Delirium/LOC - Neuro Flashcards
- Usually acute event hours to days
- Often reversible, metabolic state
- May be rapidly changing-LOC, Orientation, Hallucinations
- History and signs of medical condition
- Infection-fever, neurologic infection-(herpes simplex most common cause for delirium in encephalitis)
- Metabolic condition-Nutritional state
- Wernickes encephalopathy-acute Thiamine def-triad=ocular abn, gait ataxia,mental status changes
- Drug toxicity-prescription or other
- Withdrawal of drug or toxin-alcohol, barbs, opiates
Evaluation for Delirium
- H+P (history from someone who knows the patient)
- Labs-CBC, Metabolic Panel, UA/UC, Blood Glucose
- Other tests-as the history or exam indicates
Head Trauma
- Mimic dementia/delirium
- May predispose to dementia
- Acute change in LOC-concussion
- Delayed change in LOC-subarachnoid bleeding
- Permanent change in functioning-traumatic brain injury
- Body trauma with LOC-shock-blood or fluid loss also possible
- Insidious onset
- Slow progression
- Social withdrawal
- Paranoia
- Anxiety
- Loss of short term memory
- Hallucinations
- Alzheimer’s
- Vascular
- Lewy Body
- Frontal Temporal Lobe
ETIOLOGIES of dementia
D-Depression E-Ethanol, withdrawal, nutritional M-Medications E-Electrolytes, labs, ammonia N-Nutrition T-Trauma, Tumors, Ticks I-Infection-urine, lungs, neuro A-Alzheimer’s, age
Alzheimer’s Dementia
- Insidious onset-cause unknown
- Slow progression
- Social withdrawal
- Paranoia
- Anxiety
- CT/MRI=shrinking of hippocampus, medial temporal lobe, posterior cortical atrophy
- EEG-slowing of background rhythm
Vascular Dementia
- step wise also slow changes
- multiple infarcts often leading to cog decline
- other stroke sx noted-incontinent, hemiparesis, other cardiovascular sx
- CT/MRI-ischemic infarcts, hippocampal volume loss
Lewy Body Dementia
- Fluctuating cognitive performance
- Well formed visual hallucinations
- Often sx of Parkinson’s emerging along with cognitive loss
- CT/MRI-Hippocampal volume loss
- EEG-slowing of background rhythm
- R/o sleep apnea
Frontal Temporal Lobe Dementia
- Disinhibition
- Impulsiveness
- Social inappropriateness
- Apathy
- Withdrawal
- MRI/CT scan -frontal and temporal lobe atrophy
Depression Quick test
Sig Energy Caps S=sleep I=interests G=guilt Energy-changes C=concentration A=appetite P=Psychomotor S=suicidal thoughts or ideation.
Decorticate Posturing
- Upper extremities flexed toward the heart,
- Lower extremities extended and rotated inward-if progressing to Decerebrate then brainstem herniation likely.
- Head may be hyperextended as well as back =opisthotonus.
- may be damage to areas including the cerebral hemispheres, the internal capsule, and the thalamus It may also indicate damage to the midbrain
- a posture with lesions of the upper part of the brainstem or severe bilateral lesions of the cerebrum
- arms extended with wrists rotated and fingers out
- legs extended with feet internally rotated
rhythmic oscillation of the eyes-horizontal, vertical, rotary, right or left lateral gaze
visible twitching of muscle bundles(with atrophy=>lower motor neuron disease)
at rest(pill rolling/Parkinsons), postural(in sustained position/hyperthyroid or anxiety) or intention(active movement/cerbellar ataxia)
repetitive movements of face, upper trunk-grimace, wink or shrugs/ Tourette’s, metabolic abn
involuntary movement of face, extremities, trunk, rapid jerky, irreg, unpredictable/Sydenham’s chorea in Rheumatic fever-at rest or purposeful
involuntary mvts of face,extremities, trunk that are slower, more twisting, writhing-/cerebral palsy-at rest or purposeful
involuntary, sudden and rapid unpredictable jerks, faster than chorea-eg when falling asleep, in myoclonic seizures, a hiccough is diaphragmatic myoclonus.
involuntary brief loss of muscle tone in the outstretched fingers and hands=non-rhythmic flapping of the fingers or hands/metabolic encephalopathy-severe liver disease or uremia( liver flap)
Tardive dyskinesia
choreiform movements that affect the tongue, lips, face with repetitive grimacing, protruding of tonger, open close the jaw, jaw deviations, occas hands affected- eg drug complication psychotropic drugs like phenothiazines