Delirium Flashcards
What are the 4 parts of 4AT?
- Alertness
- AMT4
- Attention
- Acute change or fluctuating course
What is the scoring of alertness in 4AT?
Patients who are markedly drowsy (e.g. difficult to rouse and/or obviously sleep during assessment) or agitated/hyperactive. Ask patient to state their name and address to assist rating.
- Normal (fully alert/not agitated) 0
- Mild sleepiness for <10 secs after waking then normal 0
- Clearly abnormal 4
What is the scoring of AMT4 in 4AT?
Age, DOB, place (name of hospital/building), current year
- No mistakes 0
- 1 mistake 1
- 2 or more mistakes/untestable 2
What is the scoring of attention in 4AT?
Ask the patient to name the months in order backwards from December. Initial prompt of telling them to start at December is allowed.
- Achieves 7 or more correctly 0
- Starts but scores <7 months/refuses to start 1
- Untestable (cannot start as unwell/drowsy/inattentive) 2
What is the scoring of acute change/fluctuating course in 4AT?
Evidence of significant change or fluctuation in alertness, cognition, other mental function (e.g. paranoia, hallucinations), arising over the past 2 weeks and still evident in the last 24 hours.
- No 0
- Yes 4
What does the total score of 4AT tell us?
4 or above: possible delirium +/- cognitive impairment
1-3: possible cognitive impairment
0: delirium or severe cognitive impairment unlikely but not ruled out
What is anticholinergic burden?
Refers to the cumulative effect of all the drugs a patient is on which possess anticholinergic effects and takes into consideration both the number of such drugs as well as the individual potencies of each drug. A score of 3+ is associated with increased cognitive impairment and mortality.
What are the side effects of anticholinergic drugs?
They have long been associated with ADRs including urinary retention, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.
What are the risk factors for delirium?
- Pain
- Infection
- Nutrition
- Constipation (+/- urinary retention)
- Hydration
- Medication e.g. also electrolyte imbalances
- Environment
What are the other risk factors for delirium not in the PINCH ME acronym?
- Dementia (progressive cognitive decline)
- Previous delirium episodes
- Advancing age
- Hip fracture
- Polypharmacy
What are general measures for delirium?
- Offer reassurance and try to re-orientate the patient at each opportunity - where they are, what time
- Encourage mobility
- Try to promote normal sleep-wake cycle e.g. stop nocturnal interventions, keep lights off
- Encourage oral intake of food and fluids (e.g. missing dentures)
- Regulation of bladder and bowel function
- Minimise sensory impairment by getting their glasses/hearing aids
- Encourage family/friends to visit and help support re-orientation and reassurance
- Review medications/check for withdrawal
- Pain control
- Prevention, early identification and treatment of postoperative complications
What is the Confusion Assessment Method (CAM)?
Delirium is likely to be present if there is:
1. Presence of acute confusion, with fluctuation
2. Inattention (difficulty concentrating)
3. Disorganised thinking
4. Altered level of consciousness i.e. heightened arousal/agitation or drowsy
In what circumstances can pharmacological therapy be considered for delirium?
- To prevent the patient endangering themselves or others
- To allow staff to carry out essential investigations or treatment
- To relieve stress in highly agitated patients, particularly those with paranoia or hallucinations
- Non-pharamacological measures have failed
- The patient should have their capacity assessed as to whether they are agreeable to sedation
- DoLS should be completed at this stage if they do not have capacity to consent for sedation
What are the contraindications for haloperidol?
- QTc interval on the ECG
- Parkinson’s
- Lewy Body dementia
- Hx of Torsade de pointes, ventricular arrhythmia or recent cardiac event (MI or decompensated HF)
- Cannot be used alongside any medication that causes prolonged QT interval
What are the contraindications for risperidone?
- Parkinson’s
- Lewy Body Dementia
- Can cause prolongation of QTc interval so ECG should be done prior to ensure it is normal
- This is off licence for delirium
What are the contraindications for lorazepam?
- Risk of respiratory depression
- Falls
- Deliriumogenic
- Exercise caution in renal impairment
- Off licence for delirium
What is the pharmacological treatment for delirium?
1st line: low dose haloperidol short-term (1 week or less) - 0.5-1mg PO (max 2mg/24hr)
2nd line: low dose lorazepam if haloperidol contraindicated