC insertion RR = 2.4 iatrogenic event (any) = 1.9
What are first line Ix in delirium?
FBE, UEC, LFTs, Ca, troponin, CRP, TFT
MSU, other cultures
check drug chart repeatedly
What are 2nd line therapy in delirium?
What are general management principles in delirium Mx?
Manage underlying cause provide familiarity optimise sensory input avoid complications - dehydration, malnutrition, pressure areas, constipation no good evidence for efficacy NO role for restraints
What are pharmacological measures in Delirium?
can give haloperidol PO at low doses (0.25-0.5mg) - titrate (1 RCT)
some small trial ssupport risperidone, olanzepine
BDZ may worsen prognosis, only use in withdrawal
What non-pharma interventions reduce rates of delirum?
multicomponent intervention targeting risk factors reduces rates of delirium
early geriatrics consultation reduces delirium in surgical inpatients (32 vs 50%)
no pharmacological interventions prevent delirium
What is the prevalence of dementia?
rate doubles every 5.1 years
1.2% in 65-74, 25%>85, 47% 90s
What is the Dx criteria for major neurocognitive disorder?
A) Evidence of significant cognitive decline in cog domains
B) interference in IADLs
C) not in context of delirium
D) not better explained by other disorder
What are features of the MMSE test?
not effective for frontal/executive fucntion
What are Dx features of probable AD?
insidious, gradual progression
cognitive loss documented by neuropsychological tests (rapid forgetting) + other cortex problem (praxis, speech, executive, visuospatial)
no physical signs/lab evidence of other causes of dementia
What are risk factors for Dementia?
AGE (strongest) family female head injury MCI vascular disease decrease folate, b12 apolipoprotein E e4 allele Downs syndrome
What are current preventative factors in AD?
only with increasing evidence is physical activity in preventing cognitive and ADL impairment