Deliberate Flashcards
What definition of deliberate (adjective) ?
done on purpose rather than by accident
What does synonym of deliberate ?
= Intentional
= Planned
Can you provide examples of how to use word “deliberate” in sentences ?
- A ‘deliberate’ attemp to provoke conflict
- a ‘deliberate’ act of vandalism
- The speech was a ‘deliberate’ attempt to embarrass the government
What is the definition, synonym, and example sentences of “deliberate” as a verb?
Deliberate [verb]
to think very carefully about something, usually before making a decision
The jury deliberated for five days before finding him guilty
What is the definition, synonym, and example sentences of “deliberate” as a adverb?
Deliberately [adverb]
/dɪˈlɪbrətli/ , /dɪˈlɪbərətli/
[Definition 1]
done in a way that was planned, not by chance
“Direncanakan / diniatkan”
She’s been deliberately ignoring him all day
[Definition 2]
slowly and carefully
“Tidak tergesa-gesa”
He packed up his possessions slowly and deliberately
What is the definition, synonym, and example sentences of “deliberate” as a noun?
Deliberation [noun]
[Definition 1]
[uncountable, countable, usually plural] the process of carefully considering or discussing something
- After ten hours of deliberation, the jury returned a verdict of “not guilty.”
- The deliberations of the committee are completely confidential.
[Definition 2]
[uncountable] the quality of being slow and careful in what you say or do
“Hasil pertimbangan / musyawarah”
She signed her name with great deliberation.
What is the definition, synonym, and example sentences of “deliberate” as a Adjective ?
deliberative [adjective]
/dɪˈlɪbrət̮ɪv/ , /dɪˈlɪbəˌreɪt̮ɪv/
relating to careful consideration or discussion
“Mempertimbangkan dengan hati-hati”
A deliberative assembly will make the final decision.