Delhi Sultanate Flashcards
Firdausi was the court poet of?
Mahmud of Ghazni
Capital of qutbuddin aibak was ?
Hasan nizami was a sccholar in the court of ?
Qutbuddin aibak
What was tajul maasir about? And who wrote it?
Hasan nizami wrote it - it was the history of qutbuddin aibak
Mehrauli city was founded by ?
Qutubuddin Aibak
Construction of qutub minar was started and completed by?
Qutubuddin aibak and Iltutmish
Iltutmish belonged to ____ tribe
Albari tribe
Which delhi sultanate ruler recieved mansur (letter of recognition) from Abbasid caliph in 1229?
System of division of empire into iqtas was given by __?
Iqtas during rule of iltutmish were hereditary - true or false?
In the era was iltutmish, iqtadar was responsible for collecting revenue and chalisa nobles for maintaining law and order. True or false?
False. Iqtadar did revenue collection as well as law and order maintenance.
Silver tanka was introduced by this delhi sultanate ruler ___
Iltutmish - along with COPPER JITAL
Who is known as the father of tomb building ?
First hereditary succession in delhi sultanate started with ___?
Iltutmish - as his daughter raziya succeeded him
Hauz i sultani reservoir in Ajmer was ocnstructed by ?
Minhaj ul siraj was a scholar in the court of ?
Queen rudrama devi who renamed herself as a man belonged to the dynasty of __?
Raziya ended the system of chalisa. True or false?
False. Balban did
Niyabat i khudai means? And which ruler claimed this position?
Deputy of god. Balban
With the establishment of first hereditary succession of delhi sultanate uring iltutmish, the persian festival naruzo began to be celebrated in his era. True or false?
No. It began to be celebrated during balban
Sijda and Paibos were practices started by?
Balban/ghiyasuddin balban/ulugh khan
To gain acceptance, which ruler claimed to be descendant of iranian hero Afraisyab?
To gain acceptance, balban appointed indian mulims to imp posts and shared power with nobles. True or false?
Who followed the following policies -
Policy of aloofness
Policy of appeasement
Policy of blood and iron?
Mamluk dynasty years?
1206 to 1290
Diwan i arz during balban was the dept of ?
Military department
Roads were very unsafe, poor people helpless during balban’s era. Yes or no
No. Robbers were killed mercilessly, therefore roads became safe.
And balban was known for his benevolence towards the poor people, and harshness against nobility. Poor were helped by him.
Whic naib or regent of sultan nasiruddin mahmud went on to become a ruler in delhi sultanate?
Zill i ilahi means?
God’s shadow on earth
Founder of khalji dynasty?
Jalaluddin khalji in 1290
Jalaluddin was similar or opposite of balban?
Opposite - liberal, benevolent, humanitarian
Khailji’s initially continued the policy of exluding indian muslims from important posts in the court. True or false?
False. Jalaluddin appointed turks, no turks and indian muslims in his court
New capital at siri was built by?
Alauddin khilji
Hazan nizami was a court poet of alauddin khilji. True or false?
False. He was in court of qutbuddin aibak
Amir khusrau and amir hasan were poets in court of alauddin khilji. True or false?
What was mode of ruling of alauddin khilji?
Adopted strong hand of balban
Everything he did was an attempt to avoid revolt
Brought about large number of reforms in military, admin, markets
Wine was prohibited in the era of alauddin khilji. Yes or no?
Alai darwaza was built by ___?
Alauddin khilji
Nobles were extremely regulated in his era. Social gatherings, marriages were not permitted without this ruler’s permission. And there was a strong network of spies to keep a check on them. Which ruler was it?
Alauddin khilji
Sikander -e - sani was a title taken by?
Alauddin khilji. It mean “second alexander”. He even minted coins by this name
This ruler fought against mongols in a defensive manner and sent an army against them 6 times. Which ruler was it?
Alauddin khilji
Chittor fort was under _____ when alauddin khilji stormed it in 1303.
Raja ratan singh
Dagh/huliya/chehra system was introduced by___?
Alauddin khilji
Soldiers were paid in kind during times of alauddin. Yes or no
No. They were paid in cash
Jagir system was abolished and salaries were paid in cash by ____?
Alauddin khilji
Ariz i mumalik was the officer of _____ in alauddin’s era.
In charge of soldiers/ military officer
All grants of lands were abolished and most of the land was brought under khalisa (land owned by govt) in the time of this ruler——
Alauddin khilji
Karai gharai charai taxes were imposed by ___?
Alauddin khalji
Who was the first sultanate ruler to order measurement of land?
Alauddin khilji
Mustarrif, amils and gumasthas were?
Revenue collection in the times of alauddin khilji was done in cash or grain?
Grain - to have large reserves and ensure price fixation
Saarai i adl?
Coth market during alauddin
Karwaniyan in midieval history means?
Officials to oversee supply of food in the market
Shuhna i mandi
Incharge of full food market
Warangal loot, famous for stealing kohinoor from south, was under?
Alauddin khilji
Intelligence officers
Secret spies
Diwani riyasat?
Department to control market prices during alauddin
Who was malik kafur?
Alauddin’s commander for expedition to south india - 1310
Tughlaqabad fort was built by?
Ghiyasuddin tughluq
Largest empire after mauryas was under ___?
Difference between khalji and tughluq attitude towards distant states?
Khalji’s were happy if distant states accepted their suzereignty enethough remaining independent. But tughluqs wanted to annex territories.
Warangal was captured and kakatiyas put to an end by____?
Ghiyasuddin tughluq
Jinaprabha suri was___?
Jain saint in court of ghiyasuddin tughluq
Raj shekhar was ___?
Jain saint in the court of mohd bin tughluq
Mohd bin tughluq was autocratic and strictly followed ulemmas. True or false?
No. He was an autocratic but negated ulemas
First sultan to visit muinuddin chishti tomb was ?
Mohd bin tighluq
Nizamuddin auliya in delhi was built by
Mohd bin tughluq
Ibn batuta visited this delhi sultanate _
Mohd bin tughluq. And ibn batuta was made a qazi
Token currency of MBT had inscription in ____language for the first time
Daulatabad/devagiri capital was an experiment by ?
Mohd bin tughluq
Sum up mohd bin tughluq’s rule
He was an autocratwho tried a lot of reforms with good intentions but most of them failed
Takkavi sondhari loans were brought by ___ for ____
Mohd bin tughluq, agriculture
Agriculture dept in MBT’s era was called ?
Diwan i kohi
Agrarian reforms brought about by MBT included -
Agricultural loans - takkavi, sondhari
Crop rotation
Separate agri dept called diwan i kohi
This delhi sultanate ruler paid great attention to irrigation .
Firoz shah tughluq
Which of these strictly followed ulemas -
FST revived iqra system and made it hereditary. True or false
Firoz shah tughluq imposed irrigation tax. Yes or no
Barani and afif were scholars in the court of ___?
Many sufis flourished in the corut of FST. Yes or no
No. He was intolerant towards shias and sufis
New valuation of land called jama was introduced by ____
Rest houses
Dar ul safa ?
Which sultana restored jama masjid as well as qutb minar?
Nobility was hereditary in the times of FST. True or false
Tarik i firoz shahi was written by ?
Ziauddin barni
Khan i jahan makbal was a wazir in the court of
Ragdarpan - a classical indian work was converted to persian in the reign of
Nusrat khatun and Mihir afroz were singer and dancer in the court of ___
Kotla fort was built by ___
Founder of sayyid dynasty?
Khizr khan - governor of multan appointed by timur after he invaded and left
Sultan shamsuddin ilyas khan founded sultanate dynasty in ____ in 1342 when sayyids were in the centre.
Arrange in order -
1. Mubarak shah
2. Khizr khan
3. Alam shah
4. Mohd shah
2 - 1 - 4 - 3
First afghan dynasty in india ?
Founder of lodhi dynasty in india?
Bahlul khan lodhi
Sikandar Lodhi was a bigot who destroyed hindu temples. True or false ?
This lodhi king moved capital from delhi to agra -
Sikander lodhi
First battle of panipat was fought bw -
Babur vs ibrahim lodhi, 1526
Jahaz mahal was built at —— by ——?
Endge of hauz i sultani (iltutmish construction) by ibrahim lodhi
What led to babur invading India?
Daulat khan lodhi - a governor of punjab was inssulted by ibrahim lodhi - therefore daulat invited him to inade india
Sitar was an inention of ?
Amir khusrau
What is ghora and sanam in medieval india?
New ragas made by amir khudrau
Qawallis were introduced during mughal era. True or false?
No. They developed during delhi sultanate. Blend of hindu and iranian music
Delhi sultanate imported large quantities of silk. Yes or no
No. Sericulture flourished in during delhi sultanate - made india less dependent on other countries for it
Diwani rasalat?
Dept of religious affairs
Head chief of diwnani rasalat(dept of religious affairs)
Diwani insha?
Dept of correspondence
Heads of IQTA?
Arrange in order of small to large
1. Paragana
2. Shiq
3. Iqta
4. Village
Village - paragana - shiq - iqta
Amil headed which unit of administration?
Local chiefs
Begumpuri mosque in delhi was built by?
Special slaves purchased for military service
Which rulers other than iltutmish recieved a mansur from caliph?
Ustad ali and mustaffa are famous as?
Ottomon gunment hired by babur in first battle of panipat
Babur’s superior artillery made him win the war. True or false?
No. It was his tactics, cavalry, mounted archers that proved useful
Following battles were against whom ?
Battle of khanwa
Battle of chanderi
Battle of ghagra
Rana sanga
Medini rai
Afghan chieftans/mahmud lodhi
Babur assumed title of ghazi during which war?
Battle of khanwa against rana sanga in 1527
Toll tax
Cannons and muskets were introduced in india by ?