Delay Tactics Flashcards
Motion to Adjourn
This motion is non-debatable and has priority over other motions, allowing votes to be required unless the Senate is in the middle of a vote, quorum call, or journal reading, with multiple motions in order as long as some intervening business has been conducted since the last motion to adjourn. Motions to adjourn are amendable with changes to proscribed reconvening date, allowing for filibuster by amendment with multiple date change amendments.
Motion to Recess
This motion is non-debatable, and cannot be made during a reading of the Senate Journal, while the Senate is in a quorum call, or during a roll call vote. The motion to recess cannot be made absent a quorum unless the Senate has previously adopted a UC agreement that at the close of that day’s business it shall stand in recess. Motions to recess can be amended in two degrees to change the time for reconvening, but the amendments are not debatable. Motions to recess can be renewed if business has intervened between them.
Motion to Close Session
This motion can be made any time and is in order if seconded. It requires the Presiding Officer to direct the galleries to be cleared and the Senate doors to be closed.
Motion to Proceed to Executive Session
This is a non-debatable motion if done for a specific calendar item (I move that the Senate proceed to executive session to consider the nomination of John Doe.”). It freezes the legislative session in place. A motion to proceed to executive business cannot be amended.
Motion to Proceed to Legislative Session
Non-debatable and freezes the executive session in place. This motion cannot be amended. This motion cannot specify the proposal to be considered (unlike moving to executive session – but there are no rules that prevent a Senator as to saying why they move to legislative session, like say to take up the Heroes Act or the new COVID package).
Talking Filibuster
This can occur if the floor is “uncontrolled” and a senator can be recognized and hold the floor as long as possible.
Motion to Recommit
It can be offered at any time before cloture, and it is subject to a motion to table. This motion can be accompanied by instructions that can be amended up to two degrees.
Motion to Reconsider
A senator choosing to vote with the majority can call for a re-vote on the day the vote is taken or on either of the following two session days.
Motion to table
Motion to Table
The motion to table can end debate because it takes priority over any debatable motion (also, it’s non-debatable). This motion can be offered at any time, unless the proposal being tabled is under a UC timing agreement or under a time restriction imposed by law.
Motion to Postpone Indefinitely
Adopting the motion to postpone indefinitely kills the matter at which it is directed. It’s sometimes used to clear the calendar of business of Senate bills when companion House measures have been amended by the Senate and are enacted into law.
Motion to Recede and Concur
If the House disagrees to the final Senate amendment (or to any Senate amendment at some earlier stage), the Senate may recede from its amendment and concur in the last position offered by the House (thereby achieving agreement), or the Senate may insist on its amendment.d
Motions to Instruct Conferees
The Senate and House can create a conference committee to propose the final version of a bill that the two houses have passed in different forms. Sometimes, the Senate votes to instruct its conferees on the nature of the agreement they should reach. These instructions are not binding, and they may not ask conferees to reach an agreement that goes beyond their authority. Conferees may be instructed by motion only before they are appointed; thereafter, they may be instructed by resolution, amendment, or motion to recommit.
Motion to Proceed to Privileged Measures
Initiating consideration of conference reports, House messages, presidential messages, statutory fast-track measures, and adjournment resolutions are non-debatable. This motion is not amendable.
Motion to Suspend the Rules
When senators confront procedural barriers and wish to work around them they will seek UC, alternatively, they can propose to suspend the rules when a waiver process is available or they can appeal the decision of the chair. The motion is debatable and can only occur before cloture.
Motion to Proceed to House Messages
A process otherwise known as amendments between houses: when a House message is received in the form of a House amendment to Senate-passed language, a motion to proceed to the consideration of that House message is non-debatable. Once before the Senate, the House message can be debated.