Delegated Legislation Flashcards
What is delegated legislation
Power to create law passed down to someone else
Takes too long to pass law so delegated to others
Three types of DL
Orders in council
By laws
Statutory instruments
Orders in council are
Drafted by gov depts and approved by the queen
Made under the powers of a parenting act
Order in council act?
Emergency powers act 1920
When are OIC made
Times of emergency
Parliament isn’t sitting
Pass EU law
Bring acts on parliament in without process
By laws made by whom
Local authority made
Make laws that affect local area
Created under which act
Local government (miscellaneous provisions) act 1982 and Local government act 1972
Who else can create by laws
Created by public corporations and companies controlled by government
London Underground
Statutory instruments
Made by government departments
Also known as regulations
Power to make law given to ministers who head departments
The power to make SI is outlined in an enabling act
Allows provisions of an act to be brought in later
Procedure for creating statutory instruments
- Parliament passes an enabling act
- gives power to government departments and ministers
- defines HOW the legislation should be drafted
- States whether there is a duty for the department to consult experts
Two different procedures
Negative resolution procedure
Affirmative resolution procedure
Negative resolution procedure (normal one)
- After the SI has passed it is presented to parliament
- After 40 days, if no one has objected to the law then it will become permanent
- If objection is made, debate at HOC, HOL
- Will be approved or negative resolution reached
Affirmative resolution procedure (rare)
- If the SI is controversial, parliament will put an instruction within the enabling act that affirmative resolution must be reached
- The instrument is debated and voted upon by a house before becoming law
Super affirmative resolution
- Allows ministers to make changes to the SI within 60 days
- This gives ministers more power and changes the rule that SIs can not be amended after being laid in parliament
Delegated legislation controls
Elected officials not making laws. Must be regulated to ensure it isn’t abused.
Two sets of controls:
- Courts
- Parliament
Controls by parliament
- The enabling act
- Affirmative and negative resolution procedures
- Scrutiny committees