Deleted Flashcards
What are the major endocrine glands?
- pituitary
- thyroid
- parathyroid
- adrenal
- endocrine pancreas
What are the common features of endocrine tissues?
- Ductless
- vascular
- Organization: blocks, plates, cord
- epithelial
- polyhedral
- numerous organelles
What are the characteristics of endocrine cells?
- specialized for secreting
- secrete into interstitial fluid and then into blood stream
- Do not require ducts
- requires proximity to blood vessels: fine vascular network
- Fenestrated endothelium to allow for easy diffusion
What are the different patterns of endocrine cells?
- epithelial
- mesenchymal
- neural
- individual cell
What do fenestrated capillaries contain?
They contain windows that offer easy passage to larger molecules
Which endocrine glands have an epithelial growth pattern?
- thyroid
- parathyroid
- anterior pituitary
- adrenal cortex
- pancreatic islets
What endocrine glands have a mesenchymal growth pattern?
- leydig cells
- ovarian stromal cells
- granulosa cells
- luteal cells
What is Rathke’s pouch?
Ectoderm of oropharynx
Where the adenohypophysis originates from
What are the characteristics of the anterior pituitary gland?
Develops from ORAL ECTODERM from buccal mucosa (Rathke’s pouch)
The master gland, epithelial properties
Secretes FLATPEG
Regulated by hypothalamic neurons
What are the characteristics of the posterior pituitary?
- Develops from NEURAL ectoderm
- secretory endings of axons from nerve cells whose cell bodies are located in hypothalamus
Secretes oxytocin and ADH
What are the three anatomic portions of the anterior pituitary?
- pars distalis (antrerior)
- pars intermedia
- pars tuberalis (posterior and superior)
What are the two anatomic parts of the posterior pituitary?
- Pars Nervosa (contains neurosecretory endings of axons, unmyelinated)
- Infundibulum (the stalk)
What are the 3 cell types in the Pars Distalis?
- Acidophils
- Basophils
Both of which are chromophils as well as - Chromophobes
Pink cells = acidophils
Purple cells = basophils
Chormophobes = NOT taking up any color
What cells in the pars distalis are the ACIDophils?
1. somatotropes Produce GH 2. Lactotropes Produce prolactin The PEG hormones
What cells in the pars distalis are the BASOphils?
1. Corticotropes Produce ACTH 2. Gonadotropes Produce LH/FSH 3. Thyrotropes Produce TSH The FLAT hormones