Deloatch Training (IICRC WRT) Study Deck Flashcards
Prepare for the IICRC Water Restoration Technician (WRT) Certification Exam. For the full class, visit With special thanks to Bruce and Joanna Deloatch
Third party experts are commonly referred to as Indoor Environmental
Professionals, or ________.
Chapter 3
Restorers must maintain their safety certified equipment properly. This includes
replacing ___________ that are damaged, replacing damaged inlet and outlet
__________, and checking for ______________ electrical plugs.
Chapter 8
If a structure cannot be warmed to a temperature where LGRs would be effective,
the most efficient type of dehumidifier to use would be: refrigerant / desiccant
Chapter 8
Whenever carpet must be disengaged from the tackless strip, a ___________
_________ and carpet awl must be used.
Chapter 4
- Knee Kicker
Class 1 water intrusions involve the ________ amount of water absorption, with
less than ____% of the area surfaces being wet porous materials.
Chapter 8
When carpet delamination (the loss of integrity in the adhesives used to laminate
the _____________________ and ________________________ backings) has occurred,
further damage is very likely. For this reason, when extensive carpet delamination
is discovered, technicians must call it to the attention of all materially interested
parties, document the condition and suggest __________________.
Chapter 3
- Primary
- Secondary
- Replacement
Which of these surface temperatures would promote the most rapid evaporation?
a. 60 degrees
b. 70 degrees
c. 80 degrees
Chapter 7
C. 80 Degrees
When water intrusion results from a grossly unsanitary source or carries
___________________ (disease causing) agents, it is said to be Category 3.
Chapter 3
Remove the vinyl (flooring) and discard it if the _____________________ is
saturated and/or damaged; vinyl is a vapor barrier and the time required to dry underlayment will be dramatically reduced if the vinyl is removed.
Chapter 9
Sub Floor
Wet materials present in a Class 4 water intrusion require a ________ time to dry.
Water has saturated deeply into the materials and is held or trapped as bound
water. Low evaporation materials have ______________ absorption of water.
Chapter 8
If the rate of evaporation is allowed to exceed the rate of dehumidification,
____________________ ________________ can occur.
Chapter 8
Secondary Damage
__________________occurs when liquid changes to a vapor. Occurs as energy is
Chapter 7
Describe a Closed Drying System
Chapter 7
Using mechanical dehumidification only
Use your Psychrometric Chart to complete the following calculation:
80°F at 60% RH = _____________________ GPP
Chapter 7
When using low grain refrigerant (LGR) dehumidifiers that remove 72 pints at
AHAM test conditions, the number installed initially on a Class 2 water loss with 18,000 cubic ft. is:
Refrigerant Formula (always divide)
1. Cubic Footage ÷ Chart Factor = Total PPD (Pints Per Day) Removal Recommendation
2. Total PPD Removal Recommendation ÷ Dehumidifier AHAM Rating = # of Dehumidifiers
Refrigerant Formula (always divide)
Chapter 8
5 LGR Dehumidifiers
Restorers will know the drying job is dry and done when moisture meters verify that the structure has reached the ___________ _________.
Chapter 10
Drying Goals
The ultimate goal is to find the “edge” of water migration, which moves in a threedimensional path throughout the structure. This is accomplished across carpeted
surfaces using a ______________ _______________, and across most hard surfaces
using a ____________________________ (non-penetrating) moisture meter.
Chapter 3
- Moisture Sensor
- Non Invaisive
- Evaporation will increase when
Chapter 7
- Wet materials are made warmer
- Drier air is used
- Air is moved rapidy across the wet surface
____________________ ______________________ is defined as the amount of
moisture contained in an air sample, as compared to the maximum amount the air
could hold at that temperature.
Chapter 7
Relative Humidity
Losses where regulated or hazardous materials have contaminated the structure
do not change the _______________________ of water.
Chapter 3
Hygroscopic materials gain and lose moisture continually in an effort to
___________________ with the water content in the surrounding air mass. The
more hygroscopic the material, the faster it will collect water vapor, and the easier
it will suffer ________________________ damage.
Chapter 3
- Equalize
- Secondary
Every cubic foot of standing water present in a structure contains __________
gallons (28.3 liters), and each gallon (3.8 liters) of water weighs 8.34 pounds (3.8
Chapter 4
The contract clearly states the agreement between the building owner and the
restoration contractor. The form specifies who is responsible for payment and
should be signed _________ work begins.
Chapter 3
Dehumidification reduces the _______________________ content of the air.
Chapter 8
What does a Sterilizer do?
Chapter 5
Kills all organisms and spores
What does a Disinfectant do?
Chapter 5
Lowers Organisms to safe Level
Most antimicrobials require that the area of application be vacated by ___________
and pets during application and for a period of time after application.
Chapter 5
___________________ is the temperature at which air becomes saturated with
moisture and can hold no more water vapor.
Chapter 7
Dew Point
If a structure had affected air at 85 F at 65% RH, the most efficient type of
dehumidifier to use would be a (choose one): refrigerant / desiccant
Chapter 8
Airflow in the wall cavity increases the rate of ____________________ and allows
the wall to dry from both inside and out
Chapter 9
The numerical value from a moisture meter can be documented and used to
monitor progress. For this reason, the amount of moisture absorbed by semiporous structural materials is measured most accurately with a moisture
___________, not a moisture sensor.
Chapter 6
During the drying process, all of the gypsum’s original strength is restored. In fact, the dried gypsum will normally be slightly _________________ than before wetting.
Chapter 9
The ability for water vapor to diffuse through a solid material is expressed as the material’s __________________.
Chapter 7
Federal regulations apply to handling or disturbing of _________ based paint and
Chapter 3
Water vapor pressure is the force that drives higher concentrations of humidity from one space to another in an attempt to seek _________________ with lower concentrations of water vapor.
Chapter 7
What is the name of this drying system?
- Outside Humidity is Lower
- Outside Temperature is NOT above 70 Degrees Fahrenheit
Chapter 7
If the carpet is to be re-installed, technicians should avoid cutting carpet seams
unless it is absolutely___________________.
Chapter 4
_________________ represents the “was-wood” material with the least engineering, and thus the most natural fiber bonding. It is ________________ to swelling and delamination due to its wood veneer assemblies which are glued under extreme pressure.
Chapter 9
- Plywood
- Resistant
Cupping will generally be the first indication of abnormal moisture levels in
hardwood flooring as the ________________ and sides of the board absorb moisture
Chapter 9
Establishing a _________ __________ is the best way to set restorative drying
Chapter 6
Dry Standard
. __________________occurs when vapor changes to a liquid. Occurs as energy is
Chapter 7
As with any contaminant, mold should be removed or contained before any air movers are placed in the structure. Blowing air can spread mold spores from the _____________________ area to the ________________ rooms.
Chapter 10
- Affected
- Unaffected
To evaluate the progress of structural drying projects, restorers should measure:
- Moisture in ____________ being dried (moisture content readings)
- _____ being used to dry affected materials (psychrometric readings)
- _____ produced by mechanical systems (dehumidifiers)
Chapter 6
- Materials
- Air
- Air
Which drying system is best?
95 Degrees / 45% RH
Affected Area
80 Degrees / 50% RH
Chapter 7
Outside 92 GPP, Inside 76 GPP, More Humidity Outside
The best way to prevent odors and retard microbial growth in a wet structure is to ensure that all materials are dried ____________ and ____________________.
Chapter 10
- Thoroughly
- Rapidly
Install ____ air mover for each ___________ area before you calculate additional air
movers for the square feet of surfaces and for room offsets.
Chapter 8
Because of their non-invasive nature and quick surveying capabilities, noninvasive meters are the most effective tools for locating abnormal moisture behind
and beneath finishing materials such as ___________ _______________ and resilient
___________ floor coverings.
Chapter 6
- Ceramic Tile
- Vinyl
Partial floating of carpet can be a way to achieve drying of all surfaces
simultaneously and allows _____________ dry air to have more contact with wet
Chapter 9
Wet particle board would normally be ________________________ and replaced.
Chapter 9
Plastic Laminate Flooring is made of MDF and has a resin saturated appearance layer. Normally _________________ in water restoration due to its construction and installation components.
Chapter 9