Delhi Sultanate Flashcards
Who wrote Taj ul Maathir?
Hasan Nizami
Who wrote Khazain ul Futuh about Alauddin Khilji?
Amir Khusrau
Who wrote Nuh Siphir about poetic description of Alauddin Khilji?
Amir Khusrau
Who wrote Futuh us Salatin also called Shahnama of Medevial India?
Who wrote Khamsah, a literary and poetry collection?
Amir Khusrau
Who wrote Kitab Fi Tehqiq an account of different aspects (like geography, philosophy, astronomy etc.) of India around 1030AD?
Alberauni, founder of comparative religion and indology, and father of geodsy
Who wrote Tarik I Firozshahi?
Ziauddin Barani
Who wrote Ayina I Sikandari, a literary masterpiece?
Amir Khusrau
Who wrote Hashd Bihisht, a literary masterpiece?
Amir Khusrau
Who wrote Tehqiq I Hind about religious and socioeconomic conditions of India around 1000 AD?
Alberauni, founder of comparative religion and indology, and father of geodsy
Who wrote Qanun I Masudi dedicated to Masudi (son of Ghaznavi)?
Alberauni, founder of comparative religion and indology, and father of geodsy
Who wrote Jawahar fil Jawahir about mineralogy?
Alberauni, founder of comparative religion and indology, and father of geodsy
Who wrote Kitab ul Rehla about political and sociocultural history of contemporary India in Arabic?
Ibn Batuta
Who wrote Tariq I Firozshahi ?
Shams i Shiraj Afif; Ziauddin Barani
Who wrote Lubab ul Albab, which is a biography of Persian poets and is considered oldest biographical Persian literature?
Nuruddin Mohammad Aufi Bukhari
Who wrote Fatwa I Jahandari which contains political ideas a Muslim ruler should follow to earn gratitude of his subjects?
Ziauddin Barani
Who wrote adaptation of Laila Majnu/Layla Majnum (originally written by Nizami Ganjavi in 12th Century) in 13th century?
Amir Khusrau
Who wrote Tughlaqnama about Ghiasuddin Tughlaq?
Amir Khusrau
Who wrote Mitfah ul Futuh about Jalaluddin Khilji?
Amir Khusrau
Who wrote Mutah ul Anwar, a literary masterpiece?
Amir Khusrau
Who wrote Shirin Khusrau, a literary masterpiece?
Amir Khusrau
Who wrote Tabaqat I Nasiri ?
Mirhaj us Siraj